Node & Conquest Wars – Pre-season ends, Regular Season Schedule
Greetings Adventurers.
As announced in the [Pre-Season Node War Schedule] notice, the pre-season period is coming to an end after the February 8, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
The Regular Season for Node and Conquest Wars begins February 12, 2023 (Sun).
As a result of the transition to regular season, Node Wars and Conquest Wars will not be held between February 8, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance and February 12, 2023 (Sun).
All information regarding Node and Conquest War will be reset during the February 8, 2023 (Wed) maintenance, setting all nodes and teritories as ‘Liberated’
■ Schedule for Node War reset and implementation of the regular season.
Node/Conquest War data reset
February 8, 2023 (Wed) during maintenance
Suspension of Node War System
February 8, 2023 (Wed) - February 11, 2023 (Sat)
Node/Conquest War Regular Season Begins
February 12, 2023 (Sun) -
* With the resetting of information of Node Wars and Conquest Wars, we will provide the Supreme Old Moon Box to Adventurers in the Guilds/Alliances occupying Calpheon, Mediah and Valencia Castles.
■ Major Changes to Node War
- When defeating monsters while in a node that you occupy, the Node Investment benefits (Item Drop Rate) will be doubled.
- Focus only on your enemies with the participation systems being added.
- Node sizes and number of participants were modified.
■ Major Changes to Conquest Wars
- Areas covered by occupation benefits (Increased 50% Item Drop Rate when in certain monster zones) expanded.
- Calpheon, Mediah and Valencia caps changed.
We would like to thank all Adventurers who participated in the pre-season of Node Wars, and we hope that you are excited for the upcoming regular season, which starts February 12.
Thank You