
Oct 29, 2021, 17:15 (UTC+8)
1395 2
Last Edited on : Oct 29, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 1

Category: Succession skills.


Good Changes: Block jump changes pretty nice Ghost step full iframe Spammable Heart Aiming (even off CD)

Heart aiming flows into Ninja stomp [Potentially new combo in 1 v x, 1 v 1]

Red Rain > Dark Frenzy [PVE QOL] [Hold S+RMB]


Bad Changes: Cant Brace in pre-awakening/Succession [BAD] <<< my hotbars are almost full, revert old brace.

Ghost greeting was priotised instead of W+Fatal blow after sprint. 


How can it be further improve?

1. Ghost slash CD reduction.

2. Stamina improvements?

3. No changes in accuracy and evasion passives. Would be nice if small modifiers were added.

4. Remove Stamina Halt from Prime: Shadow Slash.

5. Not asking for giga pvp damage buffs but Black Moonlight could use a tiny small damage buff in pvp?
If Awakening Nova can have damage and speed at the same time, shouldnt old classes are allowed to be get the same thing as well?

Last Edited on : Oct 31, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 2

Category: Succession Skills.


1. Allow brace to remove slow debuffs. As you know, Succession Ninja is a very heavy SA trading class, slow debuffs kills our movement and putting us at a disadvantage to disengage or engage during teamfights. Small changes like this would be a QOL change instead of buffs. 


2. Prime: Black Moonlight. Increase the damage for PVP. This skills literally does nothing to the current state of the game in PVP. A small PVP damage buffs in this skill wouldnt hurt. Bring back Air Attack modifiers in this skill, small increase in damage so it wouldnt act like Serpent Ascension. It would be something like a finishing move after doing a large scale combo.


3. Ghost Slash CD reduction and allow it to flow with Absolute/Prime:Smoke Screen, Prime/Absolute: Shadow Slash, Ninja Stomp and W+F (Ghost step forward). As I was testing this skill in Global Labs, this skill literally has zero flows on other skills. The damage can be remain the same but allowing it to flow with other skills would be great since its a great skill for movement. The cool down is too long (20 seconds). A small reduction like let say 12 seconds or 9 seconds wouldnt hurt. 


4. Passives: Evasion and Accuracy passive. [This applies to Awakening too]

If you must know, Ninja is considered is the worst Evasion class since it only evades melee evasion. If Hashashins can have All Evasion passive, why can't Ninjas? Aren't Hashashins considered as an Assassin class too? Suggestion: 2.5% meele evasion > 5 % All evasion. 
As for accuracy, Succession Ninja is the or could be the most accuracy hungry class in the game. A small buff in accuracy wouldnt hurt the class. New classes like Sage, Nova and Corsair can upkeep their accuracy to 30% when casting skills, I dont think a small accuracy buffs like 5 to 10% would make Ninja too powerful.


Category: Awakening

Suggestion for improvements.


1. Allow Flashing Light to be usable in Pre-Awakening state. 

One of the feedbacks I sent 2 months ago was to allow Awakening Ninjas to use Murderous Intent from Pre-awk and this was implemented during this reboot. Thank you for that. However, the other one was Flashing Light which was not implemented. I believe implementing Flashing Light in pre-awk would allow Awk ninjas to move smoothly, not clunkier. Its annoying you have to c+swap all the time. 

Here's an example of how it could be done >>>>


2. Revert old Serpent Ascension.

PA, I think 80-90% of Awakening Ninjas would agree, please revert old Serpent Ascension (1 wave serpent). The current serpent is just too slow even with speed buffs. Reverting Old Serpent and slighlty reduce the damage in PVP wouldnt affect most awk ninjas since it allows us to flow better with other skills. The current serpent ascension locks you into that animation and its easily to get punish by it.


Core Skills

Replace [Core: Bloodthirst Katana Shower] with: [Core: Flashing Light] - Adds the following effect: Superarmor during Hits.


Replace [Core: Corrupt Sword Dance] with: [Core: Mach Explosion] - Adds the following effect: Forward Guard while using skill.

Last Edited on : Nov 13, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 3
On: 2021-10-31 13:12, By: HayatoSubarashii
Edit Date : 2021-10-31

Category: Succession Skills.


1. Allow brace to remove slow debuffs. As you know, Succession Ninja is a very heavy SA trading class, slow debuffs kills our movement and putting us at a disadvantage to disengage or engage during teamfights. Small changes like this would be a QOL change instead of buffs. 


