July 10, 2024 (Wed) Update Details

Updates Jul 10, 2024, 10:00 (UTC+8)


Hello, Adventurers.


Here are the updates made to Black Desert on July 10, 2024.

(Patch size: approx. 2.42 GB)
- Please note that the update for Steam may be larger than the size listed above.


※ Please read below for details.



  • Event 1. The Terrmian Night Market!
    • Event Period : July 10, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - August 8, 2024 (Thu) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 2. Show off Your Summer Fashion!
    • Event Period : July 10, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - July 25, 2024 (Thur) before maintenance
[More details]

  • Event 3. Defeat Monsters to Upgrade Accessories!
    • Event Period : July 10, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - July 25, 2024 (Thu) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 4. More Light Auras to Restore the Tarnished Sword’s Light!
    • Event Period : July 13, 2024 (Sat) 00:00 - July 17, 2024 (Wed) 23:59
[More details]


  • Event 5. Share Your Secret Dusa Tips!
    • Event Period : July 10 (Wed) after maintenance – July 25 (Thu) before maintenance
[More details]



Succession: Guard
  • Fixed the issue where the All DP Increase effect was only increasing +5 on blocks.
Violation (I to III)
  • Fixed the issue where spin attack hits would cause severe delay for a brief moment.
Nemesis Slash
  • Fixed the issue where the Absolute version of the skill didn't activate on skill hits.
Prime: Mareca: Whale Song
  • Fixed the issue where the skill was applying debuffs in PvP as well.
Foxflare Fleche
  • Improved the skill to combo more smoothly into other skills on hits during cooldown.
  • Fixed the issue where rapidly pressing the S key in Awakening combat stance would cause your character to stand still.
  • Fixed the issue where Accuracy was abnormally low for Dusa at level 60.
  • Improved auto-navigation to stop close enough to an NPC to interact with them if the destination is the NPC.

Main, Succession
Deep Haze (I to Absolute)
  • Changed the cooldown: 8/8/7 sec → 7/7/5 sec
    • Changed the Skill Add-on from tier 2 to tier 1.
Flow: Velum Slash
  • Changed so you can now perform the skill during cooldown.
    • Invincibility while moving, Knockback on hits, and the Critical Hit Rate Increase effects are nullified during cooldown.
Stratus Shift
  • Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills
  • Changed to activate Cloudveil from attack 2 when comboed from the skill forwards or backwards.
Cloud Step, Flow: Virga Shaft
  • Fixed the issue where the last movement did could not combo into Flow: Virga Shaft.
    • Added to the description of Flow: Virga Shaft to indicate it can be comboed by using RMB during Cloud Step.
Flow: Virga Shaft
  • Improved to immediately activate attack if an enemy is in front while moving when comboing from Cloudspire, Stratus Shift, Flow: Cloud Drift, Cloud Step, or Flow: Oblique Cleave.
Flow: Rising Slash
  • Fixed the issue where Flow: Rising Slash did not combo when using RMB after Prime: Cloud General in certain situations when Cloudveil and Flow: Virga Shaft were unavailable.


War of the Roses Regular Season

The regular season of the War of the Roses will begin on July 14th (Sun) for all regions.
We would like to first express our gratitude to all adventurers from across the globe who participated in the War of the Roses pre-season and provided valuable feedback. Changes have been applied for the regular War of the Roses season based on adventurer feedback, and from the dynamics and flow of the pre-season.
The main direction of the regular season is the expansion of comeback strategy and components.
Considering the frustration felt when not being able to overcome disadvantageous situations, changes have been made to resurrection. These changes include allowing for better defensive formations, let sanctums be successfully captured as part of a comeback strategy (which are then protected for a certain period), and the addition of a new Captain skill to enhance strategic elements.
We have ensured that those excellent strategic maneuvers made under the command of a Leading Guild is made prominent when successful. 
The Spirit's Altar, which grants powerful buffs, will now act as a trigger of battles for control when both sides are in formation, allowing more strategic operations when capturing sanctums or when placing members of the Third Legion and the Leading Guild.
Rewards in the regular season of the War of the Roses have also been changed. The Leading Guild, as the main protagonist of the War of the Roses, will receive higher rewards compared to the Third Legion.
However, the Third Legion will be able to obtain additional loot, Medal of Sylvia. This medal is awarded to the Third Legion for faithfully completing missions assigned by the Leading Guild, serving not only as a reward but also as a means to unite the Leading Guild and the Third Legion towards a common objective. (The types and times of missions assigned by the Leading Guild will be further diversified in the future.)
We hope adventurers are looking forward to the War of the Roses on July 14th (Sun), and we encourage the brilliant efforts of the O'dyllita and Kamasylvia faction leaders.
Thank you.

