
[Story-Collection] Stories by Ibarra
Nov 16, 2019, 13:11 (UTC+8)
3851 33
Last Edited on : May 21, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 1

Greetings, this is Ibarra of the Black Sun.


I've recently realized that my old stories have been flooded in the forums. In line with this, I'll be posting this in the forums as a "table of contents" for my stories. I'll comment here if there's a new story posted and I'll update the list with hyperlinks that will redirect to the stories.

My stories are compiled on Wattpad!

You can now read my stories in e-book form on Wattpad!

Black Desert Online: The Ibarra Family

The story revolves around the Ibarra family: a family of Calpheon Nobles. series of stories with no particular chronological order set in the world of Black Desert Online.

Generally, it is a romanticized version regarding Ibarra's adventures (and misadventures) set in the eyes of his characters.

The Ibarra Family

Table of Contents

The stories here are in descending order, the oldest story to the latest story. Click on the titles to open a new window redirecting to the story.



The Cat and the Quill

Just when you thought a cat can't get one into trouble. This part of the story centres on how a cat made our protagonist risk his life.

Olvian Sunset

The Olvian Sunset is like no other. Florentino Ibarra, in his monologue, states as to why the Olvian Sunset is indeed unlike any other.

By the Waypoint

Florentino Ibarra, currently employed to escort a caravan of merchants, as they make their way to the Grana but an incident by the waypoint slows him down.

Crisostomo Ibarra at the Ready

Crisostomo Ibarra playing a game of Kalk with a bunch of gamblers but things quickly went sour after Crisostomo wins all of the gambler's silver.

The Magic at Atanis Pond

As Florentino is making his way to Grana, he stumbles upon something magical by Atanis Pond that made him think of his childhood.

Trouble by the Old Wisdom Tree

On his way to Grana, Florentino stumbles upon a crisis by the Old Wisdom Tree, making him risk his life to save the natives of Kamasylvia.

To Grana

Florentino Ibarra finally arrives at Grana after a long journey with a lot of obstacles. What would he be doing at a serene place like this?

A Proposition

Florentino Ibarra by Olvia seeing a potential supplier of fine wine. This made Florentino give them a proposition that would change their lives.

Reunion by the Riverbank

Florentino Ibarra finally arrives at Grana, where he finally reunites with someone he knew in the past. There they make up for last times by the riverbank.

Wishing the Moment Would Last Forever

Parting ways between childhood friend that met after a long time. Both wishing the moment would last forever but both can't express it truthfully.

Drieghan’s Borders Opening

The borders of Drieghan has finally opened! A mischievous Florentino Ibarra didn't inform his cousin, Crisostomo Ibarra, his plan on going to Drieghan.

Getting Lost in the Land of Dragons

There was a time when Florentino Ibarra got a little sidetracked during his time at Drieghan. He travels from Garmoth's Lair to Morning Fog Post.

Artemio Fiazza, the Drunk Literary Genius

Florentino finds a drunkard by the side of the road getting drunk in the middle of the day, not knowing that that drunkard is actually Artemio Fiazza.

Blood Wolves

Florentino Ibarra assisting the Drieghan Soldiers in fighting the unending assault of Kagtums and Blood Wolves near Night Crow Hill.

The Lonely Shai

A few weeks went by since Florentino arrived at Drieghan, he stumbles upon Seiri, the Lonely Shai. This bugs Florentino and drops everything to help her.

A Quiet Time at Olvia Coast

Florentino Ibarra finds himself back at Olvia Coast just before being sent out again for a mission. Olvia is always peaceful.

A Quick Debriefing

After returning from Drieghan, Florentino arrives at Calpheon for a quick debriefing with an old friend, then an unexpected event happened.

The Unwanted Tourist

A few mistakes here and there while at Drieghan makes Florentino Ibarra an unwanted tourist as he makes his way to Duvencrune.

The Sky Balloon

Pearl Abyss recently added a new means of transportation in the world of Black Desert Online, it's the Sky Balloon. Florentino is tasked to test it out.

A Bored Crisostomo

A bored Crisostomo Ibarra during his time wandering the streets of Calpheon. With no work to be done, he is lost in his own thoughts.

What A View

Following the events with an old friend, Florentino needed to cool off for a moment so he went to the Holy College of Calpheon to mesmerize the view.

Tarif Conundrum

After meeting one of the members of the Black Sun, something troubling in Tarif is taking place, leaving behind Florentino to figure it out.

Cox Pirate Question

Florentino is requested by his cousin to help the Trina Marine Knights with the situation regarding the Cox Pirate Group that are haunting Calpheon Waters.

A Dim Tree Spirit Roaming

Florentino Ibarra is sent by the Kalis Parliament in order to investigate a Dim Tree Spirit signing at North Kaia Mountaintop's vicinity.

A Common Bond

Some of Florentino Ibarra's time with Orwen, a Half-Elf and half-Human, like him. From a misunderstanding to being romantically involved with one another.

A Gargoyle Problem

Along the road of Kamasylvia Vicinity, Florentino Ibarra is assigned to escort some merchants that are on their way to Grana, then the Gargoyles attacked.

Uprising Investigation

Florentino Ibarra is sent to investigate involving a certain group of cultists that are thought to be involved in the recent uprising at the slums.

