Did you get invited to a Khan Raid for the first time? Is your Guild Organizing one but you have no idea what to do? D:
Then you've come to the right place! :DD
Hi there! Welcome to Khanning guide >w</
Today I will discuss on how to Khanning! Please remember to refer to whichever section applies to you before continuing on!
There are 4 roles in every Khanning: Shooters, BCC, Refillers/Officers & GM. (Expert shooting guide at bottom)
SHOOTER (War Hero/Normal Guild Member who just wants Khan Heart & Materials)
The shooter has 4 things to take note of:
1) PUNCTUAL If you're late and miss the CTG or if you're in wrong server when CTG happens you need to smek yourself. (CTG appears as a flag icon next to your minimap. LMB it to teleport you to the caster's location.)
2) SHOP If you have read this guide and understand how to Khanning, ALWAYS request for Allowance as WH (Money the Guild gives you to buy stuff from Guild Shop) unless they already have enough people who understand how to Khanning and you're just there to leech the loot, then you just shoot whatever is given. If 10m is given, 2 Monsterbane Cannons + 80 Monsterbane Cannonballs. (I always buy 69 for good luck! + Leave 1m for emergency flex.)
3) SHOOT Understand the basic mechanics of being a shooter. There are MANY ways of shooting, but the most optimal basic one is the (3 + 1) method which I will cover here.
4) COMMUNICATE Read Guild Chat, ping ( ` button ) when need assistance and hiding when Khan is enraged etc. (Some guilds also prefer level 49 & below charas to avoid pirates)
^ The Guild Manager at OE & her shop. Scroll to bottom for the Monsterbane Stuff!
Step-by-step basic DPS Shooting Guide (3 + 1 Method):
Step 1: Setup your cannon
RMB the Monsterbane Cannon from Inventory (behind the rock is the safest place) < Just 1 will do!
Step 2: F5 your cannon
This opens up your cannon inventory
Step 3: Load your cannon
RMB the Monsterbane Cannonball and select 3.
Step 4: Ping for BCC
Aim your cursor at yourself and use the ` icon (next to 1) to issue a guild ping. Say "BCC please" in guild chat helps too! (Some guilds may use Q/E spam to wiggle cannon or Alt + C to indicate that you need BCC)
^ This is what your Inventory should look like after BCC loaded. 3 Monsterbane on Slot #1, 1 BCC on Slot #2. Cannonballs are used up from LEFT to RIGHT!
Step 5: Mount your cannon
R your cannon to mount it! Then move it into position using WASD. Q/E to adjust up and down. (Q > E quickly to wiggle :3)
Step 6: Shoot 3 Times
Hold LMB until the arrow reaches the boss and let go to fire. (Most people just hold it until it fires by itself. Just make sure you hit!) Wait for Cannon CD and shoot total of 3 Monsterbane Cannonballs. This will charge the cannon up to 3 bars.
Step 7: Charged Shot!
Hold RMB until the arrow reaches the boss and let go to fire. This will shoot your last cannonball in the cannon which is a BCC! (Bars will be consumed) < Charged shot + BCC is BIG DAMAGE!
Step 8: Rinse and Repeat!
You are now a super reliable DPS! Congratulations!
^ Khan screaming in pain because you used BCC Charged Shot to deal heavy emotional damage and he couldn't reply "no u" because he has no fingers and doesn't own a PC.
Advanced Tip: Do not close ANY inventories. Cannon Inventory AND Inventory should be open at all times after u F5. This way u get to save time by no need unmount/remount and take zero damage from Khan's basic attacks (let the cannon tank).
More Advanced Tip: Cannonballs are used from Left to Right. Meaning if you load Monsterbane Cannonballs 1st, and BCC 2nd, you will ALWAYS use Monsterbane Cannonballs 1st. Until the 1st slot is empty, the 2nd slot cannot fire. Don't load more than 3 Monsterbane cannonballs at once unless you're there to leech or just have fun.
BCC (Black Crystal Cannonball Farmer)
The BCC farmer has 4 things to take note of:
1) SHOOT ONCE Khan can only be looted after dealt damage (any amount). Leave your cannon behind a rock after shooting so others can use it!
2) KILL THE BCC Yes this is your job. (261AP minimum for BCC Farmers & 2 BCC Farmers minimum)
3) USE THE BCC This part may be optional if you have dedicated refill mentioned below.
4) HIDE When Khan is enraged, Hide along with the other members behind a rock!
^ This is BCC okay? Not BBC. Kill all to stop Khan when he's trying to heal.
The role of Refiller/Officer is extremely varied from guild to guild. Some are in charge of everything, some are just there as shooter. Make sure you understand what role you are.
1) REFILL You're in charge of Refilling Black Crystal Cannonball by responding to the WH/members who need them. A dedicated refiller in small parties is MUCH MORE important than a multitasker who both shoots and refills. (But please still plant a cannon for yourself if your GS isn't high enough. The cannon can help tank the damage.)
Depending on how much you trust the Shooter, you can load from 1 - 8 BCC at a time, with 1 being weird uncle levels & 8 being super trust! Do not load Monsterbane cannonballs to anyone unless they specify it. In that case, you put 3 Monsterbane and then 1 BCC. (Order is important!)
