2024 they still doesn't have swap between Steam and Client ,just let me use steam more Secure then ur client stupid razer,cherry etc wtf need double authentication, 2nd password each time login I'm SICK of it,
10 year of anni STILL HARD HEAD doesn't let acc transfer or just link both steam and client SO STUPID.EVEN MOBILE GACHA LET YOU PLAY SAME ACC ON PHONE AND STEAM ! WHY!?
Also ur APP so useless at least add top up feature .
PA wont do that because the steam and PA share profit when the player is playing on steam but if the player play on launcher PA solo the profit maybe they will implement steam player to launcher transfer but maybe steam wont allow it because they are different company
steam got Warframe,Path of Exile,Destiny2,PSO2 ETC got their own client on the same account and yet they let player choose if PA reasoning is 'Share profit' just BS to me then why bother add BDO on steam if so wary of 'Share Profit', they literally give this game for Free.PA also got this account link to something like twitch why can they just Link Client Acc to Steam.
Even Yu-gi-oh a Phone Game let me play on Steam with Same acc , it just baffling.
i rather Steam to be my middle man then other company PA choose to give my credit card.
if i dont have many attachment with my ACC im already choose Steam ver over Client, its just Frustrating
Remember me login doesnt work,check phone for authentication ,insert secondary password. every single time .
but with steam i just login my steam click play and play and select character.
Like Seriously PA a Phone game have better player option, what excuse does PA have not to let me transfer my account to steam.
hey'Crimson Desert' is in Steam to why would PA put that game on steam i wonder to share 'Profit'?
also PA bought CCP the company who make 'EVE online' you know what they got ?
"Character Transfer" they let EVE account transfer to Steam EVE account.
PA i want that ACC transfer link merge transfer what ever as long i can use my old acc or stuff in it through steam.