
#Others #Tip #Life Skill #Item
Kuuro's Endgame Node Guide - May 2021
May 24, 2021, 18:58 (UTC+8)
9453 7
Last Edited on : May 24, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 1

Hey all, 


Kuuro's back with my end-game node guide for AFK (FREE!) Silver in BDO. Please note that this is an intermediate to end-game guide. If you need to know how to get nodes, please search for other guides and come back for this. 


In this guide, we're going to take a look at the following points: 

1. Nodes you should take. (Biggest money node) 

2. Workers you should use. (Goblin or Human?) 

3. Maximizing CP use. 

4. Avoiding trap nodes. 

5. Miscellaneous tips. 



First up, let me share that my nodes make me around 200 mil - 400 mil silver per day in terms of value. This excludes my farm and you have to remember that you don't need the same number of workers as mine because majority of the profit will come from the Top 20 priority nodes we'll be discussing. This is because the more nodes you have, the more diminished the returns are per CP as you will have to go further out from your town. Please note that some of this may change depending on supply/demand but majority of it will remain fairy constant. 


1. Nodes you should take. 

Let's talk about some criteria for the nodes that you should take. 

>High profit per hour (Short cycles) 

>CP Cost (the lower cost, the better) 


Let's take a look at some things to consider. There are multiple high profit nodes that can be sold directly to CM. 

Group 1 - Valencia Nodes

These are very high profit nodes as valencia nodes tend to yield the highest and have very short work time. Here's an example: 


Figs is a beast in terms of profit. On average, fig nodes product 40-50 product per cycle. Each cycle can be as low as 30-40mins per. 

Let's calculate that. 45 Fig x 3870 silver = 174,150 value per 30minutes x 2 = 348k value per hour x 24 = 8.3 mil value per day on a single node. The below nodes on a minimum will get you around 5mil value per day with Artisan Goblins. 


Here are a list of priority Valencia nodes (These nodes alone make up 40-60% of my overall node profit): 

Sand Grain Bazaar:

1. Bazaar Farmland - Nutmeg

2. Bazaar Farmland - Teff

3. Pilgrim's Haven - Lumbering (barter node - barterers buy this cactus for a premium) 

4. Pilgrim's Haven - Mining (triple yield node) 

5. (Optional) Crescent Shrine - Date Palm 

6. (Optional and expensive) Aakman - Fig 



1. Shakatu Farmland - Fig (Sells well in CM) 

2. Shakatu Farmland - Fig (Sells well in CM) 

3. Shakatu Farmland - Star Anise (High yield, sells slowly) 

4. Bambu Valley - Freekeh (Sells well in CM) 

5. Iris Canyon - Nutmeg (Sells well in CM) 

6. Kmach Canyon - Star Anise (can be optional, star anise has not been doing well lately) 

7. Kmach Canyon - Mining (triple yield vanadium node) 


Valencia City: 

1. Valencia Plantation - Freekeh (Sells well in CM) 

2. Valencia Plantation - Pistachio (barter node, sells well and high yield) 

3. Valencia Plantation - Date Palm (Sells well in CM) 

4. Erdal Farm - Date Palm (Sells well in CM) 

5. Erdal Farm - Pistachio (barter node, sells well and high yield) 

6. Erdal Farm - Silk Culture (barter node, sells well and high yield) 


Arehaza Town: 

1. Northern Sand Dune - Gathering (barter node, sells well and high yield) 

2. Gavinya Volcano Zone - Mining (triple yield vanadium node) 

3. Gavinya Volcano Zone - Mining (triple yield titanium node) 




If you are able to take all the above nodes, this should yield you around 100mil per day (12 hours where artisan goblin workers are active). 

*Do I need coconut node? - No. This is a low-yielding node with high work requirement. 



Group 2: Priority Nodes 



1. Bartali Farm - Chicken Meat Production (Highest profit node when sold directly to CM) 

2. Finto Farm - Chicken Meat Production (Highest profit node when sold directly to CM) 


1. Loggia Farm - Potato 

2. Finto Farm - Potato 

3. Bartali Farm - Potato 

*Why are potatoes optional? They yield about 17 potatoes per cycle. 17 x 1510 = 25,670. The only good thing about them is they cost 1CP. I don't recommend taking unless you want them for cooking or processing but even if you process it, when you compare it to Figs which yields 6x more value, this node looks pretty bad in comparison. This is the same for other grain nodes hence they are not a priority. You only take them when you have extra CP. 