Spirit's Altar

While targeting the Commander during the War of the Roses is a given, you can obtain Advantageous buffs during overall combat at the "Spirit's Altar". During the Pre-Season, depending on the region, there were situations where the Spirit's Altar was occupied from the beginning, leading to an early advantage.
In the regular season, the Spirit's Altar has been changed to activate after a certain period, allowing for a more natural progression of combat from occupying each Sanctum in the early stages to fighting for the Spirit's Altar once the frontlines are established.
  • Changed the activation time of the "Spirit's Altar" at the start of the War of the Roses as follows.
Before After
Spirit's Altar activates at the start of the War of the Roses Spirit's Altar activates 10 minutes after the War of the Roses starts
※ As before, once the Spirit's Altar is activated, there will be a 20-minute cooldown until the next activation.


Resurrection Method Change

Before, when dying during the War of the Roses, you were able to resurrect at the frontlines of the opponent's territory, often leading to continued attacks before a counter-strategy could be prepared. Now, you cannot resurrect at the frontlines of the occupied Sanctum, allowing for more strategic responses to threats against allied Sanctums.
  • Changed the resurrection method during the War of the Roses as follows.
Before After
Resurrect at a chosen occupied Sanctum Cannot resurrect at occupied Sanctums on the frontlines
(Can resurrect at the previous stage Sanctum)

Sanctums are displayed on the tactical map at the top, middle, and lower regions, and is configured as follows:
- Top: N2, N3, N4, S5, S4, S3, S2
- Middle: N5, N6, N7, S8, S7, S6
- Lower: N8, N9, N10, S10, S9

Upon death, you cannot resurrect at a Sanctum that is occupied at the frontline of each attack route in the top/middle/lower sections, but you can resurrect at a Sanctum of the previous level.
(The following is an example of Sanctums unavailable for resurrection (frontline Sanctums) according to the occupied Sanctums of each attack route of the Kamasylvia Faction.)
Attack Route E.g. of Occupied Sanctums E.g. of Unavailable (frontline) Sanctums
Top Attack Route N2, N3, N4 N4
Middle Attack Route N5, N6, N7 N7
Lower Attack Route N8, N9, N10 N10



Sanctum Guardian

After a succeeding with a comeback strategy, Sanctum Guardian will receive an invincibility buff for a certain period to maximize the effect of the comeback to the frontlines.
  • Changed the Sanctum Guardians to receive a 3 min invincibility buff when successfully occupying an enemy-held Sanctum during the War of the Roses.


Captain Skills

A New Captain skill "Strategic Revival" has been be added. With this skill, you can choose to resurrect at a designated Sanctum regardless of its occupation status (even if it is the opponent's Sanctum).
This allows for different strategies, such as cutting off the opponent's connected Sanctums. 
It can be used after Rally Forces to continue an attack, or in conjunction with Obscure Vision to create chaos on the battlefield.
  • Added 1 new skill to the 6 exclusive Captain skills in the War of the Roses.
Skill  Description
[NEW] Strategic Revival
Select one sanctum to use Strategic Revival on.
When an ally (including leading guilds and the third legion) resurrects,
they can choose the selected sanctum to revive at for 5 min, regardless of its occupation status.
Cooldown: 20 min
Enhance Vision
Reveals an obscured field of vision for 10 sec.
Cooldown: 5 min
Rally Forces
Instantly teleports a selected platoon to the targeted sanctum.
Cooldown: 5 min
Powerful Attack
Summon King Griffon/Khalk near a designated sanctum to temporarily unleash heavy area-of-effect damage.
Cooldown: 10 min
Summon Ogre
Summons a group of violent Ogres near the designated sanctum. The summoned Ogres will disappear when a targeted sanctum's guardian is defeated or after a certain time period.
Cooldown: 20 min
Obscure Vision
Obscures the enemy's field of vision in fog for 30 sec. 
The enemy captain can use "Enhance Vision" skill to remove the obscure vision effect.
Cooldown: 3 min
Immobilize Guardians
Freezes the sanctum's guardians and restores 20% of their HP, 
making them impossible to target for approximately 30 sec.
Cooldown: 10 min