2) EVERYTHING You're also possibly tasked with one (or more) of the following: (ranked from most prominent to least)
i) PLATOON Self explanatory. Usually 1 Guild Officer is in each Platoon (Shooter, BCC, WH) to help with communication. Turn on Party, Guild & Whisper Chats (some are shy).
ii) RESTOCK Always have extra Monsterbane Cannons and Cannonballs. NEVER place more than 4 Monsterbane Cannonballs to any cannon at a single time.
iii) TIMER The moment that the Khan notification is up, your guild has 30 minutes to slay him. Take note of this and inform everyone on the time left!
iv) WARNING When Khan is enraged, go into guild chat and say: "!HIDE HIDE HIDE". The exclamation mark at the front turns it into a guild notification.
v) REMIND Make sure the War Heroes & Guild Members know about the Khan by posting the details (date, time & server) in Guild Discord, Guild Announcements, Guild Chat etc.
vi) INFORM If there are any first time Khanning people, ask them to talk to the NPCs, especially General Goods Manager (Bave Ricksta at OE) to unlock Safe Zone respawning.
vii) Optional: REVIVE Bring Medical Kit to revive players who don't have safe zone unlocked. You can purchase them from General Goods Manager! (Witch/Wizard can too!)
^ Here's one way to Restock at the Guild Manager Exchange in major cities to save funds!
GM (Guildmaster & Advisor)
This should only be useful if you're starting out. Most experienced GMs know this already.
1) SUMMON REQUIREMENTS If you plan to make weekly Khan Raids, ensure you have enough upkeep for Khan Scrolls! (5 Scrolls pieces from SMH/Lifeskill Guild Quests each summon.)
2) SERVER When deciding which server to summon Khan, you should always arrive 15 minutes before CTG is casted (20 minutes before Khan Summoning) to scout for other guilds who may be summoning Khan as well. Only one Khan can be summoned at one time per server so adjust the server accordingly!
3) COMMAND TO GATHER (CTG) You should always have enough pledge of blood in your inventory (Or just buy from Guild Manager at OE). Cast CTG (250 pledge) 5 minutes before the expected Summon Time at Oquilla's Eye. If CTG is not provided (11 hour CD not over), make sure there's a dedicated Sailor to bring Guildies or War Heroes from Velia to Oquilla's Eye.
4) EVALUATE Depending on the experience and size of the Shooter Platoon, you may need to change your Khan size accordingly. S, M, L, XL (T0, T1, T2, T3) (12 EXPERT shooters can handle XL in my experience)
5) BACKUP Should you have insufficient members for any of the above positions, you will need to take up those positions! So make sure you know what to do!
6) THANKS Make sure to thank you members and War Heroes for supporting the Raid! >w<
^ Where to Summon (Only GM/Advisor can see this!)
^ How to CTG~!
This section is only for people who want to hard carry Khans while being BCC efficient. (If zero BCC efficiency, just shoot BCC all the way!) It's specific so pay close attention!
Step 1: Setup cannon and load in at least 1 Monsterbane Cannonball with both Inventories Open.
Step 2: Request for BCC. Tell them you can handle at least 5! (Do not get more than 8 at a time in case of bad lightning RNG.) You will have something like this:
^ With both inventories open, refill the 1st tab (Monsterbane Cannonballs) as needed. Remember BCC in tab #2 is never used until you run out of Monsterbane in tab #1.
Step 3: Charge the Cannon to 4 Bars with Monsterbane, and press X to initiate Rapid Fire Mode.
< After pressing X, 4 bars will be consumed to allow superfast firing for 10 shots.
Step 4: Follow the (3 + 1) formula twice, with the 3 normal shots being Monsterbane & the charged shot ALWAYS being BCC.
^ Your first Charged Shot should look like this! Then you refill 3 Monsterbanes from your inventory to normal fire before charged shot BCC again.
Step 5: After 2 rotations of (3 + 1), you will have 2 shots left. Normal fire both with Monsterbane, then fire 2 more normal shots with Monsterbane.
Step 6: Consume 4 Bars by pressing X to initiate Rapid Fire Mode again. Repeat step 4 - 6.
Step 7: You are now a Khan Hypercarry!! \( ゚ヮ゚)/ Yatta!
Expert Tip: Before Khan is summoned, you can setup your rapidfire AND fire 3 normal shots to achieve this:
^ The next shot you fire will be a Charged Shot as soon as Khan is summoned. You will notice just how much dmg it does.
After Khan is slain, just swim to the middle of the pool with Pets on! Good luck getting Khan's Heart! xD
Okay! That about wraps it up! >w<7 Salute for finishing the guide and Happy Khanning!!!
Thanks for reading! ☆ ~ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ
P.S. If there's any correction to be made please let me know in the comment! ^^
P.S.S. More pictures will be updated soon!
1) [GM Note] [Updated] Khan – The Eye of the Ocean
2) Trinity Online Khanning Video Guide
Part 1: https://youtu.be/D-UAmsG3jY8
Part 2: https://youtu.be/dsExff7UD1I
Part 3: https://youtu.be/vZVJVcVBx_U
3) MilkShai-SEA/Deatheaters Khan Guide
4) JonLaw98 Khan Guide
5) Thumbnail Credit