4. Ancient Stone Chamber - Excavation - High workload, RNG spot. Optional because you only start yielding good money on this if you have a Lv30 Artisan Goblin. I don't recommend Human here as each cycle will take more than 2 hours on a Human worker. Each cycle yields around 200k silver. On a Lv30 Artisan Goblin, this is 90 minutes per cycle. 




1. Lynch Ranch - Fleece Production - Barter node. Low work required, high yield. Nets around 130k - 150k per cycle and each cycle is around 35 - 40 minutes on Artisan Goblin. 

2. Alejandro Farm - Cooking Honey - Good for selling to CM. Yields around 80k-100k per cycle. 


1. Alejandro Farm - Pumpkin - Good for selling if pumpkins are at 2k each. This would beat grain nodes as yield is similar to them but max price on product is higher. 

2. Costa Farm - Pumpkin - Same as above.

3. Costa Farm - Wheat Farming - Same as potato. 

4. Costa Farm - Flax - Barter node. Good for selling. 

5. Moretti Plantation - Wheat Farming - Same as Potato.

6. Moretti Plantation - Flax - Barter node. Good for selling. 

*How about Lynch Farm Ruins? - Bad node. Rng and profit is smaller. 




1. Glish Swamp - Mining. Double proc node with good base + extra proc prices. Lead ore is currently on PO at max price. 




1. Masha Forest - Trace of Violence 


Calpheon City: 


1. Bernianto Farm - Trace of Battle 




1. Loopy Tree Forest - Lumbering

2. Lake Flondor - Noc Ore 



1. Gorgo Rock Belt - Gathering (barter node)

2. Abandoned Iron Mine - Mining - Iron Ore/Powder of Darkness/Rough Black Crystal. Don't take the zinc. 



1. Ahto Farm - Aloe Farming - Barter node. 

2. Ahto Farm - Cotton Farming - Barter node. 


Group 3: Fish Nodes

Fish nodes are cheap yet hold greater potential than grains. Each cycle generally yields 8-10 fish nodes (can be converted to Smoked Fish Steak). Let's say you have 0 cooking mastery - 10 fish x 2.5 smoked fish steak + 10 fish x 0.3 rare proc = 25x smoked fish steak x 5700 + 0.3 Golden Smoked Fish Steak x 8050 = 142,500 + 2415 = approx 145k. Fish nodes also benefit greatly from Artisan Goblins. Fish node profits also increase the higher your cooking mastery is. 


Do not sell the Dried Fish raw. You can just cook it to Smoked Fish Steak and sell it for greater profit. 



2. Workers you should use. (Goblin or Human?) 

In my opinion, you should stick to Artisan Goblins due to their versatility. If you're able to be active 4 hours per day, Goblins are great as you can constantly get them fed. Personally, feeding my workers goes like this: 

1. Feed after waking up

2. Feed before going to work

3. Feed after arriving from work

4. Feed before sleeping 

If you're going to AFK for a long time, Humans can be okay but I still like Goblins because their downtime is compensated during the weekends when I can keep them constantly fed. They also have higher potential to yield more when I'm away. 


Below is an example of the difference between Goblin/Human. Goblin is able to work faster per cycle. 




3. Maximizing CP Use. 

Just some notes here. BDO is a game where CP = Silver = Progress. Avoid wasting CP unnecessarily on nodes you won't use or yields very poorly (Trap nodes later). Here are some things to remember with CP. 

A. Each town has 1 free worker slot. Maximize this. 

B. Do not waste CP on storagethat you're not going to use. See example below: 

*Store single slot items in wagons or characters. 

**Throw away things you won't use for the next 3 months. 

***Items that are low in value and would not be useful should be thrown away. 

****You can maximize the transport feature and store your items on the free storage that's available per town. 


4. Avoiding Trap Nodes

Some nodes are very pricey and yields very little. Here are some nodes that you should avoid:

1. Mass of Pure Magic Node - Very expensive and due to Elvia's release, these nodes are now obsolete. You can now get around 5+ mass of pure magic per hour from Elvia spots. 

