Copy Your Item with ONE Marni's Unstable Fuel

Copy Your Item
with ONE Marni's Unstable Fuel
2 Tag your characters and gain EXP!
Copy and share your items!
[Tip] Adventurers who have graduated from their season
Now can level up two characters at the same time!
One gear shared by two characters with the item copy event!
Sept 20, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance - Oct 11, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance
Tagging Characters and Copying Items!
1. With a character that is Lv. 56 or higher, complete the [Marni's Suspicious Device] A Splendid Deal questline from the Black Spirit.
2. Place the currently logged-in character (A) and the character to be tagged (B) in the same town and press the "Tag" icon!
- When tagging, both characters' positions will always be synchronized, allowing character A to gain EXP that can also be acquired by character B. The same principle applies in reverse!
3. The tagged characters can perform "Item Copy". After copying, character B can use character's gear.
- For instance, when you log in as character B after hunting with character A, B can equip A's gear in the same location!
- As part of the event, you can copy items for just 10,000,000 Silver. (Before the Oct 11, 2023 maintenance)

Try out your main character’s gear on a different class!
Only ONE Marni’s Unstable Fuel (10,000,000 Silver) required!
▲ Marni's Unstable Fuel can be purchased from the Old Moon Manager NPCs in each city/town for 10,000,000 Silver

Item copy?
It allows you to copy the items of a “main” character to a tagged character, allowing you to try out the desired character with your main character’s gear!
* Additional Notices
- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. Any changes will be announced on this event page and will not be given separate notices.
- Events items may have restrictions on trading, selling, and usage periods, and the binding settings may vary for each item. Therefore, it is not possible to transfer or recover such items due to these reasons.
- For more information on the binding setting of items, please check the in-game item description.
- Items and/or rewards that have been used normally cannot be recovered.
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may result in the cancellation or repossession of your reward(s) and may lead to a restriction on game access.
- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support].
- Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].