[6th Anniversary] Yesterday a GM, Today an NPC?!

Yesterday a [GM]...
Today an NPC?!
Not in the typical GM appearance that you are expecting!
Find the hidden GMs across the world of Black Desert!
Maybe like a friend, or even an NPC - the Black Desert GMs are hiding!
Find the hidden GMs and get rewards!
Jan 17, 2024 (Wed) 19:00 - ends once all 5 GMs have been discovered!
Event Server: Rulupee-2

Find the 5 hidden GMs across the world of Black Desert!

The first Adventurer to find each GM will receive a special gift!
Hidden in plain sight,
the GM’s have been transformed!
▲ If you discover a hidden GM, send them a party invite!
The GMs have changed their regular appearance and display names...
If you find a hidden GM, [GM] Silver will make an appearance!
Continue with the quest offered to grab the rewards below!

Jan 17, for one day only!
Accept the quest from [GM] Silver and get the items below!
[Event] Black Desert GM's Medal
※ The location of the hidden GMs and [GM] Silver appearance will not be included in this notice.
※ Quests via [GM] Silver can be completed once per Family during the event period.
※ [GM] Silver will disappear after around 2 hours, in which after the quest will be incompletable.
※ After finding a hidden GM, talk with [GM] Silver to obtain the GM’s Grace buff.
1 Lucky Adventurer per GM!
The first adventurer to find each GM at different locations!

Blessing of Old Moon Pack (15 Days) x1
1 per GM (5 adventurers max)
All Adventurers!
Any adventurer who
discovers a hidden GM!

Old Moon Fortune Scroll Box x1
Open to get Old Moon Fortune Scroll x5!
※ Rewards given to adventurers who first discover GMs will not be duplicated.
※ Those who have obtained [Event] Black Desert GM's Medal x1 will receive a participation reward.
[GM] Silver has come to the Battle Arena!
* [How to Enter the Battle Arena] Go to the in-game menu (ESC) - Search for Battle Arena to enter!
* [GM] Silver’s Location - next to Tachros, the Battle Arena Skill Instructor
* [GM] Silver NPC can be found until Jan 24, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance.
[GM] Silver Buff
Interact with an NPC and
obtain 8 types of buffs!

GM's Grace for Adventurers

※ Additional Notices
- Items listed without a quantity are all 1 quantity.