2. Mythril Node - Very expensive, high workload, low yield node. You can do Arehaza dailies instead of you want the Mythril. One day of Arehaza Dailies = 1 month+ on this node. 

3. Duvencrune Grain Nodes - Very expensive, low yield nodes. 4 CP for 25k-30k per cycle is very bad. 

4. You don't need to connect your towns. All you need is to be local. 


5. Miscellaneous Tips 

1. Make sure you keep promoting workers every 24 hours. Cancellation is now instant so there's no excuse not to promote. 

2. You can buy Worker Lodging from Pearl Shop for cheap (25-50 pearls per slot and they are permanent. Max of 3 per town.) 

3. Put 1million silver per town and use transport feature. This way, you don't have to travel to each town to move your materials. Only exemption to this is Arehaza (Please PA, add transport to this great town). 


Thank you guys for reading. If you have any questions, please do comment and I'll do my best to answer them. You may also find me in Florin Group Chat or you can DM me in Discord via the BDO SEA Official Discord. 


Last Edited on : May 24, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 2

Some notes: 

1. Majority of my workers are Artisan Goblins. 

2. I have 401 CP at the current time. 

3. I have full pearl worker lodging in most towns. 


Last Edited on : May 25, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 3

I definitely want to copy your Valencia Nodes (I don't have any in that territory). I just need to muster the energy to do it, hopefully I can start this weekend.



Last Edited on : May 26, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 4
On: 2021-05-24 19:12, By: Valfrelea

Some notes: 

1. Majority of my workers are Artisan Goblins. 

2. I have 401 CP at the current time. 

3. I have full pearl worker lodging in most towns. 


1 Days ago

TY our dearest Consultant =)

Doing the dry fish nodes now.


80 1622
Lv 62
Last Edited on : May 26, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 5

4 grains node at duvencrune has 280 workload. if u have artisan goblin it can complete the task in 20 minutes per cycle -> 24*3=72 cycles/day. Velia grain node has 400 workload, artisan goblin need 30 minutes -> 24*2= 48 cycles/day.


72 cycles/4 cp = 18 cycles/cp/day

48 cycles/2cp = 24 cycles/cp/day


so duvencrune efficient 3/4 veila. 

If u are cooking, u will need a lot of grains. that make duvencrune grain top node.

if u selling grain. not recommend taking those.

Last Edited on : May 26, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 6
On: 2021-05-24 18:58, By: Valfrelea

Hey all, 


Kuuro's back with my end-game node guide for AFK (FREE!) Silver in BDO. Please note that this is an intermediate to end-game guide. If you need to know how to get nodes, please search for other guides and come back for this. 


In this guide, we're going to take a look at the following points: 

1. Nodes you should take. (Biggest money node) 

2. Workers you should use. (Goblin or Human?) 

3. Maximizing CP use. 

4. Avoiding trap nodes. 

5. Miscellaneous tips. 



First up, let me share that my nodes make me around 200 mil - 400 mil silver per day in terms of value. This excludes my farm and you have to remember that you don't need the same number of workers as mine because majority of the profit will come from the Top 20 priority nodes we'll be discussing. This is because the more nodes you have, the more diminished the returns are per CP as you will have to go further out from your town. Please note that some of this may change depending on supply/demand but majority of it will remain fairy constant. 


1. Nodes you should take. 

Let's talk about some criteria for the nodes that you should take. 

>High profit per hour (Short cycles) 

>CP Cost (the lower cost, the better) 


Let's take a look at some things to consider. There are multiple high profit nodes that can be sold directly to CM. 

Group 1 - Valencia Nodes

These are very high profit nodes as valencia nodes tend to yield the highest and have very short work time. Here's an example: 


Figs is a beast in terms of profit. On average, fig nodes product 40-50 product per cycle. Each cycle can be as low as 30-40mins per. 

Let's calculate that. 45 Fig x 3870 silver = 174,150 value per 30minutes x 2 = 348k value per hour x 24 = 8.3 mil value per day on a single node. The below nodes on a minimum will get you around 5mil value per day with Artisan Goblins. 