War of the Roses Rewards

Appropriate loot will be rewarded for the regular season of the War of the Roses.
The Leading Guild, which takes the lead in the War of the Roses and drives it to victory, will obtain more rewards than the Third Legion.
Of course, as the Third Legion also participates in the War of the Roses with the same objectives, they will receive rewards as well.
The more missions assigned by the Leading Guild that the Third Legion successfully completes, the more personal rewards they will obtain.
The Third Legion must diligently carry out the missions from the Leading Guild to seize both victory and loot.
Leading Guild and the Third Legion Loot
  • Changed the rewards to allow the following loot to be rewarded based on the results of the War of the Roses.
※ When participating as a War Hero belonging to the Leading Guild (or Alliance), you will obtain the reward for leading guilds.
Leading (Captain) Guild The Third Legion
[Flourishing Victory Reward]
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x3
Blazing Loot Box x7
Caphras Stone x300
Resplendent Medal of Honor x150
Chilling Fragment x10
Item Collection Increase Scroll x7
[Blossoming Victory Reward]
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2
Blazing Loot Box x4
Caphras Stone x200
Resplendent Medal of Honor x150
Chilling Fragment x10
Item Collection Increase Scroll x4
+ Medal of Sylvia based on mission success count
[Flourishing Battle Reward]
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2
Blazing Loot Box x5
Caphras Stone x200
Resplendent Medal of Honor x100
Chilling Fragment x10
Item Collection Increase Scroll x5
[Blossoming Battle Reward]
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x1
Blazing Loot Box x4
Caphras Stone x200
Resplendent Medal of Honor x100
Chilling Fragment x10
Item Collection Increase Scroll x4
+ Medal of Sylvia based on mission success count
[Flourishing Resolve Reward]
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x1
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x5
Blazing Loot Box x3
Caphras Stone x150
Resplendent Medal of Honor x100
Chilling Fragment x10
Item Collection Increase Scroll x3
[Blossoming Resolve Reward]
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x1
Blazing Loot Box x3
Caphras Stone x150
Resplendent Medal of Honor x100
Chilling Fragment x10
Item Collection Increase Scroll x3
+   Medal of Sylvia based on mission success count
  • Blazing Loot Box obtainable from each reward item contains the following:

Loot from Mission Success as the Third Legion
  • Each time the Third Legion successfully completes a mission assigned by the Leading (Captain) Guild, they can obtain Medal of Sylvia based on the number of successful missions.
    • However, adventurers in the Third Legion who have received penalties on the War of the Roses battlefield cannot obtain the Medal of Sylvia.
  • You will receive a penalty for the following violations while participating in the War of the Roses.
    • Not connected to the War of the Roses server (O'dyllita-1) for more than 10 minutes.
    • No character movement for more than 10 minutes during the War of the Roses.
    • Moving out of the war area for more than 10 minutes or 10 times.

※ When you leave the war area, a warning will be displayed on the minimap at the top right of the screen. When you are out of the area for more than 1 minute, a warning message will be displayed, and you will receive the penalty if the message is shown 10 times.


  • When you receive the War of the Roses penalty, the below will be applied.
    • Cannot collect War of the Roses rewards.
    • Cannot participate in the following 4 wars as part of the Third Legion.
    • Adventurers who've received a penalty when participating as the Third Legion cannot join as part of a leading guild.
      • Adventurers who've received a penalty cannot apply for a leading guild if they are a guild master or alliance leader.
      • Adventurers who've received a penalty cannot be appointed as commander or lieutenant of a leading guild.


  • Penalized participant information (guild and Family details) will be shared with their faction's captain and lieutenants for the real-time platoon reorganization.
    • Penalized adventurers will be marked on the participants list on the left of the War of the Roses placement edit screen and the platoon list.
    • The acquired Medals of Sylvia can be checked in the Manage Currency UI.
      • The number of Medals of Sylvia obtained for mission success is as follows.
How to Obtain Medals of Sylvia as the Third Legion
Mission Success
Medal of Sylvia x10
      • Medals of Sylvia can be exchanged for the following items.
Medal of Sylvia Exchange List
Item Amount Needed
Blazing Loot Box x1   Medal of Sylvia x50
Imp Boss's Knife x1 Medal of Sylvia x20
Sturdy Forest Tread x1 Medal of Sylvia x10
Corrupt Oil of Immortality x1 Medal of Sylvia x10
Perfume of Courage x1 Medal of Sylvia x8
Caphras Stone x5  Medal of Sylvia x2
Marni's Unstable Fuel x1 Medal of Sylvia x1
  • Items from the Blazing Loot Box that can be received via exchange of Medal of Sylvia are as follows:
  • Fixed the issue where characters occasionally got stuck in the topography when resurrecting at the 4th Odore Sanctum.
  • Fixed the War of the Roses UI so that pressing the Rules of War now opens the Adventurer's Guide.
  • Reset any penalties obtained during the pre-season of the War of the Roses.
    • Reset Third Legion join priorities from pre-season.

