
Outfits and Costumes Galore
Nov 21, 2024, 19:08 (UTC+8)
180 0
Last Edited on : Nov 21, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 1

Looking at all the outfits and costumes available in the game, I just wish that they are all "BUY ONCE AND USE FOR ALL CHARACTERS ON ENTIRE ACCOUNT".  If that had been the case, I'd have bought even more outfits and all the costumes, especially if they also do not take up my bag space (ie stored in a completely separate account-wide costume / outfit inventory that has no maximum restrictions.  Considering the cost of Pearls (7200 Pearls, the 6400+800 box, for AU$154.00 / SG$135.00), I'm not rich enough to be buying every outfit / costume for every character that I have and might create in the future. (PA can write a letter to my boss on my behalf, asking them to give me a pay rise so I can afford every outfit in the game.!!)

Account level costumes / outfits should just be bound to the account and can't used for any other purpose except simply as outfits / costumes.  I don't mind if they are slightly more expensive than single character versions (say costing 30% more than the single character version) but having the ability to then dress up any and all my characters would be fantastic.  AND imagine being able to then mix and match different pieces from different outfits for different characters on the account on any day, on a whim..!!! 

I can appreciate that the outfit / costume system might need a major overhaul for this (considering also that the outfits / costumes can be dyed individually per character) but this would allow for players to be even more creative with their characters' looks.



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