Make Your Own Dosa Combat Video!

Make Your Own Dusa Combat Video!
Let your creativity loose to create your very own combat video!
July 10, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Aug 1, 2024 (Thur) before maintenance
Make Your Own Dusa Combat Video!

Record your very own Dusa combat video while in Screenshot Mode (Ctrl + U)
* Videos must be shot in Screenshot Mode (Ctrl + U).

Upload a video at least 1 minute long to YouTube as a Public video!
* Please include the hashtags #Dusa and #DusaCombatVideo.

Post your video on the [Screenshots & Clips] Forum!

Remeber to include [Dusa Combat Video] in your title!
🚨 Please submit the original video file through the link below after posting on the forum! (Required)
※ Upload your video to your own Google Drive and submit it by clicking the below button.
Please submit the link as a viewable link for all users!
※ Submitted videos and other materials can be used for promotional purposes without time or regional restrictions. They may also be featured on the Black Desert official website or social channels.
Submit Original Video
For all participants!
Gift for all participants who meet all participation requirements

Item Collection Increase Scroll x5

Advice of Valks(+50)
To 5 Adventurers who created the coolest combat videos!
Gift for five participants who meet all participation requirements

[Event] Shakatu's Resplendent Box

Item Collection Increase Scroll x20

Advice of Valks (+100)
Dusa Combat Video Example
Check out the official Dusa combat video!
- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to use any content submitted for this event, including screenshots and videos, for promotional purposes. These materials may be featured on various platforms, such as our official website and social media channels, without time or location constraints.
- To be eligible, upload your creation as specified and submit the original video via a Google Drive link. (Required)
- The uploaded YouTube video must be set to public, not partially public, to qualify for participation.
- Winners will be announced on the official website within two weeks after the event ends. However, the announcement schedule may change due to internal circumstances.
- Copyright infringement or plagiarism results in disqualification, with potential prize repossession even after winner announcements.
- Event details and duration are subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. Any changes will be announced on this event page without separate notices.
- Unspecified quantities in rewards default to one item.
- Event items may be restricted in trade, sale, and usage, with varying binding settings per item. Transfer or recovery of these items is not possible.
- For details on item binding, refer to the in-game item descriptions.
- Items or rewards, once used, cannot be recovered.
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may lead to cancellation, reward repossession, and game access restrictions.
- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact [Support].
- Any content not specified on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].