
Drakania Succ&Awk. PvE Rework Suggestions (Detailed Report)
Jan 24, 2024, 05:17 (UTC+8)
2586 2
Last Edited on : Jan 24, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 1
Greetings to all.

I am creating this topic to highlight the importance of balancing PvE for the Drakania class. As you know, the Drakania class has significant chronic issues in terms of PvE performance in both Succession and Awakening aspects. Since its release, the class has consistently remained below average in PvE performance. So, I have decided to prepare this report after very detailed analyses about the class. Those who know me will know how meticulous I am. I have found the best combos through damage calculation Per Frame in Excel Forms until today, and I can't go any further now. Moreover, learning the Drakania class requires a serious amount of time. It is also very detailed. Mastering all these details takes months over months. Then, even when you use the class's skills in their best forms flawlessly, it is very difficult to approach average rewards in PvE. The purpose of this topic is to ensure that those who put so much effort into learning the class at least get the recognition they deserve. Please do not worry! Because, I will not try to overpower the class. The only desire is to make this unique class more easily playable by the players and to make them feel better while doing PvE. Considering that the weakness of its PvE after the recent PvP nerf does not serve a purpose, I have prepared the detailed report below (PvP Nerfs for awakening aspect was necessary, I agree with you). I hope this detailed report reaches the developers.

icon SUCCESSION icon

   Unfortunately, Succession Drakania PvE is constantly being restricted due to certain chronic issues. This creates a serious bottleneck regardless of how well you play. I have prepared my suggestions in a way that will not affect PvP.
These problems generally manifest in the following ways:
- Decreased DPS due to slow animations.
- Incredibly long cooldowns for some skills.
- Shallow gameplay due to the reliance of primary damage on a few skills.
- Self-buffs and debuffs lagging far behind the game.
- The burden of the ION system being felt in PvE.

- The damage of the skills used during ION charging is very very weak.

- Lower crit rates of filler skills should be increased to 100% for Only PvE. This way, a more effective benefit can be gained from the class-specific +%10 Crit Damage buff.

Prime: Omnislash ( 강 : 연쇄 베기 )

- The Omnislash skill cooldown should be increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds. This will allow us to benefit from the T2 addon.
- The skill is mostly used directly with the 2nd and 3rd attacks without using the first attack. However, when you check the multipliers, you can observe a strange distribution like x3 x2 x4. After canceling the first attack, most of the skill damage is lost. To overcome this situation, the multipliers should be changed as follows: x1 x4 x4.
- The debuff amount should be changed from -15DP to -20DP and should be equivalent to other classes.
- A +%10 damage increase should be applied to the skill damage for only PvE.

- %100 PvE Only Crit Rate should be added


Attack 1 Damage  1534 x3

Attack 2 Damage  1534 x2

Attack 3 Damage  1534 x4

PvP Damage Reduction -40.7%


Attack 1 Damage  1687 x1

Attack 2 Damage  1687 x4

Attack 3 Damage  1687 x4

PvP Damage Reduction -59.6% (The total PvP damage of the 2nd and 3rd attacks was calculated to remain the same, as the 1st attack is rarely used.)

Prime: Embers ( 강 : 잔불 )

- The skill damage value is very low in today's standards. It should be increased by +%40. PvE Only.

- %100 PvE Only Crit Rate should be added.


Attack 1 Damage  969 x4

Attack 2 Damage  969 x4

PvP Damage Reduction -55.9%


Attack 1 Damage  1357 x4

Attack 2 Damage  1357 x4

PvP Damage Reduction -68.5%

icon Prime: Brimbolt Raze ( 강 : 벼락불 휩쓸기 )

- Skill should be adjusted to better combo with other skills.

- Skill damage should be increased by +%30. PvE Only.

- %100 PvE Only Crit Rate should be added.


Attack Damage  1831 x5

PvP Damage Reduction -51.3%


Attack Damage  2380 x5

PvP Damage Reduction -62.5%

 Prime: Eviscerate ( 강 : 숨통 꿰뚫기 )

- Skill damage should be increased by +%50 PvE Only for only ION Usage.


Rushing attack damage 1156% x1 at max ion output, max 5 hits
Stab attack damage 1156% x5 at max ion output

PvP Damage Reduction -40%


Rushing attack damage 1734% x1 at max ion output, max 5 hits
Stab attack damage 1734% x5 at max ion output

PvP Damage Reduction -60%

icon Succession: Flow: Brimbolt Wave ( 전승 : 흐름 : 벼락불 파동 )

- Skill should adjusted to be used after the S+RMB (Prime: Blazing Strike) skill with LMB. This adjustment will result in a significant improvement in the character's damage dealing ability for PvE. However, the Superarmor effect should only work after the Prime: Brimbolt Strike skill.

 Prime: Brimbolt Strike ( 강 : 벼락불 작렬 )

- Skill cooldown creates a serious bottleneck. To solve this problem, the skill cooldown should be reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.

icon Prime: Markthanan's Dominion ( 강 : 마크타난의 영역 )

- The skill animation is too long compared to the damage it deals. In other words, there is a serious DPS issue. Speeding up the animation could create a serious imbalance in PvP. Instead, a significant increase in PvE damage would create balance. The skill damage should be changed to increase by +30% in PvE.

