
How To Fix Arsha Grinding Suggestion
Sep 1, 2024, 03:52 (UTC+8)
591 0
Last Edited on : Sep 1, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 1

I never had the gear to grind on Arsha properly before, but I always understand the reasoning behind it, That's why I was really confused why PA suddenly can't seem to understand why it's dying.


-The low AP caps allows you to wear your PVP setup if you're geared enough (3 PEN Blackstar).

-It makes acquiring gear more meaningfull because your reward for getting gear is PVP(the strongest and fun part of the game) and 50% drop rate. Your reward is seamless PVP-PVE experience.

-The gear progression is wide and flexible. You have extra 100-200AP in Biraghi Den? change your rings to Manos Ruby Ring or wear a Selth MH instead.


-The AP caps of the new grind spots are too high and it requires you to go full PVE setup, and you can't really fight people with that setup who are there to PVP.

-Fighting people with PVP setup while using your PVE setup is really frustraing especially for evasion classes.

-The gear progression is only 1 way.

HOW TO FIX IT: I'm really annoyed of you morons because you keep making Striker boring AF, but I don't want this game to die, so here's my suggestion.

- Just do what you did in ELVIA spots and make the cap for the highest spot based on the highest tier weapons for Arsha(3 PEN Blackstar Weapons).

- Make all arsha server anonymous.

- The Evasion and Accuracy focused grind spots like Ash forest and Crypt was a really good idea that you killed too. WHY?...?...?...???!



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