Arena of Solare
  • Changed the amount of Seal of Solare rewarded from matches.
Before After
Victory: x20 Victory: x30
Draw: x10 Draw: x20
Defeat: x5 Defeat: x15
  • Added more items exchangeable with Seal of Solare.
Family Exchange
Main Weapon Exchange Coupon x1 (Once per Family) Seal of Solare x5,000
Awakening Weapon Exchange Coupon x1 (Once per Family) Seal of Solare x5,000
Sub-weapon Exchange Coupon x1 (Once per Family) Seal of Solare x5,000
Weekly Exchange
Corrupt Oil of Immortality x3 (Once per week) Seal of Solare x35
[NEW] Sturdy Forest Tread x3 (Once per week) Seal of Solare x30
[NEW] Tough Whale Tendon Elixir x5 (Once per week) Seal of Solare x20
[NEW] Superior Whale Tendon Potion x25 (Once per week) Seal of Solare x20
[NEW] Enhancement Help Kit III x1 (Three times per week) Seal of Solare x30
[NEW] Chilling Fragment x10 (Three times per week) Seal of Solare x30
[NEW] Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x30 (Three times per week) Seal of Solare x20
Item Collection Increase Scroll x3 (Once per week) Seal of Solare x20
Daily Exchange
Essence of Gallantry x1 (Once per day) Seal of Solare x20
Essence of Courage x1 (Once per day) Seal of Solare x20
Essence of Honor x1 (Once per day) Seal of Solare x20
At All Times
Perfume of Courage x1 Seal of Solare x15
Khalk's Elixir x1 Seal of Solare x15
Elixir of Deep Sea x1 Seal of Solare x15
Marni's Unstable Fuel x1 Seal of Solare x5
Whale Tendon Elixir x1 Seal of Solare x2
Box of 3 Whale Tendon Potions Seal of Solare x1
Gold Bar 10G x1 Seal of Solare x1


  • Fixed the issue where sailors' EXP was obtained at a lower rate during bartering on Hakoven Island.



  • Added the following to the Secret Scroll of Pure Equilibrium item description:
    • Can be used by a new class 30 days after its release.
  • Improved so that the unused Black Spirit Pass is no longer removed when a season character graduates.
    • Removed the text in the Black Spirit Pass description regarding seasonal graduation.
  • Added details to the [Event] Tarnished Sword item description regarding the period to collect [Event] Light Auras.


  • Fixed the issue where the Tungrad Visionary did not return to its original position after it moved far away and was idle.


  • Changed the objective of the quest "[Crossroad] The Untold Truth About Giath" from 25 to 15 monsters.


  • Changed the rule regarding monsters disappearing from the Node War server before the Node War starts as below:
    • Node War takes place (when more than 2 guilds/alliances are participating in Node War)
      • Before: Monsters disappear 15 min before the Node War starts and reappear 10 min after the Node War ends.
      • After: Monsters disappear 10 min before the Node War starts and reappear 10 min after the Node War ends.
    • Only 1 guild/alliance participating in Node War
      • Before: Monsters disappear 15 min before the Node War starts and reappear 10 min after the Node War ends.
      • After: Monsters do not disappear.
    • No guild/alliance participating in Node War
      • Before: Monsters disappear 15 min before the Node War starts and reappear 10 min after the Node War ends.
      • After: Monsters do not disappear.

※ If monsters disappear due to Node War, they will reappear 10 min after the Node War ends.


