[6th Anniversary] Yesterday a GM, Today an NPC?!

Events Jan 16, 2024, 17:00 (UTC+8)

Yesterday a [GM]... 

Today an NPC?! 

Not in the typical GM appearance that you are expecting!

Find the hidden GMs across the world of Black Desert!


Maybe like a friend, or even an NPC - the Black Desert GMs are hiding!

Find the hidden GMs and get rewards!


Jan 17, 2024 (Wed) 19:00 - ends once all 5 GMs have been discovered!

Event Server: Rulupee-2

Find the 5 hidden GMs across the world of Black Desert! 

The first Adventurer to find each GM will receive a special gift!


Hidden in plain sight,  

the GM’s have been transformed! 



▲ If you discover a hidden GM, send them a party invite!

The GMs have changed their regular appearance and display names... 



If you find a hidden GM, [GM] Silver will make an appearance!

Continue with the quest offered to grab the rewards below!


Jan 17, for one day only!

Accept the quest from [GM] Silver and get the items below!

[Event] Black Desert GM's Medal

※ The location of the hidden GMs and [GM] Silver appearance will not be included in this notice.

※ Quests via [GM] Silver can be completed once per Family during the event period.

※ [GM] Silver will disappear after around 2 hours, in which after the quest will be incompletable.

※ After finding a hidden GM, talk with [GM] Silver to obtain the GM’s Grace buff.

Event Rewards

1 Lucky Adventurer per GM!

The first adventurer to find each GM at different locations! 

Blessing of Old Moon Pack (15 Days) x1
1 per GM (5 adventurers max)

All Adventurers!

Any adventurer who 

discovers a hidden GM!


Old Moon Fortune Scroll Box x1
Open to get Old Moon Fortune Scroll x5!

※ Rewards given to adventurers who first discover GMs will not be duplicated. 

※ Those who have obtained [Event] Black Desert GM's Medal x1 will receive a participation reward. 

※ Participation rewards will be given to adventurers 2 weeks after the event has ended (those in possession of [Event] Black Desert GM's Medal). 
※ The Old Moon Fortune Scroll Box will expire within 30 days upon opening, and it cannot be used after it expires. 

GM’s Grace

[GM] Silver has come to the Battle Arena! 


* [How to Enter the Battle Arena] Go to the in-game menu (ESC) - Search for Battle Arena to enter!

* [GM] Silver’s Location - next to Tachros, the Battle Arena Skill Instructor

* [GM] Silver NPC can be found until Jan 24, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance.

 [GM] Silver Buff 

Interact with an NPC and  

obtain 8 types of buffs!

GM's Grace for Adventurers 




※ Additional Notices

- Items listed without a quantity are all 1 quantity. 

- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. Any changes will be announced on this event page and will not be given separate notices.  
- Events items may have restrictions on trading, selling, and usage periods, and the binding settings may vary for each item. Therefore, it is not possible to transfer or recover such items due to these reasons.  
- For more information on the binding setting of items, please check the in-game item description. 
- Items and/or rewards that have been used normally cannot be recovered.  
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may result in the cancellation or repossession of your reward(s) and may lead to a restriction on game access. 
- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support]
- Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules]

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Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.