Here are a list of priority Valencia nodes (These nodes alone make up 40-60% of my overall node profit): 

Sand Grain Bazaar:

1. Bazaar Farmland - Nutmeg

2. Bazaar Farmland - Teff

3. Pilgrim's Haven - Lumbering (barter node - barterers buy this cactus for a premium) 

4. Pilgrim's Haven - Mining (triple yield node) 

5. (Optional) Crescent Shrine - Date Palm 

6. (Optional and expensive) Aakman - Fig 



1. Shakatu Farmland - Fig (Sells well in CM) 

2. Shakatu Farmland - Fig (Sells well in CM) 

3. Shakatu Farmland - Star Anise (High yield, sells slowly) 

4. Bambu Valley - Freekeh (Sells well in CM) 

5. Iris Canyon - Nutmeg (Sells well in CM) 

6. Kmach Canyon - Star Anise (can be optional, star anise has not been doing well lately) 

7. Kmach Canyon - Mining (triple yield vanadium node) 


Valencia City: 

1. Valencia Plantation - Freekeh (Sells well in CM) 

2. Valencia Plantation - Pistachio (barter node, sells well and high yield) 

3. Valencia Plantation - Date Palm (Sells well in CM) 

4. Erdal Farm - Date Palm (Sells well in CM) 

5. Erdal Farm - Pistachio (barter node, sells well and high yield) 

6. Erdal Farm - Silk Culture (barter node, sells well and high yield) 


Arehaza Town: 

1. Northern Sand Dune - Gathering (barter node, sells well and high yield) 

2. Gavinya Volcano Zone - Mining (triple yield vanadium node) 

3. Gavinya Volcano Zone - Mining (triple yield titanium node) 




If you are able to take all the above nodes, this should yield you around 100mil per day (12 hours where artisan goblin workers are active). 

*Do I need coconut node? - No. This is a low-yielding node with high work requirement. 



Group 2: Priority Nodes 



1. Bartali Farm - Chicken Meat Production (Highest profit node when sold directly to CM) 

2. Finto Farm - Chicken Meat Production (Highest profit node when sold directly to CM) 


1. Loggia Farm - Potato 

2. Finto Farm - Potato 

3. Bartali Farm - Potato 

*Why are potatoes optional? They yield about 17 potatoes per cycle. 17 x 1510 = 25,670. The only good thing about them is they cost 1CP. I don't recommend taking unless you want them for cooking or processing but even if you process it, when you compare it to Figs which yields 6x more value, this node looks pretty bad in comparison. This is the same for other grain nodes hence they are not a priority. You only take them when you have extra CP. 

4. Ancient Stone Chamber - Excavation - High workload, RNG spot. Optional because you only start yielding good money on this if you have a Lv30 Artisan Goblin. I don't recommend Human here as each cycle will take more than 2 hours on a Human worker. Each cycle yields around 200k silver. On a Lv30 Artisan Goblin, this is 90 minutes per cycle. 




1. Lynch Ranch - Fleece Production - Barter node. Low work required, high yield. Nets around 130k - 150k per cycle and each cycle is around 35 - 40 minutes on Artisan Goblin. 

2. Alejandro Farm - Cooking Honey - Good for selling to CM. Yields around 80k-100k per cycle. 


1. Alejandro Farm - Pumpkin - Good for selling if pumpkins are at 2k each. This would beat grain nodes as yield is similar to them but max price on product is higher. 

2. Costa Farm - Pumpkin - Same as above.

3. Costa Farm - Wheat Farming - Same as potato. 

4. Costa Farm - Flax - Barter node. Good for selling. 

5. Moretti Plantation - Wheat Farming - Same as Potato.

6. Moretti Plantation - Flax - Barter node. Good for selling. 

*How about Lynch Farm Ruins? - Bad node. Rng and profit is smaller. 




