October 12, 2023 (Thu) Temporary Maintenance for All Servers
Greetings, Adventurers.
We want to inform you that we will be performing temporary maintenance on October 12, 2023 (Thu). During the maintenance, Game Login and Web Central Market will be temporarily unavailable.
Please refer below for more details regarding the maintenance.
Maintenance Details
- Affected Service(s): Game Servers and Web Central Market
- Schedule: October 12, 2023 (Thu) 07:00 ~ 09:00 (GMT+8)
* Maintenance may end earlier depending on the progress.
Maintenance Impact
- Unable to log in to the Game
- Unable to use Web Central Market
- Unable to send items in Web Storage to the in-game mailbox (B).
Additional Notices
- Once maintenance begins, you will be disconnected from the game even if you are waiting in queue.
- If you are still playing the game before the maintenance time, please move your character to a safe location (safe zone) before maintenance begins.
- If you exit the game while in a combat zone, your character and/or mount can be attacked by monsters or other Adventurers.
- If you receive an error message stating that you are already logged in after the maintenance, please try restarting your client.
- The maintenance schedule and details stated above are subject to change at any time. Any changes will be announced as an update via this notice.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we continue to work towards improving the quality of our service.
Thank you.