
#Tip #Skill
Nov 19, 2023, 01:59 (UTC+8)
1205 0
Last Edited on : Nov 24, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 1


Hello, everyone, so you're new to the game and feel overwhelmed with so many skills and combos?

Maybe you play multiple classes and adapt to new ones take too much time?

Don't worry, as I have some tips to share.

(Skill menu open with [K])


(Keymap can be turned on in Edit UI option in ESC menu)

Note: Unfortunately, you technically CAN'T rebind the keys without messing up with other settings,
          so you may need to remember the basic keys first.
          But hopefully, most of them are the same on different classes.

Main inputs:

- [W] / [A] / [S] / [D]: "Movement"

- [Lmb] / [Rmb] / [Q] / [E] / [F]: "Skill inputs"

- [Shift]: combine with other "Skill inputs"

=> As you can see basic skills gonna be something like: "Movement" + "Skill inputs" or [Shift] + "Skill inputs"

e.g.: [W]+[Rmb] , [W]+[F] , [S]+[Rmb] , [S]+[E] ,... or [Shift]+[E] , [Shift]+[Q] ,...

Note: Some skills you need to put it on QUICKSLOT to use as have no key input.

           Also some class use [Lmb]+[Rmb] as one of the skill inputs.

(You can turn on Skill guide in Edit UI option for some of the skills)

Other inputs:

- [C]: change into awakening weapon or extra skills in succession 

- [Z] / [X]: Black Spirit Rage absorb [Z] and transfer [X], basically a buff you can give to other players.

- [Space]: Jump, but can be used as a followup skill depends on class.

- [Shift]+[Z] , [Shift]+[X]: These are new skills in Skill enhancement option of Skill menu [K].

Pickup the similarity:

- [Q]: are usually guard stance.

- [E]: are usually grapple skills.

- [F]: are usually kick and snare skills.

- [Shift]+[W]/[A]/[S]/[D]: are usually iframes.

- [Shift]+[Space]: usually for restore resources or super movement skills, like flying skill.

Of course, only practice makes perfect. I hope this could you help with the general idea for key inputs.

My last note is please take your time read the skill descriptions, as sometimes you might miss some details

that could improve your gameplay significantly.

Thank you for reading! ^^


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Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.