
Chris Poliwhirl, maybe a girl I know on BDO SEA
Apr 8, 2021, 21:30 (UTC+8)
1290 0
Last Edited on : Apr 11, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 1

If you don't know Chris Poli then maybe we are on different servers OR Maybe a different game.



What if that voice of Poli is via a VOICE CHANGER???


Has anyone seen 'HIM' or Her?? See how FAIR, SILKY SMOOTH hands these are....  This was the only time I 'seen' Chris Poli



I am thinking of Christina Poliana

I need to mention the RABBIT as well!!!!!! How many guys you know keeps a rabbit on their beds??

How many ladies??


anyway, I leave you with a Video of Hand Reveal.. judge for yourself



Thanks for all your wonderful GUIDES!


Toffee of Florin

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