- Skill should develop in a way that can be smoothly combo with other skills in the skill tree.


Inner attack damage 2212% x8
Outer attack damage 1652% x2

PvP Damage Reduction -60%


Inner attack damage 2876% x8
Outer attack damage 2148% x2

PvP Damage Reduction -69.2%

iconBrimbolt Annihilation ( 벼락불 섬멸 )

- Skill damage should be increased by +%40 only for PvE.


Attack 1 damage 1507% x5
Attack 2 damage 1507% x5

PvP Damage Reduction -62%


Attack 1 damage 2109% x5
Attack 2 damage 2109% x5

PvP Damage Reduction -71.5%

icon Prime: Sundering Claw ( 강 : 가르는 발톱 )

- Skill cooldown creates a serious bottleneck. To solve this problem, the skill cooldown should be reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.

icon Prime: Ascent ( 강 : 승천 )

- The skill cooldown should be reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.

- The skill animation is too long compared to the damage it deals. In other words, there is a serious DPS issue. Speeding up the animation could create a serious imbalance in PvP. Instead, a significant increase in PvE damage would create balance. The skill damage should be changed to increase by +40% in PvE.


Normal attack damage 2208% x4
Extra attack damage 2748% x1 at max ion output, max 5 hits

PvP Damage Reduction -49.4%


Normal attack damage 3091% x4
Extra attack damage 3847% x1 at max ion output, max 5 hits

PvP Damage Reduction -63.4%

   A New Skil Suggestion : Flow: Dragonwalk (Passive)

As you know, the Drakania class does not have a limitless PvE iframe ability. When you use current movement skills, you encounter cooldown issues. Especially in areas where you need to spam PvE Iframe, So you have to use the  Evasion skill. Unfortunately, the Evasion skill does not provide a good game performance to solve the PvE iframe problem. Additionally, when using the Evasion skill, we cannot cancel our skills and it often results in a bad experience. To solve this issue, a new passive skill should be added. This skill should allow us to use the Dragonwalk skill even when it is on cooldown. However, it should not have a superarmor protection effect while on cooldown, and it should not affect PvP. It should be possible to lock the skill when not needed, and it should prevent us from accidentally moving unprotected in PvP.

icon AWAKENINGicon

   The Drakania Awakening class might be the most unique class in BDO. The character becomes incredibly deep with a large number of skills and the use of these skills in more than 80 combinations as cancel & flow. It is well known that the efforts to learn and master this class, which takes months, are not adequately rewarded in terms of PvE. Despite the significant effort, the barely average reward is not satisfactory. I believe that in order to eliminate this situation, we need to first look into the chronic issues of the character instead of giving big PvE damage numbers. Although the damages of some skills have been balanced with the PvE rework, no damage balancing has been done for some skills. On the other hand, some skills create bottlenecks with cooldowns that are not suitable for the combo timing of the skill tree. Below, I have tried to clearly convey all the chronic issues of the class to you.

 For Hexeblood form:

- The incredibly small skill areas cause a significant loss of damage in PvE.
- Despite the class passive of +10% crit damage, many skills in Hexeblood suffer from low Crit Rate, rendering them unable to benefit from their own passive. This seems to be the most amusing design flaw of the class. This issue needs to be addressed for PvE.
- Some skills need to be improved in terms of cooldown, and skills that are not useful in the current state of the game need to be reworked. I will share the details below.

 For Dragonblood form:
- The slow animation of Dragonblood skills creates problems in terms of DPS for PvE.
- Improvements should be made to the cooldowns of certain skills.

icon Flow: Concealed Claw ( 흐름 : 비장의 발톱 )

- The skill has no protection or CC. It is designed solely for dealing damage. It is a very useful and powerful skill. However, when you want to combo it with other skills in the Hexeblood form, there can be a one-second cooldown gap. To eliminate this issue, the cooldown should be reduced, as Hexeblood skills generally have a 7-second cycle for combos, but this skill has an 8-second cycle. The skill's cooldown should be reduced from 8 seconds to 7 seconds.

- After using the Hexeblood: Savage Decree(S+LMB) skill, it should be updated to be used while holding the LMB.

- The damage you deal in the AoE of the skill is unfortunately very poor because the skill is in the shape of a 'bow'. This bow shape should be transformed into a semi-circle. The width should remain the same and it should be adjusted to deal damage forward. I have shown a simple drawing below. On the left is the current skill, and on the right is the suggested version.

iconHexeblood: Savage Decree ( 날카로운 선포 )

This skill is almost never used in PvP or PvE due to its design, small AoE, and slow animation, making it completely impractical. If the skill is reworked as described below, it will be very, very useful.
1- The skill cooldown should be increased from 5 seconds to 7 seconds.
2- The multipliers within the skill should be completely removed, and it should be reorganized to perform a single attack instead.

