Guild Interview - Starlight
Greetings Adventurers,
In our previous #GuildStories event, we asked our Adventurers for interesting and memorable stories with their guilds! We were amazed by the amount of support we received and want to thank everyone who participated in the event.
After a tough selection process, we picked the 5 best guild stories and interviewed the guilds that submitted them.
Today, we’re presenting the 3rd guild - Starlight, check out their story and interview below!
Story One
Starlight. Now, as I watched the guild name and some of the members, I realized that the journey I took with the guild from the beginning of the game which started on January 2018 has been a long one. Even though I was not there on the first month of this guild establishment, you can say I'm one of the early members or so called *veteran* of this guild. Also for your information the guild starting name is called TrollTeam, hah don't even ask me why that name. Since then it has changed quite a few times and finally staying as Starlight which you see now. As some of you readers might have known by now, our guild is a casual one or also known as PVX. To put it in simple terms, we do almost everything related to guild content and in-game content in a casual manner and not hardcore. For example we can see are guild boss, guild war, guild quest and sea monster hunting. Alright, now I know most of you already know the content or terms that was mentioned just now but I still wanna clarify to the 1% readers who might not know the meaning of it when reading this. The first one is Guild Boss, it's where we need to collect the scroll from a specific guild quest which rewards it. Next is Guild War, this plays out on a specific region and node where we fight other guild for the node occupation which also rewards the guild with acceptable funds hmm. The third one is called Guild Quest, It's where Guild Master or Officer pick one of the choices available and needed the members to complete it in a certain amount of time given. Last one is Sea Monster Hunting, as it says in the name it's where you go to the sea using guild galley or sailboat to kill the monster at sea. Now that's out of the way I wanna share with you guys some of the memorable experience I had this past year with the guild. I remember the time when we had to experience hardship of which the current game content have now and not before. Where a person who got +15 or tri on equipment and the server/guild chat would go crazy about it. The time when my guild were doing guild boss which is called Mudster and Ferrid. We would go crazy for whoever got the awakening box drop which to compare now is huge difference in valuable perception. There was also a theory from one of the guild members which said that all the weapon that are stuck at Mudster body is the awakening box weapon and whoever manage to get the last hit and kill it will get it. With that said they rushed in to get the last hit and by some miracle god knows how the rng made it, the Huge Mud manage to cast an aoe last minute before dying and wiped most of the members. Ahaha truly a dumb yet funny moment for us that time. But now, that particular guild boss has not been touch for a long time because the reward is just not good comparable to the current guild boss we're doing like Puturum, Offin, Griffon and the most recent one is Khan. Besides that, before the existence of the sailboat or currently known as Caravel or Galleass, the only way to kill a sea monster is by using the guild galley. I remember when we would sometimes reserved a day from the week for which we would try to hunt it using the galley with the guild members. You can't even imagine how long and tedious that time to kill a SINGLE sea monster with all the missed shooting from guild members and the galley evading from being attacked by it. As you've guessed we also got wrecked by the sea monster, some members who is lucky got killed and can spawn at town but the one who got stranded is suffering. They can't kill themselves or use the current loyalty rescue boat because at that time they don't have it. They either need to swim all the way back, find a sea monster to kill them or wait for officer to rescue them with a repaired galley. Never again we said after that day, who though it was a good idea that time to go sea monster hunting using a galley, it was so hard and we wasted a lot of time for small reward. I guess the only good thing that came out of that journey is the experience even though its a bad one. At least after that they introduce the sailboat for which we can solo kill the sea monster to help contribute guild fund and get some bonus reward in return of doing it. But now with the release of the new type of great ocean mechanics and ship types, they completely nerf the sea monster drop loot and killed one of the most effective ways to help earn the guild funds. One can only hope there is a silver lining for this to happen since now the only way to effectively earn guild funds is from node war which is the next topic I'm about to share. You can say that node war is really not our forte because as far I can remember our first time node war started way late then the other guild. The first time we tried it out is at Serendia region, with our shorthanded knowledge about node war we planted a single, one building, nothing else nothing more which is the fort. We didn't even though or think of planting other annexes like flame tower or barricade which is really important for defenses. Now before you guys though that we cant be anymore stupid than this. There is another. When the node war started, those who have experience in it would have known if there is an opponent or not. In our case, there was no opponent so we won by default. But at that time we didn't know about it and just started searching for an enemy for nearly half an hour, by that time we realized and concluded that there was no enemy. We discussed how did we won and didn't notice it in the beginning. Then one of the members pointed out that we can check at server chat stating that we won. We were so dumbfounded that we just laugh it out and never talk about it again and immediately took a screenshot to commemorate the win. Who would have thought that our first node war win is like this. Not me! Right now, even though we're not as strong as those siege guild or pvp focused guild, we still sometimes do node war to maintain our pvp pace and guild funds. In the end we are all not perfect, Starlight also have the ups and downs, fights and friendship, but for every problem we faced we will try to correct it. The Tarif guild war, the members who worked hard on guild elephant, the node war announcement, Vell incident and so on. If by some miracle we win on this Guild Story contest and you guys are reading this, I just wanted to let you guys know that you guys are the best and I personally really appreciated for what you guys have done for the guild. All the past good and bad experiences are what make us for who we are today. Also, for the future members who might wanna join us do know that we are an international guild who speak english, non toxic environment, no requirements, casual and pvx guild who would do all in their power to help you if you'll do the same for the guild. Starlight: Thanks for reading, see you guys in the game! |
