Press F2 for Adventurer’s Board!
What events are going on?
What’s this item for?
If you have questions on your Black Desert Adventure, F2 has the answers!
The Adventurer’s Board changed during the February 1st maintenance!
Let’s check out the new Adventurer’s Board

The first change is something that all Adventurers must know!
Highlighted above is a quick and easy way for you to find all the events and coupons currently available.
Additionally, important messages will be also highlighted from GMs, to make sure that you know what is going on in the world of Black Desert.
For all the latest news, hit F2 !

The next highlighted area is the Art & Media section! Here you can check out the works of fellow Black Desert Adventurers.
This area has been expanded to help show more of the amazing art than ever before!
Fishing? Riding a horse? Check out all the great art with F2 !

Want to know what time certain world bosses appear? Open up the Adventurer’s Guide and check out the full timetable!
Before you would have to open up the Adventurer’s Board, search the Adventurer’s Guide and then you would have your World Boss timetable! So inconvenient....
But rejoice Adventurers, for now you can just open up the Adventurer’s Board and press the World Boss Timetable button to see which days world bosses spawn, as well as their times!
Press F2 to check the timetable!
In addition to all this, other areas of the Adventurer’s Board have been switched up through the February 1, 2023 maintenance! Tips, Guides and the Oasis of Knowledge are all there to help you when you need it.
Just Remember!
If you have questions on your Black Desert Adventure, F2 has the answers!
Latest news? F2!
Great art? F2!
World Bosses? F2
Help from other Adventurers? F2!