
#Suggestions #Game Presentation
[UPDATED][Oct 22, 2024] 6th Lists of UI Simplification to Improve QoL
May 17, 2024, 09:18 (UTC+8)
825 0
Last Edited on : Oct 22, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 1

Lists of UI Simplification to Improve QoL

I want to propose something that will improve QOL a bit maybe 1%. Here we go 

Description UI Concept
1. Villa Buff Simplification Things

1. Make villa invitation access-able trough whole family rather than item that have to remain on the current player char who hold the invitations. (see image 1.1)

image 1.1

2. When you click the new UI button then it will show you a list of villa buff players already bought. (see image 1.2)

image 1.2

2. Copy Chat Feature 1. To alleviate the language barrier or writing systems between latin alphabets and other format such as korean, japan, philippines, etc. BDO chat should have something basic copy-paste feature of someone chat. Even better embed simple translator into the engine that use 3rd party API. After all, this is custom-made engine anyway. (see image 2.1)

image 2.1

3. War Hero Counter 1. There is a situation where we have to preserve a little bit of slot to adequate players who pre-order war hero slot. Manually count the war hero and match it with guild slot is sometimes a bit unbearable. BDO should have war hero count beside "Hire Hero" button. The format something similar like these "War Hero slot (13/42)". (see image 3.1)

image 3.1

4. Guild Mission History 1. Sometimes, we kinda in a pickle when discerning some quest already taken or in-progress of finishing by other guild member. In my case, puturum displaying 3/4 after that player A decide to take puturum quest at velia-1 and then player B happen just online and decide to take puturum quest at heidel-2. All happen because both player think no body take the puturum quest. So history button should display list of accepted quest and the quest status is it "on-progress" or "finished/done" or "failed/time out". (see image 4.1)

image 4.1

5. Increasing Favorites/Bookmarks on Worldmap 1. I found out Favorites feature on Find NPC saved locally on player PC ("C:\Users\[pcusername]\Documents\BlackDesert\UserCache\[ingamefamilyname]\") limited up to 6 bookmarks and also it's only updated when Player disconnected properly via menu(a.k.a. logoff). I know why save locally on PC player is to reduce the burden of couldsave on server-side performances. So, why not increase it up to 15 or 20 bookmarks. The current file with 4 bookmarks it takes only 160bytes-ish. (see image 5.1)

image 5.1

6. Improved Guild Mission Features

1. Xulty's feedback and Alfiee's feedback are worth consideration. Based on those, i've been wondering what the UI might be. So, i try to found some common-ground here to satisfies as much as possible players.

2. Let's make Guild Missions fixed by making more categories instead of reset every 10 minutes. I know very well "cooldown" makes the existing UI more clean and minimalist. But this can be "time-gating" for some player becouse they have to wait 10 minutes or switch server just to search their desired quest. (see red line and red square image 6.1)

3. A total quest that can be done are varies. Small Guild up to 10 per-day. Medium Guild up to 13 per-day, Large Guild up to 16 per-day, Extra-Large up to 20 per-day.

4. Make the mission more organized based on categories. (see yellow circle image 6.1)

5. There is also possibility some player might abuse it or hoarding the quest for themself. That's why "Guild Mission History" feature for. To track and reprimand "naughty" guild member who hoarding the missions.

image 6.1

7. - -


I'll be sad if Pearl Abyss ignore my effort to write these a properly and well-thought-out feedback.

All these ideas is under MIT Licence. Just kidding.

Please share, like and subscribe UwU. 

Credits to :@Xulty,@Alfiee



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