Founded in May 2018 originally as an open recruitment casual guild intended just for a small group of friends, to our surprise the guild soon grew up to 60 members. Not long after the release of Margoria, we branched off and slowly condensed into a medium sized Sea Monster Hunting (smh) guild. Now ahead of the Ocean Expansion we are back to our casual roots with some focus on sailing.
If you wish to join, you will need:
- A good attitude.
- To be able to handle some occasional banter.
- A discord account. (All members are required to be apart of our Guild Discord server)
Note: We take members of all levels, gearscores and playstyles.. This means lifeskillers, pvpers, sailors, new and old players are all welcome.
If this sounds like the place for you, apply at
Hi, I'm new player, with low AP/DP. I enjoy with Lifeskill more than grind. I don't like PVP. But my current Lifeskill level still low. Can I join?
*Sorry, really.. I don't know how to find Guild, cause too much Guild looking for new member just for Node War/PVPs. So I don't care with Guild recruitments.
*We are on SEA, sorry for my bad Engrish..