Hello, I've been playing BDO since 2021 during the Pandemic and had no trouble playing the game at all for my first time playing it, I was pleased as I am still beginner at the time. I play progressively and when I feel like it is hard to progress, I stop and continue only when updates come in. As 2025 comes in, I want to play fresh from the beginning thinking I can still catch up with end grinds and gears. So I created a new account and suddenly when I quest in Velia, I notice that I cannot interact with the wharf manager, I thought it was just an error so I just ignored it. I did the fughar quest for the main quest until I got to odyllita main quest where I have to interact with the wharf manager and there I realized I got -9998900 NAVAL FAME! I don't even know how it happened. I might have hit some ship since I use mythical dine horse but I haven't even done any sea missions yet so how come this happened. And it must have already been negative before I started my main quest in velia since I can't interact with the wharf manager already in the first place.
I already send a ticket but I just want to share this cause I don't deserve this punishment. I have to keep questing in Hans for so many hours with something I clearly wasn't aware of.
Hello, its me again, just to update you guys. I send out a ticket and got a reply. Turns out even admins cannot do such thing to help and to make it worse they said that I was on a boat that engages in PVP which clearly I don't remember hoping on a ship. Added, my character level at that time does not yet allow participation in pvp combat which means I'm not 50 yet. I have to quit cause I can't deal with the fact that I can't progress my character because of its restrictions. Also, I realized its not -1million naval fame, its actually -10million :(