Arena of Solare - New Master of the Ascent!

New Master of the Ascent!!
Achieve victory in the Arena of Solare and obtain bountiful rewards!
Enjoy your Arena of Solare highlights!
Aug 16, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance - Sept 6, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance
[Event][Arena of Solare] New Master of the Ascent I, II, III
Accept the Quest
Accept and complete the quest via Black Spirit (/)
* From Lv. 60
Quest Requirement
Win one ranked match in the Arena of Solare
* The event quest is available once per Family
Complete [Event][Arena of Solare] New Master of the Ascent I and obtain:

Gold Bar 1,000G

Cron Stone x100
Complete [Event][Arena of Solare] New Master of the Ascent II and obtain:

Gold Bar 1,000G

Cron Stone x200
Complete [Event][Arena of Solare] New Master of the Ascent III and obtain:

Gold Bar 1,000G

Cron Stone x300

Advice of Valks (+100)
Your best Arena of Solare Clip?!
Share the Arena of Solare play videos!
How to Participate
1. Record Your Clip
Record footage of the screen
while you fight in the the Arena of Solare.
2. Submit Your Original Video
Upload the video file on your Google Drive and
press the button below to submit.

Your footage featured on the Arena of Solare video highlights?!
[Event] Premium Outfit Box

Arena of Solare?
3 vs 3 match-type PvP content that you can enjoy without having to worry about differences in gear specs!
* Menu (ESC) -> War (F7) - Arena of Solare
Or press the button on the left of the Minimap
* Additional Notices
- Items listed without a quantity are all 1 quantity.
- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to the ownership of adaptation rights for all screenshots, videos, and all other content submitted for this event. Pearl Abyss may also use these contents at its own discretion for promotional purposes without restrictions to time or location, and post them on the official website or SNS channels.
- The event only accepts videos recorded and uploaded after the start of the regular season of the Arena of Solare on July 19, 2023 (Wed).
- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. Any changes will be announced on this event page and will not be given separate notices.
- Events items may have restrictions on trading, selling, and usage periods, and the binding settings may vary for each item. Therefore, it is not possible to transfer or recover such items due to these reasons.
- For more information on the binding setting of items, please check the in-game item description.
- Items and/or rewards that have been used normally cannot be recovered.
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may result in the cancellation or repossession of your reward(s) and may lead to a restriction on game access.
- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support].
Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].