Awakening Dark Knight's kit is currently very outdated. By that I mean there are not many skills that can be used in her awakening form compared to other classes' awakening forms. Pearl Abyss themselves said they wanted to make awakening classes focus on using their pre-awakening form less and their awakening form more. With this in mind, here are some issues that Awakening Dark Knight currently has and my suggestions for those issues:
1. Awakening DK lacks crowd-control skills in its awakening form. Therefore, we can add some CCs to specific skills such as:
- Float to Touch of Exploitation's first attack.
- Awakening DK has ZERO Knockdown in awakening form. A fair solution is to add Knockdown to Flow: Spirit Blaze.
- Improve the hitbox of Spirit Blaze so that it could be a reliable CC.
- Awakening DK has ZERO Stiffness in awakening form. A fair solution to this is to add Stiffness to Grip of Grudge.
2. There are two Flow skills that are redundant, by that I mean that I feel they should not be Flow skills in the first place:
- Flow: Bombardment
- Flow: Root of Catastrophe
These two Flow skills should just be combined with their original skills (Shattering Darkness and Seed of Catastrophe), which can make room for 2 additional skills for Awakening DK, explained more in point 3.
3. Awakening Dark Knight, in general, lacks usable skills in PvP, compared to other Awakening classes. The list is as follows:
- Touch of Exploitation = Low damage and no CC (fixed by giving it CC, but to make it fair, keeping it low damage, as mentioned above)
- Spirit Blaze = A worse version of Absolute: Enforcement in Pre-Awakening (fixed by improving the hitbox as mentioned above)
- Flow: Spirit Blaze = No protection and no CC (fixed by giving it a strong CC, but to make it fair, keeping it unprotected, as mentioned above)
- Soul Snatch = Low damage, No protection, and no CC (Honestly just change this to a new skill, it currently does nothing in PvP)
- Grip of Grudge = No protection and no CC (fixed by giving it a weak CC, but to make it fair, keeping it unprotected, as mentioned above)
- Flow: Bombardment = Redundant flow, can be included in Shattering Darkness to make room for a new skill
- Flow: Root of Catastrophe = Redundant flow, can be included in Seed of Catastrophe to make room for a new skill
4. Lastly, I want to talk about Awakening DK's E-buff skill = Overlord. This skill gives Awakening DK, amongst other buffs, a +24% Critical Hit Rate for the duration. The Critical Hit Rate buff is considered redundant because most of Awakening DK's skill has already 100% Critical Hit Rate. My suggestion is to change the buff to either + AP or + Critical Damage to compensate for the low damage that Awakening DK has.