[Terrmian X Sea Palace] New Sand Castle Crasher and a Special Shop Opened for Business!

[Terrmian X Sea Palace]
New Sand Castle Crasher and a Special Shop Opened for Business!
July 25, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - Aug 8, 2024 (Thu) before maintenance
Goyoung (Earfolk) and Jurong (Shellfolk) visit Terrmian Beach together!
When Goyoung buys a strawberry pie from the newly opened Terrmian Shop,
Jurong snatches it and eats it!
Enraged, Goyoung chases Jurong
to the Terrmian Sand Castle, where Otters and Papus are locked in a fierce battle.
Papus + Goyoung vs Otters + Jurong!
Check out the [Terrmian X Sea Palace] event shop,
and head to the Sand Castle Crasher to help either Goyoung or Jurong!
Splash into the Shores of Sand Castle Crasher!
Papu vs Otters, which side are you on?
Enjoy the summer Terrmian Beach!

Complete [Event] Welcome to Terrmian!

Select your side through the weekly quest’s crossroads!

Complete the selected weekly quest, use the transformation scroll, and head into battle!
After completing the [Event] Welcome to Terrmian! quest and selecting the side you want through the crossroad, go to Panipani Villager or Queekity Thumpity Moon Villager to receive a quest to get the transformation scroll.
- If you’ve already completed the [Event] Welcome to Terrmian! quest, go to Balenos to have the crossroad popup screen displayed.
- If you wish to change your side, forfeit the weekly quest to have the crossroad popup screen displayed again.
Quest Name | Quest NPC and Quest Objective | Rewards |
[Event][Weekly] Operation Papu
[Sweet n’ Sour Cheer Captain] Panipani Villager Insult the Otter artist * Available after completing [Event] [Crossroad] Papus are Pu-rrfect |
Contribution EXP x100
![]() [Event] Fierce Pine Blader Transformation Scroll
[Event][Weekly] Operation Otters
[Sweet n’ Savory Cheer Captain] Queekity Thumpity Moon Villager Insult the Papu artist * Available after completing [Event] [Crossroad] No Otters Like Otters |
Contribution EXP x100
![]() [Event] Solitary Conch Blader Transformation Scroll
* [Event] Fierce Pine Blader Transformation Scroll and [Event] Solitary Conch Blader Transformation Scroll will not be consumed upon use.
* These transformation scrolls will be deleted before the Aug 8, 2024 (Thu) maintenance.
Papus vs Otters
Who’s the King of the (Sand) Castle?
* Battle at the Sand Castle Crasher lasts for 15 minutes.
* There are 5 territories to fight over and driving out the other side from a territory will allow you to occupy it.
After 15 minutes of fighting, the side that has held onto territories longer wins.
- The defeated Papus or Otters of the camp will remain in place for 5 minutes, to reflect on their team’s defeat.
Tips - Good things to know!
(1) The Papu and the Otters will fight for 15 minutes, then take a break for 5 minutes, then pick back up where they left off.
(2) You will find battles easier if you participate using the Immortal Persimmon Knight, Resolute Crab Knight, Chilled Chestnut Slinger, or the Vehement Conch Boxer Transformation scrolls.
(3) By taking down opponents in battle, you can obtain the [Event] Golden Shellfish, [Event] Golden Leaf or [Event] Yellow Terrmian Coins at a certain probability.
- [Event] Golden Shellfish and [Event] Golden Leaf can be sold for 70,000 Silver.
(4) During combat, you can obtain the [Event] Fierce Pine Blader Transformation Scroll or the [Event] Solitary Conch Blader Transformation Scroll at a low drop rate, and the transformation lasts 10 minutes.
- Using these scrolls will allow you to show the whole beach what you are made of..
Heads up!
(5) Yellow grade permanent transformation scrolls obtained by exchanging [Event] Transform Crystals cannot be used to damage enemies during Sand Castle Crasher and Red Battlefield: Sand Castle Shore-down.
Earfolk and Shellfolk Crash into the Sand Castle Crasher!

Papus obtain loot for defeating Jurong, and Otters get loot for defeating Goyoung!

[Terrmian X Sea Palace] Special Shop Open!
Papu Shop (Donsella) | Otter Shop (Palio) |
[Event] Papu's Turf Gift Box [Event] Sealed Shakatu's Shiny Box (Combat) [Event] Box of 10 Item Collection Increase Scrolls [Event] Box of 30 Memory Fragments [Event] Box of 3 Advice of Valks (+30) [Event] Box of 10 Marni's Unstable Fuel [Event] Box of 50 Cron Stones [Event] Packaged Item Brand Spell Stone [Event] Sealed Book of Combat (7 Days) Box |
[Event] Otter's Surf Gift Box [Event] Sealed Shakatu's Shiny Box (Life) [Event] Box of 10 Secret Books of Florin [Event] Box of 5 Lara's Warm Black Tea [Event] Box of 1,000 Loyalties [Event] Packaged [Manor] Little Sun [Event] Packaged Stonetail Wind's Meal [Event] Packaged Fiery Celerity Draught [Event] Sealed Book of Life (7 Days) Box |
* Each item can be purchased for 1 million Silver.
* Both Papu and Otter shops are available regardless of your previously chosen faction during quests.
* Items sold at Donsella and Palio's special shops can be purchased once per month per family during the entire event period.
* Donsella and Palio appear at the Millennium Tree Auction House on Terrmian Beach from 21:00 (Thu) to 21:00 (Wed) weekly. (Located by [Near Papu-rfect] Parapura and Kakuo.)
- Details of [Event] Papu's Turf Gift Box and [Event] Otter's Surf Gift Box.
Item Name | Contains |
![]() [Event] Papu's Turf Gift Box
Item Collection Increase Scroll x2 Sharp Black Crystal Shard x4 Blessed Message Scroll (120 min) x2 [Event] Magical Elixir x1 [Event] Elion's Tear x1 100 Loyalties Cron Stone x20 |
![]() [Event] Otter's Surf Gift Box
Secret Book of Florin x2 Baermalo Hona's Supreme Cooking Repair Tool x2 Lomerun's Supreme Alchemy Repair Tool x2 [Event] Lara's Warm Black Tea x2 [Event] Magical Elixir x1 [Event] Elion's Tear x1 100 Loyalties Cron Stone x20 |
- Unspecified quantities in rewards default to one item.
- Event details and duration are subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. Any changes will be announced on this event page without separate notices.
- Event items may be restricted in trade, sale, and usage, with varying binding settings per item. Transfer or recovery of these items is not possible.
- For details on item binding, refer to the in-game item descriptions.
- Items or rewards, once used, cannot be recovered.
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may lead to cancellation, reward repossession, and game access restrictions.
- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact [Support].
- Any content not specified on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].