
[World] Begginners guide to riches!
Jul 17, 2018, 01:52 (UTC+8)
6749 0
Last Edited on : Jul 17, 2018 (UTC+8)
# 1


All players new and old in order to become one of the best in Black Desert Online needs only one thing, and thats SILVER SILVER SILVER and More! SILVERS and the question is how do we obtain silver? well all we need to do is Grind for it either killing monsters for thier loots and here comes the problem in order to grind monsters we need good gears and good dmg for efficient fast grinding as a new player its a problem for we dont know the ins and outs of the game yet even if we get the good minimum gears to grind monsters and get silvers we all know that we will face a big obstacle in doing it. YES im speaking of other players like you,they'll contend for the grinding area and some violent ones kills you, so i'll share my way to new players in order to progress in the game smoothly and safely but in a efficient way all you need is patience. yes patience because all this guide is about doing Ancient Relic Scroll and what a newbie needs to efficiently do it.

Step 1:

Level your character till 34 by any means Once you reach level 34 go to Calpheon Refugee Camp this area will be your start to success,(Note: you need atleast +5 - +7 weapon and offhand and bares accessories) Grind in Refugee camp til 45 since this area gives good drops for exchange to silvers you can basically earn 20m here till 45 loot everything that drops here and exchange the books for silver you can (rigth click the book item and press locate NPC) exchange the book for silver and store it in storage dont spend it! 

Your now lvl 45 with your next distination is Saunil Siege Camp Grind there till 49 and you can earn around 25m there once youve reach 49 you need to talk to black spirit and get the Catfish boss scroll and figth it in order to reach 50 (Note: grinding in Saunil you will get an item called Ancient Relic Fragment. DO NOT SELL IT! you will need it. )

Step 2:

Now you're 50 lets start the boring part,by grinding refugee camp and saunil you will basically have around 40-45m Silver now we will start gearing to start the Ancient Relic Scroll way.

Gears Needed

Strength Armor of Heve set +0 - +5

Ultimate Basteer Weapon +7

 Accuracy Offhand +7 

Duo Kalis Rings/earrings/belt/necklace (Note: Buy the Duo kalis at MarketPlace dont upgrade it) 

Now you had you gears lets  buy Ancient Relic Fragments in the MarketPlace 750k - 800k each buy 25 pecies and combine it to form a Ancient Relic Scroll ( you can combine it by forming it (+) plus sign

Now that you're ready lets find some Party in Server Chat you will see a lot of People doing it. either X5 Scrolls PT or X10 Scrolls PT ask them what server they are you can only party players on the same server .(PS. before you Change server make sure to reserve a party slot so by doing so your change server chance wont be wasted because you can only Change server every 15 minutes) 

Step 3:

Now you've found a Party and doing the Relic Scroll for the first time!

By doing the relic scroll only the party leader can summon the Boss through the scroll watch them do it and learn.

Now that the Boss from the scroll has been summoned all you need to do is Hit the Last Boss (Godzilla Boss 3rd Boss) look at you skill that has higher accuracy and spam it once that boss died you will get the following item (4 deffirent kinds of trash loots 1 Hunter seals and 1 Memory Fragments (Note: Memory can be obtain through RNG so you need lots of luck) and if you're the one who summon the boss from the scrolls once the 3rd boss dies (Godzilla) Talk to your blackspirit and complete the quest and you will get the 3 Reward bundles (PS. Dont open it ASAP because you will get Red potions and it is heavy you wont want to go back to town the matrix way right?) Once you're finish doing the scrolls thnk ur PT and leave return to Calpheon and then Open the reward bundles you can profit from 5X Scroll Runs about 30-40 frags depends on RNG 50 hunter seals and trash loots

Sell the Memory frags on MarketPlace (Before selling on MP the Mem Frags try to Shout at server chat for PO so that it can be sold faster you can __link the item by pressing inventory the enter Shift Left click on item) and save the Hunter seals in storage, you can either sell the trash loots to NPC's depends on you. From 5X scrolls Runs you can earn about 19125000 millions- 25500000 millions just from Memory.Reroll the silver to buy another Ancient Relic Fragments from MarketPlace(dont exceed 800k per piece on it) and find PT again. Do it again and again save the Hunter seals because thats your clean income (you can exchange Hunter seals on Keplan for 2x Hunters = 1 blackStone Armor if you want to sell it for silver you can sell it by 100pcs 200k+each Dont lower it!!

Do this and you will see the fruit of your labor like me 2 months  around 5-7 hours of game time. and i have now TET kzarka Bow TRI dim etc etc. Goodluck hope this guide help you fellow newbies.







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Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.