
✅Trinity Order (Trinity Online YouTube)Recruiting
Sep 22, 2019, 23:34 (UTC+8)
7360 61
Last Edited on : Feb 24, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 1


Greetings to all,

This is Trinity Online YouTube, and my guild is called TrinityOrder.
Lets jump right into what this guild is about:

Question: Are we active?
Answer: We have average 89 to 90 over members active WEEKLY), 
(See our weekly attendance check in record) it will be harder to find an inactive player instead. 

What Are the Requirements?

~ New & return players are all welcomed (yups! no experience needed)

~ No gear or AP requirement (we don't care about numbers, just have fun)
~ No forced leveling (play at your own pace)

~ PVE Combat, Life-Skill, Sailing, Guild Buff Event, Guild Boss (We do all 4 guild boss weekly).
~ Co-op gameplay (Atoraxxion Dungeon Party), Season Rift Echo Party, non-season Ancient Relic Boss party.
(All guild content comes with guides and advisors and officers will guide you along.)

Last but not least: 

~ English Language Only & Say Hi! When you log in =D
~ Family-friendly so no vulgarities please.

How to Join the guild?

- Go to

- Click the Join Discord button (This brings you to the beginners help discord that I am running to help players)

- Click [ I Agree ]  button to enter server

- Go to #apply-for-guild 


Note: We do not accept in game application. this is to ensure we are able to manage member expectations before they join. 

About Us & Achievements:
1) Winner for Guild Story Contest  Interview about the Guild By GM Calpheon

2) Pearl Abyss Black Desert Content Creator
3) Winner for Guild Recruitment Campaign 2021

Community Management: 
1) Black Desert Online Beginners & Return Players Help Community

2) Admin for BlackDesertOnlineMMO Reddit Community

3) Admin for BDO SEA World Boss Timer Community

and more...

Use this page for tips, tricks and guides on the game:
Add it to your own discord if you want to, its free to share.

Visit our BDO Beginners help Community to get more help and share screenshots.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more freebies.


We'll be happy to have you as part of the family. 
See you soon in game~. 



On Behalf

TrinityOrder Family


















Last Edited on : Oct 2, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 2

Hi everyone,

We are still actively recruiting. In fact, we have increase our guild capacity as more and more like-minded individuals have joined us.

Yes, we welcome all Singapore & Malaysia players !

If you are interested to join us, you can hop on to our homepage, click the "Reach Us" section to join our discord chat. From there, you can find out more about us.

Hope to see everyone online soon :)


Last Edited on : Oct 4, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 3

Hey man. Could you describe the general atmosphere of the guild? I'm a long time player since beta and I'm just looking for a reason to get back in. 


I'm just looking for a laid back community to chill with, and not have to look at the 12 year old region chat.



Last Edited on : Oct 6, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 4

Hi Blackwall,


Most of us are working adults, a few our students having breaks, but everyone is mature and respectful. We are very casual and chill just as you described.

So if you are looking for a laid back casual and mature environment, you'll fit right in as you are also the one we are looking for :)

Do note that our active time zone is GMT+8 Singapore Time, most members are online around 8pm - 2am daily.


Just visit our homepage, click on the last section to get invited to our discord.
From there, follow the instructions in the guild rules to apply.

Homepage link:

Hope to have you with us soon in the family :)

Last Edited on : Oct 6, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 5

If not Singapore or Malaysia, cannot join?


I am german, lived in Philippines for a long time, but currently working in India. 3x I do not meet the criteria :(


xoxo Aura

Last Edited on : Oct 6, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 6

Hi Auraenys 


We actually have members that are from other countries too =D

90% of our members are largely from Singapore with a mix of Malaysian members as we are neighbouring countries with very similar culture and understanding.

However, we always attempt to translate any "terms" that may sound strange to the non Singapore & Malaysian members so they won't feel left out.

To us, its important that members play at similar time zone, this way, they can always be in the company of guild members forming guild party for various contents.


Thanks for asking, its great to be able to let the community know more about us :)

Appreciate it Auraenys :)

Last Edited on : Oct 8, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 7

So to clarify, if ever I'd like to join, I can?


xoxo Aura

Last Edited on : Oct 8, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 8

Hi Auraenys

I don't see why not :) 

Interested players are directed to our guild rules. From language, culture and time zone, we make sure the player is well inform of what he is joining before he makes his final decision to join.


To us, this process is important to ensure that when the player joins us, he/she will be able to communicate and have fun with everyone during the same active hours where all are online.

To us, it is of most importance that every member is able to look forward to logging in with the company of each other after a day's of hard work in real life.


As for recruiting direction of Singapore & Malaysian, since 2016 founding of the Trinity Family in another game, we have always sticked to this direction to maintain the ease of mutual understanding and harmony.


We only recently came into the land of Black Desert in May 2019, and only just started public recruitment lately. So hopefully we will be able to play with more like-minded individuals in this world =)

Last Edited on : Oct 8, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 9

Hi Azurelis,


I love how articulate you are in explaining these things. I'm 2.5 hours later than SG/MY but having lived in PH for a long time (same time as SG/MY) I'm familiar with your timezone. I recently joined a friend's guild, after my probationary 2 week period, let's see if I have a change of heart.


Thank you!


xoxo Aura

Last Edited on : Oct 9, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 10

Also good to know is that we do have some odd cases of where there are people from other regions~ In fact, there is someone from a different trinity order here: Chocolate, beer and Brussels Waffles! Aka you'll likely find someone online at almost any time (what I always enjoy a lot as one of the rare Europeans of the guild~


Guild & Friends

Gather new friends and guild members!

Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.