3- This attack should have the same animation as the Flow: Concealed Claw skill. However, this animation should start&end in the opposite direction. While the Flow: Concealed Claw skill completes its animation with a movement "from the top left to the bottom right", this skill should move "from the bottom right to the top left". When we combo the two skills, it should be like this: "Bottom Right to Top Left > Top Left to Bottom Right."

4- The Skill AoE should be the same as Flow: Concealed Claw.

5- Should not be used while on cooldown.


Attack 1 damage 1383% x3
Attack 2 damage 1383% x3
Attack 3 damage 1383% x5

Critical Hit Rate +35% (Nullified during cooldown)

PvP Damage Reduction -49.4%


Attack damage 2286% x6

Critical Hit Rate +50%

PvP Damage Reduction -53% (Same rate with Flow: Concealed Claw)

Last Edited on : Jan 24, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 2

Hexeblood: Spiteful Soul ( 혼에 사무친 원한 )

- Only the AoE of 3 attack should be expanded by 30%.

- Increase the PvE damage of only "Attack 3 Damage" by 40%. A separate damage reduction rule should be added for PvP damage. Details are provided below.

- Skill should have a +50% Critical Hit Rate for PvE Only.


Attack 1 damage 1531% x3, max 2 hits
Attack 2 damage 1531% x3
Attack 3 damage 1531% x5

PvP Damage Reduction -46.9%


Attack 1 damage 1531% x3, max 2 hits
Attack 2 damage 1531% x3
Attack 3 damage 2413% x5

For Attack 1&2 PvP Damage Reduction -49.4%

For Attack 3 PvP Damage Reduction -66.3%

iconHexeblood: Extinction ( 생명의 종말 )
- Skill should have a +50% Critical Hit Rate for PvE Only.

- Skill damage should be increased by +%20 only for PvE.


Attack damage 1507% x6

PvP Damage Reduction -49.2%


Attack damage 1808% x6

PvP Damage Reduction -57.7%

icon Hexeblood: Flow: Obliterate ( 흐름 : 척결 )

This skill did not receive a damage buff during the PvE Reworks. The skill animation is quite slow and the damage is also low. If we increase the damage without changing the animation, it will become more efficient in PvE.

- Skill damage should be increased by +%40 only for PvE.

- The skill range should be increased by 20%.


Attack damage 1223% x10

PvP Damage Reduction -38.6%


Attack damage 1712% x10

PvP Damage Reduction -56.1%

iconHexeblood: Tectonic Slam ( 격파의 돌격 )

- Skill should have a +50% Critical Hit Rate for PvE Only.

iconHexeblood: Crackling Flame  ( 가르는 불꽃 )

- Skill should have a +50% Critical Hit Rate for PvE Only.

icon Hexeblood: Storm Maul ( 폭풍의 습격 )

- The second attack of the skill is never used under any circumstances. Therefore, the second attack should be removed and damage adjustment should be made as deemed necessary. 

- Skill should have a +50% Critical Hit Rate for PvE Only.

icon Dragonblood: Savage Decree ( 날카로운 선포 )

This skill did not receive a damage buff during the PvE Reworks. The skill animation is quite slow and the damage is also low. If we increase the damage without changing the animation, it will become more efficient in PvE.

- Skill damage should be increased by +%60 only for PvE.


Attack 1 damage 963% x3
Attack 2 damage 1079% x8

PvP Damage Reduction -45%


Attack 1 damage 1541% x3
Attack 2 damage 1726% x8

PvP Damage Reduction -65.6%

icon Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale ( 역린 찌르기 )

- Skill damage should be increased by +%25 only for PvE.


Attack damage 2032% x6

PvP Damage Reduction -50.5%


Attack damage 2540% x6

PvP Damage Reduction -60.4%

icon Dragonblood: Flow: Cloud's Strife ( 흐름 : 구름 끊기 )

- The skill cooldown should be removed, and after icon Dragonblood: Tip of the Scale and  Dragonblood: Spiteful Soul skills should be freely usable as desired afterwards.

 Dragonblood: Spiteful Soul ( 혼에 사무친 원한 )

- The skill's cooldown should be reduced from 9 seconds to 8 seconds.

iconDragonblood: Sundering Roar ( 대지를 가르는 포효 )

- The skill's cooldown should be reduced from 14 seconds to 10 seconds.

icon Dragonblood: Tectonic Slam ( 격파의 돌격 )

Skill damage should be increased by +%40 only for PvE.


Attack damage 1684% x6

PvP Damage Reduction -44.8%


Attack damage 2357% x6

PvP Damage Reduction -60.6%

Quality of Life Suggestions

1-) After using any Pre-Awakening skill or Rabam skill, the player should be able to change the weapon stance in to the Awakening form by pressing the SPACE key with  Legacy skill.
2-) When  Brimbolt Raze skill is locked, pressing W+RMB should be set to transition to the Hexeblood form by using the  Strom Maul skill.
3-) When  Markthanan's Scale skill is locked, pressing Shift+Q should be set to transition to the Dragonblood form by using the  Doombringer skill.

" I hope that the issues with Succession and Awakening forms in PvE are resolved promptly so that they can be adjusted to appeal to all players. "

Last Edited on : Aug 6, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 3

PA just hate this class. No way they r gonna buff her


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