
#Others #Tip #PvP #PvE #Class
Jul 9, 2024, 13:59 (UTC+8)
3653 0
Last Edited on : Jul 9, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 1

Still confused about the DR/Evasion Changes? I hope my explanation can help a little bit to you UWU

Disclaimer: This forum is based on my own personal opinion and experiences I get from my fellow friends. Whether to follow or not is on your own discretion.

With the recent updates by Pearl Abyss (PA), in my personal opinion, it is really class dependent especially in PvP content. However, PvE still remains the same where by DR (Damage Reduction) is still more efficient as compared to Evasion.

For new players in PVE, I would recommend to focus on stacking up AP (The more AP you have, the faster you can grind). The next step you should go for would be DP (DR) if you cannot survive or grind comfortably in the grind zone. It is recommended to hit the 265AP, 293AP, and then 305AP bracket. This will assist you in grinding most low to medium-end spots.

For PvP content, there is no point in stacking Evasion unless you can reach the softcap value for Evasion (roughly around 1.3K min, possible to go up to 1.5K **Note: this will be purely evasion**), the reason is because players with high accuracy can still penetrate your evasion. However, the more defensive stats you decide to stack, the higher the survivability you have but in exchange you might lose the capability to deal damage to others.

Figure 1. Example Gear of 1.5K Evasion (Reference: NoonNeeNaan) [Class: Shai]

For example, for classes such as Warrior, be it hard cap or not. He is not a class whereby he relies on evasion. However, if you intend to play Striker/Mystic/Shai is still feasible to play evasion but its impossible to go full evasion because these classes still need DR as they will lose out too much AP unless it is a full tank shai. Since Striker and Mystic would be still considered as a damage class, they simply cannot afford to build both DR + Evasion along with AP.

Alternatively, some melee classes are good with full DR and Evasion. Taking in consideration about your lightstone, artifact, crystal preset. With the diversity of class, some class with succession tend to have evasion gear while awakening using DR.


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