Story Two
"When it comes to memories with guildmates, one particular memory that I remember fondly are our photoshoots. Now, we have an officer who loves taking screenshots. So much so that if you scroll through our guild photobook, it's quite filled with a certain someone's character. I bet you can even search our guild right now and see who I'm talking about in the Starlight guild poster! Aha, I mention this because we had a halloween themed photoshoot that was quite fun with many bringing pumpkin heads. Everyone did their unique poses and even a few randoms joined in the fun of taking pictures with us! It's not a huge activity nor is it a very interactive one but it's one guild event that I found to be a fun way to hang out with everyone for the pure joy of enjoying bdo's scenery and aesthetic. In fact, it won't be long before the Christmas themed photoshoot will be scheduled! Another memory that comes to mind for me is our surreal experiences when it comes to rng drops/enhancements. One way or another, a lot of us have our fair share of tinfoils to get the results we want - be it in enhancing or drops from mobs. One of these was a day where our guild set out to battle Vell using the galley. As part of our strange bets to test tinfoil theories, one of my guildmates offered me as sacrifice so she could get Vell's heart. This joke continued for a while until the battle and I ended up having to respawn from Vell's attack. I thought nothing of this but as we opened our acquired bundles, lo and behold, that guildmate had Vell's heart freshly received! There are a lot more stories I hold dear and my words aren't enough to describe them all. But as an officer in the guild, I await more fun memories with everyone - both new and old members alike! Signing off, Raleine 'Bok' Greven" |
- 1. Please tell us the origins of your guild name and briefly introduce your guild.
- The reason I named our guild Starlight was partly because of my family name too Aozora hehe.
- No matter where we are in the world, we're all united under one sky.
- Starlight is your gentle guiding light c:
- Mmm, I actually inherited this guild very early on from a friend, but I enjoyed being guild leader so I stuck with it and it's with the support of my friends that we managed to get so far together as a guild !
- 2. When was your guild created and what's its backstory?
The guild was made in January 2018 shortly after the official launch of Black Desert SEA.
It started off as a group of friends, and still remains our main goal: to make a positive and friendly community. :D
- 3. Why did you apply for this event? Please tell our GM Note readers what story you used for your application~
I'm actually not sure which one of my guildies submitted a story and which one was picked, eheh,
but I think that's just a testament to the sentimental memories that my members have while here. :D
4. What are Starlight's advantages and special characteristics?
For one thing, we focus on our members and wellbeing, often times we have people who come from other guilds telling us they feel burnt out, other guilds as too much of them, etc.
So we always want to make sure that everyone's happy to help before working on guild activities :D
- 5. What content do your guild members usually enjoy?
We like to do a lot of the things Black Desert has to offer :D
I'd say that Black Desert is still 80% PVE so one of our core activities is our weekly guild boss raid
Like with Leanar’s Celestial Map, I think which is for Khan :)
But with the recent changes last patch, with the summoning limit, it's kind of hard to do that...
We also do NW regularly c:
6. What are the requirements to join your guild? Like what kind of person that would fit right into your guild!
We're international yes! :D
And we don't have any strict requirements, as long as you have a friendly and helpful personality, along with playing regularly, everyone is welcome to join us. :D
- 7. Are there any benefits for new guild members or benefits for membership length/amount of activity?
For new guild members we're always ready to help with anything they might ask or need assistance with, and for long term members we do give rewards such as guild bonus.
We also used to have fun events like a flute race to give out some small pearl gifts too :D, but currently pearl gifting is disabled so that's on hold haha.
- 8. Do you periodically have offline meetings with your guild members?
At the moment I personally haven't had offline meetings, but some of the members in the same
countries are planning to do so. :D
We hope to do so, but respect the privacy of those not interested too~
9. What is the most memorable thing from your guild activities?
Gosh, there's just been so many memories that we made together as a guild its hard to pick one...
Wow so you got a lot of guild activities.
Our days have always been full of smiles and laughter, whether it be working together and seizing victory. in NW, or being utterly swarmed by 9 Puturum guild bosses at the same time.
Ohh, even the small things like get togethers during the Terrmian event. :D
- 10. If there is a goal that Starlight is trying to accomplish, what is it?
With christmas and new years' around the corner, we're planning on another get-together too. c:
Our goal has always been to foster a positive and friendly community that everyone can enjoy. ^_^
The things we achieve like winning NW and such, is proof of the strength of our bonds as friends. :D
※ The interview above was conducted through in-game chat and may have some differences from the actual contents of the chat log.
Once again, thank you to Starlight for taking your time to join us for an interview. We hope our Adventurers enjoyed their story and interview!
If Starlight seems like a guild for you, why not try reaching out and contacting them? You might find yourself a new guild and friends. :)
Also, don’t miss out on the next 2 interviews that we have in store~
Thank you!