Kzarka Shrine Incident

Florentino Ibarra is kidnapped and he finds himself at what looks like a dungeon or an underground shrine filled with Kzarka Cultists.

A Helping Hand

In line with the Black Desert Supporter event by Pearl Abyss for Black Desert Online SEA, here is a story featuring some Black Desert Supporters.

Old Wounds

Florentino went head to head with the Grand Chamberlain Jordine Ducas and Lord Crucio Domongatt to discuss the current situation of Heidel.

Disturbing the Peace

Florentino Ibarra just returned from a recent adventure and is wandering by the Workshop District when some workers are... not too friendly with each other.

A Few Drinks

Florentino Ibarra had a rough day and now went to the Valley Lily Inn to order a few drinks with some friends to drown the sorrows away.

The Wise Woman

Florentino Ibarra is tasked by his Crisostomo Ibarra to find the Wise Woman that would help him to clarify Jacinto Ibarra's suspicion about an uprising.

The Great Desert of Valencia

Florentino Ibarra arrives at Sand Grain Bazaar, the final stop to the Great Desert of Valencia. Here he asked for directions to Valencia City.

Adventure of My Own – Part 1

Crisostomo Ibarra is finally letting his adopted daughter Lorrelle have an adventure of her own. This makes the concerned father have second thoughts.

Adventure of My Own – Part 2

Lorrelle is about to embark on an adventure of her own. Her father Crisostomo Ibarra has a surprise for her at the Calpheon Stables. Feat. SUPPORTER Aura!

Adventure of My Own – Part 3

The family of Shais have arrived at Delphe Knights Castle and delivered the crates of potions. This is their last stop to Heidel.

Adventure of My Own – Part 4

Lorrelle Ibarra finally arrives at Florin, she also made friends with two unique individuals. Featuring Arabellah (Ninesaur) and Calista!

Adventure of My Own – Part 5

The family of Shais are finally on their way to Heidel when an unfortunate event happened. Will Crisostomo Ibarra arrive on time?

Adventure of My Own – Part 6

Crisostomo Ibarra arrived too late at the road to Biraghi Den. Bidding farewell to his old friend, Marco. It is up to Crisostomo to save Lorrelle.

Adventure of My Own – Part 7 Crisostomo Ibarra is set on rescuing Lorrelle along with the prisoners, a promise has been made. The Battle of Biraghi Den has started.
Adventure of My Own – Part 8 (Final) The end is almost near, Crisostomo is moments away for finally saving Lorrelle. The final part of the Adventure of My Own series.
An Unexpected Reunion On his way to Grana, Florentino makes a quick stop at Atanis Pond to listen to the songs of the Priestess when there's an unexpected guest waiting for him.

Note: All text written in BOLD texts are clickable.

Side Stories

1. Glory to Calpheon!

2. Recalling the War: Crisostomo Ibarra


1. [GMV] Neffex - Take Me Away

2. [GMV] Neffex - Myself

3. [Cinematic] The Great Desert of Valencia

4. [Cinematic] For Calpheon

5. [Cinematic] A Monster

6. [GMV] Black Desert Superstars

7. [Cinematic] End of the Line


1. [Role-Playing]Character BG Story/Naming Convention

Call To Actions

1. [Ibarra] "I'll Be Going Now!"

2. [SUPPORTER] BDO Supporter "Collab"

P.S. I have a website.

Last Edited on : Mar 8, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 2

Should've done this a long time ago.

Last Edited on : Nov 17, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 3

80 1622
Lv 61
Last Edited on : Nov 18, 2019 (UTC+8)
# 4

Last Edited on : Mar 8, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 5

@Veonya and @Aura, hahaha, thank you for the approval and support. Didn't realize you guys commented here.


A new story is now up!


Disturbing the Peace - Florentino Ibarra just returned from a recent adventure and is wandering by the Workshop District when some workers are... not too friendly with each other.


The original post is edited to reflect the new entry.

Last Edited on : Mar 8, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 6

A new story is up!


A Few Drinks - Florentino Ibarra had a rough day and now went to the Valley Lily Inn to order a few drinks with some friends to drown the sorrows away.


The original post is edited to reflect the new entry.

Last Edited on : Mar 8, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 7

A new story is up!


The Wise Woman - Florentino Ibarra is tasked by his Crisostomo Ibarra to find the Wise Woman that would help him to clarify Jacinto Ibarra's suspicion about an uprising.


The original post is edited to reflect the new entry.

Last Edited on : Mar 8, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 8

A new story is up!


The Great Desert of Valencia - Florentino Ibarra arrives at Sand Grain Bazaar, the final stop to the Great Desert of Valencia. Here he asked for directions to Valencia City.


The original post is edited to reflect the new entry.

Last Edited on : Mar 8, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 9

A new story is up!


Adventure of My Own – Part 1 - Crisostomo Ibarra is finally letting his adopted daughter Lorrelle have an adventure of her own. This makes the concerned father have second thoughts.


The original post is edited to reflect the new entry.

Last Edited on : Feb 3, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 10

SUPPORTER IBARRA for future game content!

Hope you will send some of your work to other audiences.

Story telling in MMO ! Thanks Ibarra!

80 1622
Lv 61

General Gameplay

All discussion related to BDO Gameplay.

Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.