1. Glish Swamp - Mining. Double proc node with good base + extra proc prices. Lead ore is currently on PO at max price. 




1. Masha Forest - Trace of Violence 


Calpheon City: 


1. Bernianto Farm - Trace of Battle 




1. Loopy Tree Forest - Lumbering

2. Lake Flondor - Noc Ore 



1. Gorgo Rock Belt - Gathering (barter node)

2. Abandoned Iron Mine - Mining - Iron Ore/Powder of Darkness/Rough Black Crystal. Don't take the zinc. 



1. Ahto Farm - Aloe Farming - Barter node. 

2. Ahto Farm - Cotton Farming - Barter node. 


Group 3: Fish Nodes

Fish nodes are cheap yet hold greater potential than grains. Each cycle generally yields 8-10 fish nodes (can be converted to Smoked Fish Steak). Let's say you have 0 cooking mastery - 10 fish x 2.5 smoked fish steak + 10 fish x 0.3 rare proc = 25x smoked fish steak x 5700 + 0.3 Golden Smoked Fish Steak x 8050 = 142,500 + 2415 = approx 145k. Fish nodes also benefit greatly from Artisan Goblins. Fish node profits also increase the higher your cooking mastery is. 


Do not sell the Dried Fish raw. You can just cook it to Smoked Fish Steak and sell it for greater profit. 



2. Workers you should use. (Goblin or Human?) 

In my opinion, you should stick to Artisan Goblins due to their versatility. If you're able to be active 4 hours per day, Goblins are great as you can constantly get them fed. Personally, feeding my workers goes like this: 

1. Feed after waking up

2. Feed before going to work

3. Feed after arriving from work

4. Feed before sleeping 

If you're going to AFK for a long time, Humans can be okay but I still like Goblins because their downtime is compensated during the weekends when I can keep them constantly fed. They also have higher potential to yield more when I'm away. 


Below is an example of the difference between Goblin/Human. Goblin is able to work faster per cycle. 




3. Maximizing CP Use. 

Just some notes here. BDO is a game where CP = Silver = Progress. Avoid wasting CP unnecessarily on nodes you won't use or yields very poorly (Trap nodes later). Here are some things to remember with CP. 

A. Each town has 1 free worker slot. Maximize this. 

B. Do not waste CP on storagethat you're not going to use. See example below: 

*Store single slot items in wagons or characters. 

**Throw away things you won't use for the next 3 months. 

***Items that are low in value and would not be useful should be thrown away. 

****You can maximize the transport feature and store your items on the free storage that's available per town. 


4. Avoiding Trap Nodes

Some nodes are very pricey and yields very little. Here are some nodes that you should avoid:

1. Mass of Pure Magic Node - Very expensive and due to Elvia's release, these nodes are now obsolete. You can now get around 5+ mass of pure magic per hour from Elvia spots. 

2. Mythril Node - Very expensive, high workload, low yield node. You can do Arehaza dailies instead of you want the Mythril. One day of Arehaza Dailies = 1 month+ on this node. 

3. Duvencrune Grain Nodes - Very expensive, low yield nodes. 4 CP for 25k-30k per cycle is very bad. 

4. You don't need to connect your towns. All you need is to be local. 


5. Miscellaneous Tips 

1. Make sure you keep promoting workers every 24 hours. Cancellation is now instant so there's no excuse not to promote. 

2. You can buy Worker Lodging from Pearl Shop for cheap (25-50 pearls per slot and they are permanent. Max of 3 per town.) 

3. Put 1million silver per town and use transport feature. This way, you don't have to travel to each town to move your materials. Only exemption to this is Arehaza (Please PA, add transport to this great town). 


Thank you guys for reading. If you have any questions, please do comment and I'll do my best to answer them. You may also find me in Florin Group Chat or you can DM me in Discord via the BDO SEA Official Discord. 




+1 pretty pog guide

Last Edited on : May 27, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 7
On: 2021-05-26 14:29, By: FatalBreeze

4 grains node at duvencrune has 280 workload. if u have artisan goblin it can complete the task in 20 minutes per cycle -> 24*3=72 cycles/day. Velia grain node has 400 workload, artisan goblin need 30 minutes -> 24*2= 48 cycles/day.


72 cycles/4 cp = 18 cycles/cp/day

48 cycles/2cp = 24 cycles/cp/day


so duvencrune efficient 3/4 veila. 

If u are cooking, u will need a lot of grains. that make duvencrune grain top node.

if u selling grain. not recommend taking those.

10 Hours ago

The problem in Duven is the CP cost + very expensive Duven lodging cost. 

The profit you would have made from cooking could be doubled by just investing in a different node. Less effort, same silver. 

Last Edited on : Jun 19, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 8

I finally have the time, and doing this today! Thanks Kuuro.




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Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.