
#Dark Knight
Dark knight Buff required
Sep 10, 2024, 11:58 (UTC+8)
551 1
Last Edited on : Sep 10, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 1

Dear GM and PA Dark knight is a class which is soo much dear to my heart cause its my first class in Black desert. recently i was grinding Dark knight awakening and noticed a flaw in the skills just 1 and that is her cooldowns she casts her skills too fast and its cooldown is too much so she really needs less skill cooldowns how much?? please make her skills 2-3 secs less in all kits, thats my suggestion as a awakening DK player.

Last Edited on : Oct 28, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 2

Awakening DK is a top-tier PvE class though. It could use some PvP buffs but I woudn't say PvE buffs are needed, I don't think.

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