
Fall below ground Calpheon City
Apr 6, 2018, 17:27 (UTC+8)
1131 2
Last Edited on : Apr 6, 2018 (UTC+8)
# 1

Whenever I enter Calpheon City from the east entrance I always fall below the ground and have to escape in order to get out. Anyone else getting this?

Last Edited on : Aug 7, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 2

Yes I too face the issue often. Have you found any solution yet? I see that nobody replied in these years 

Last Edited on : Aug 22, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 3

Use the escape feature on the menu. That is the only way to get out, if you do end up falling for the next one and cannot use the escape button, try moving to a higher ground one that will make your character at least 80 percent above ground, log out then back in most the times it will fix the issue.

calpheon has two notorious spots that loads very long that you fall below the ground, one is one the bridge with the elephant and the other is the road where parallel to the road going to the college (the one that has a quest giver for capturing the prancing lamb). This issue prevents me from completing the 18 minute heralds log quest from valencia to calpheon.

also be aware that tarif also has this issue it is on the town center by the big tree.

i believe the cause is that they load the npcs and the textures first before loading the road collision data that's why you will not notice that the area is not completely loaded and clip into the ground.

*question for forum moderator how come it is not allowed to use the word "button" on this sentence "Use the escape ________ on the menu" Says it contains word i cannot use


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1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.