
Secondary password
Jan 17, 2018, 00:37 (UTC+8)
18800 17
Last Edited on : Jan 17, 2018 (UTC+8)
# 1

i reset my secondary password. end when I input a new one. this always pops up. any help?

Last Edited on : Dec 4, 2018 (UTC+8)
# 2


Last Edited on : Mar 3, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 3

how can i reset and make a new one


Last Edited on : Mar 10, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 4

how can I reset Secondary pass?

Last Edited on : Aug 15, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 5

please help us on this matter. we cant play because of this. its so frustrating 

Last Edited on : Sep 12, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 6
Please reset my second password, sir
It happened when I entered my second password one timeOne time entering a password
Last Edited on : Oct 12, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 7

me also

Last Edited on : Oct 21, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 8

how can i reset my secondary password..

Last Edited on : Oct 21, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 9

Greetings, to those asking how to change their secondary password, you can do so by going to your profile and clicking on the security center, from there just pick reset secondary password.

Last Edited on : Sep 1, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 10
On: 2019-10-21 11:08, By: Florentino

Greetings, to those asking how to change their secondary password, you can do so by going to your profile and clicking on the security center, from there just pick reset secondary password.

I've tried this, but whenever i get the verification email and click on the verification link, it just zaps me back to the Main page of BDO. And whenever i try to manually copy the link and paste it in the address bar, it fails to load with a pop up message saying: Failed to reset secondary password.


I was trying to remove pearl items in order to delete my character and make a new one for season. But i couldn't remember my trade password since i haven't played in a while. After a number of wrong passwords entered, it locked me out and told me to reset it. Now im stuck with this neverending error. It won't even et me reset it. I've heard people on reddit saying if you get locked out you're basically screwed, or some even say they can reset it for $3. Wth i hope this scam isn't true


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