2. Prime: Black Moonlight. Increase the damage for PVP. This skills literally does nothing to the current state of the game in PVP. A small PVP damage buffs in this skill wouldnt hurt. Bring back Air Attack modifiers in this skill, small increase in damage so it wouldnt act like Serpent Ascension. It would be something like a finishing move after doing a large scale combo.


3. Ghost Slash CD reduction and allow it to flow with Absolute/Prime:Smoke Screen, Prime/Absolute: Shadow Slash, Ninja Stomp and W+F (Ghost step forward). As I was testing this skill in Global Labs, this skill literally has zero flows on other skills. The damage can be remain the same but allowing it to flow with other skills would be great since its a great skill for movement. The cool down is too long (20 seconds). A small reduction like let say 12 seconds or 9 seconds wouldnt hurt. 


4. Passives: Evasion and Accuracy passive. [This applies to Awakening too]

If you must know, Ninja is considered is the worst Evasion class since it only evades melee evasion. If Hashashins can have All Evasion passive, why can't Ninjas? Aren't Hashashins considered as an Assassin class too? Suggestion: 2.5% meele evasion > 5 % All evasion. 
As for accuracy, Succession Ninja is the or could be the most accuracy hungry class in the game. A small buff in accuracy wouldnt hurt the class. New classes like Sage, Nova and Corsair can upkeep their accuracy to 30% when casting skills, I dont think a small accuracy buffs like 5 to 10% would make Ninja too powerful.


Category: Awakening

Suggestion for improvements.


1. Allow Flashing Light to be usable in Pre-Awakening state. 

One of the feedbacks I sent 2 months ago was to allow Awakening Ninjas to use Murderous Intent from Pre-awk and this was implemented during this reboot. Thank you for that. However, the other one was Flashing Light which was not implemented. I believe implementing Flashing Light in pre-awk would allow Awk ninjas to move smoothly, not clunkier. Its annoying you have to c+swap all the time. 

Here's an example of how it could be done >>>>


2. Revert old Serpent Ascension.

PA, I think 80-90% of Awakening Ninjas would agree, please revert old Serpent Ascension (1 wave serpent). The current serpent is just too slow even with speed buffs. Reverting Old Serpent and slighlty reduce the damage in PVP wouldnt affect most awk ninjas since it allows us to flow better with other skills. The current serpent ascension locks you into that animation and its easily to get punish by it.


Core Skills

Replace [Core: Bloodthirst Katana Shower] with: [Core: Flashing Light] - Adds the following effect: Superarmor during Hits.


Replace [Core: Corrupt Sword Dance] with: [Core: Mach Explosion] - Adds the following effect: Forward Guard while using skill.

Oi Aerov,


You already play ninja so long. You must be know All Ninja user have different game play with SA Trading such as guardian, nova, mystic, strike, etc. that have SA trading as well.

That is why we called as Ninja, we need mechanic bro. All you ask is you want play ninja with such good mechanic with guardian / mystic protection.


As ninja user I feel good with current ninja, rather it succ or awaken. both are good already. It just depends on the pilot.


Stamina Improvement?
I think we don't need another stamnina improvement since we can rotate our SA while regen our stamina, and its quite fast regen if u play like 1 - 2 rotation ur stamina will come back full.


I am ninja user as well and I dont think we need another protection CC. So far all good. If want improve just try improve adding more damage to ninja succ and also awaken since all old class have some new rework and also buff damage (Succ). or you can do spam rmb rmb in awaken mode for fg while waiting for stamina regen (awaken).


Remove Debuff for brace I think its a bit too far. So far ninja can get in and get out easily (depends on the pilot). I know as ninja player, slow and other debuff make us disadvantage but so far u have lot of skill to escape while protected. So I think its a bit too far to make that. If PA really make that it will be out of balance ninja.

Maybe if I can fix that, not the brace since its have low CD. 

I suggest if PA do remove debuff for the E buff (Ashura / Malicious Cut (Succ W C (E buff))). That makes more balance rather you give remove debuff at brace.

But yea I dont think PA will agree since there is no class that have remove debuff skills. (So far I know only Nova that have e buff remove - DP, but no slows and bleed and others). There is no potion that have remove debuff. So I think its kind of impossible if remove all debuff.


So far rework that give almost new mechanic is for class that kind be "Rare" or we can "Lost" in the game. So far ninja just need adding damage. So Blackmoonlight I agree either.


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