Simple & easy tips for taming horses fast - the 30 seconds rule.
- Ready your stopwatch.
- As soon as you throw the rope, set the timer.
- After 30s (try at 33s to 38s) you can attempt to ride the horse & never use lump of raw sugar ever again. RNG is RNG can still fail even if you use the lump.
- Stop using stopwatch.
- If the horse raise its hooves 1 time - wait for 5~8 seconds before attempt to ride
- If the horse raise its hooves 2 times - you can attempt to ride it right away because its already 30s.
- If the horse never raise its hooves? Well just get closer & wait a few sec until it eventually raise hooves 1 time just so you know how many seconds has passed.
PS: No need to ride the captured horse or wait for it to follow. Simply go straight to stable & wait for it there. It works.
Happy taming & good luck adventures!