  • Fixed the issue where class summons would meet a rather unintentionally expedited demise during Node/Conquest War.
  • Improved the description regarding Node/Conquest War participation in the Guild Window - Guild Member Status to match the current state.
※ This rule is applied on a server basis, and an example of its application is as follows.
When a total of 4 Guilds (Alliances) apply for Node War in the Balenos & Serendia Territory Group, a Node War will proceed in only one of the territories (e.g., Balenos) according to the existing Node War rules.
On the Balenos-1 Server where a Node War is taking place, monsters will disappear 10 mins before the Node War starts, while in the Serendia-1 Server where a Node War is not taking place, monsters will not disappear.

When more than 4 Guilds (Alliances) apply for Node War in the Mediah & Valencia Territory Group and a Node War proceeds in both territories, monsters will disappear 10 mins before the Node War starts in both Mediah-1 and Valencia-1 Servers.
If the Node War in Mediah Territory ends at 21:40 and the Node War in Valencia Territory ends at 21:55,
monsters will reappear in the Mediah-1 Server at 21:50, 10 mins after the end, and in the monsters in Valencia-1 Server will reappear at 22:05, 10 mins after the end.


  • A Sea of Stars will form in the ocean of Black Desert.
    • You will be able to witness the beautifully sparkling "Sea of Stars" caused by plankton rushing through the waves.
    • The Sea of Stars is even more beautiful when viewed at night.
※ View the Sea of Stars with when using the Remastered display quality.
  • Auroras will also appear in the night sky. We hope adventurers have some luck in encountering the auroras adorning the night sky.




  • Added a feature that allows you to select a report type category in the "Report Chat" function, which appears when you click on an Adventurer's Name in the chat window.


  • Added the following to the skill description for Quick Stop:
    • Learning this skill will hasten the activation of Drift for certain actions.
  • Updated the Guild Recruitment Notice to prevent Progression Guilds from appearing multiple times in the guild list.
  • Changed the level and HP condition to display the recovery item use guide when low on HP.
    • Before: At or below 20% HP, character level 15.
    • After: At or below 40% HP, character level 30.
  • Fixed the issue where the Adventure Log content would sometimes be too long by adding the use of the scroll function for this content.


  • Improved the game install window's warning icon.


  • Changed and unified the following in English:
    • Outlaws of Margoria (Hot Pants) Outfit Box → Outlaws of Margoria Outfit Box (Hot Pants)
    • Outlaws of Margoria (Tattoos) Outfit Box → Outlaws of Margoria Outfit Box (Tattoos)


  • Fixed the issue where your character couldn't move freely at the following locations:
    • Near the river at the Blood Wolf Settlement in Drieghan
    • A specific tree object at Calpheon Quint Hill
    • Between cliff rocks in Bari Forest of the Land of the Morning Light
  • Corrected the unnatural display of some objects at the following locations:
    • A specific tree in Altinova
    • Part of the river in the Upper Demi River region
    • A specific cliff location in the Al Halam Sea
  • Resolved the issues regarding returning to the Magnus and progressing to the next abyssal vein and/or accessing the ESC menu upon completing Abyss One: The Magnus.
  • Fixed the issue where the "A Whole New Me" Season Pass entry would not complete when progressing with Dusa.
  • Fixed the issue where the Tuvala Pendant item given upon completing the Succession quest for Dusa was provided at +0 level instead of PRI (I).
  • Fixed the issue where the [LoML] Nothing for Now quest was displayed multiple times when progressing the Land of the Morning Light main quests with Dusa.
  • Improved the conditions description for the "Master of Clouds" title.
  • Fixed the issue where [Event] Tarnished Sword would not be visible when right-clicked when the Epheria Galleass inventory was open.
  • Fixed the issue where a main weapon would not be visible when changing to combat stance after equipping it in fishing or harpoon mode.
  • Fixed the issue where the Exchange List for Dark Spirit's Greed, exchangeable through the Manage Currency UI, was displayed in some NPCs' exchange lists.
  • Fixed the following issues when using the Gamepad UI:
    • Fixed the issue where the key guide for the "[Serendia] Unexpected News" quest was displayed unnaturally.
    • Fixed the issue where the quest reward log was displayed behind the quest window.
    • Fixed the issue where pet skills with names could not be selected.
  • Fixed the issue where some social action commands were not properly working.
  • [Dusa] Fixed the issue where the effect did not display when equipping the La Orzeca Helmet and Armor.
  • [Dusa] Fixed certain movements during the tutorial to be more natural.
  • Fixed the issue where the crafting material for [Guild] Tough Silk Thread was incorrectly displayed as Weed Powder instead of Weeds in the description.

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Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.