March 6, 2024 (Wed) Update Details

Updates Mar 6, 2024, 10:00 (UTC+8)


Hello, Adventurers.


Here are the updates made to Black Desert on March 6, 2024.

(Patch size: approx. 1.78 GB)
- Please note that the update for Steam may be larger than the size listed above.


※ Please read below for details.



  • Event 1. Seize Victory and Obtain Lightstone of Fire!
    • Event Period : Mar 6, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Mar 20, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 2. Dalishain is looking for a special herb!
    • Event Period : March 6, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - March 20, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]

  • Event 3. March Daily Login Rewards!
    • Event Period : Mar 7, 2024 (Thu) 00:00 - Apr 10, 2024 (Wed) 23:59
[More details]


  • Event 4. [New & Returning] Login Rewards for New Adventures!
    • Event Period : Dec 14, 2023 (Thu) 00:00 - Mar 6, 2024 (Wed) 23:59
[More details]



  • Changed the Max HP Increase effects as follows.
Before After
Increase max HP only Maintain the ratio of current HP to max HP
※ Accordingly, removed the HP recovery effect that was applied based on the increased amount of max HP from the following skills:
- [Woosa] Prime: Butterfly Dream, Lunar Serenade
- [Maegu] Prime: Foxspirit: Form
Gravity Anchor
  • Decreased the time available to rotate based on the camera direction when using the skill.
  • Improved the issue where movement was occasionally unavailable on terrain with height differences when comboing into Attraction.
  • Changed so that your character now move towards the Gravity Core immediately upon using.


Improvement of Adventure Log Objectives
Deve's Encyclopedia
  • Improved the objectives for Shakatu Merchants' Archive - Deve's Encyclopedias as follows:
Adventure Log Before After
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 1, Chapter 1 Collect ores (7 types) Collect ores (5 types)
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 1, Chapter 2 Collect Coins (2 types) Collect Powder (3 types)        
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 1, Chapter 4 Collect flowers (10 types) Collect flowers (7 types)
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 2, Chapter 1 Collect chairs (7 types) Collect chairs (5 types)
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 2, Chapter 3 Collect beds (3 types) Collect beds (2 types)
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 2, Chapter 4 Collect Artisan's stuffed decorations (3 types) Collect Artisan's stuffed decorations (2 types)
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 4, Chapter 5 Collect items that'll help regain your spirit (7 types) Collect items that'll help regain your spirit (5 types)
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 5, Chapter 4 Collect items that allow you see the future (5 types) Collect items that allow you see the future (3 types)
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 5, Chapter 5 Added the following items from the Ceramics Dealer in the Land of the Morning Light to be counted towards completion.
- [Manor] Jar, [Manor] Open Jar, [Manor] Large Jar, [Manor] Earthen Jar, [Manor] Fermenting Jar
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 6, Chapter 1 Collect items that'll keep you pure and humble (5 types) Collect items that'll keep you pure and humble (3 types)
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 6, Chapter 3 Collect an item that'll make you swell up with tears (2 types) Collect an item that'll make you swell up with tears (1 type)
Added the following items to be counted towards completion.
- Bonghwang's Tear, Haetae's Tear, Girin's Tear, Tear of Illusion, Dragon's Tears
Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 6, Chapter 5 Added the following items to be counted towards completion.
- Magic Tanning Knife
Igor Bartali's Adventures
  • Improved the objectives for Igor Bartali's Adventures as follows:
Adventure Log Before After
Igor Bartali's Adventures - Volume 6 Chapter 2   Defeat Troll Boss Quint and
Acquire Loot
Defeat Trolls around Quint Hill
Igor Bartali's Adventures - Volume 6 Chapter 6 Breeding a Horse Try Taming a Wild Horse
Igor Bartali's Adventures - Volume 8 Chapter 1 [Ride a Four-Wheeled Wagon Alone and Have Fun]
Changed so that if you wish to proceed with a Peridot Forest Path Wagon, you can now talk to Igor Bartali whilst mounted to it.
Igor Bartali's Adventures - Volume 8 Chapter 5 [Borrow a Cannon from Tranan Underfoe and Hit the Target]
Changed the installation location of the cannon so that the location of the target scarecrow can be checked while the cannon is in use. 
Igor Bartali's Adventures - Volume 9 Chapter 1 [Combine Lost Items of Adventurer]
Changed so that the location of the lost items can be revealed through a chat with the Black Spirit.
Igor Bartali's Adventures - Volume 9 Chapter 2   Make Advanced Cooking Utensil at Tool Workshop Make Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil at Tool Workshop
Igor Bartali's Adventures - Volume 13 Chapter 6

[Ride a Tamed Miniature Elephant]
Made the quest to obtain a Miniature Elephant easier.

1. Changed the objective of the [Villa] Especially Adorable Elephant.
Give Shakatu 300G Gold Bar and get permission to raise an elephant.
→ Give Shakatu 300G Gold Bar or 30 million Silver and get permission to raise an elephant.
2. Reduced the number of objectives for the [Villa] Freshly Scooped Cool Water.
- Obtain Bottle of River Water and give Cool Water to Elephant x20 → x10.
3. Reduced the number of objectives for the quest [Villa] Freshly Prepared Fodder.
- Obtain Weeds and give Fresh Fodder to Elephant x100 times → x10 times.

Herald's Journal
  • Improved the objectives for Herald's Journal as follows:
Adventure Log Changes
Herald's Journal - Volume 1 Chapter 1 Greet 5 People in Calpheon (2 min → 3 min)
Herald's Journal - Volume 1 Chapter 2 Conquer the Highest Place in Calpheon (5 min → 6 min)
Herald's Journal - Volume 1 Chapter 3 Tell Someone That There's No Medicine for Growing Hair within the time limit (1 min → 2 min)
Herald's Journal - Volume 1 Chapter 4 Deliver Information to Crio in Velia within the time limit (6 min → 7 min)
Herald's Journal - Volume 2 Chapter 1 Catch Blue Grade Fish x1 within the time limit (10 min → 15 min)
Herald's Journal - Volume 2 Chapter 2 Successfully Bargain within the time limit (1 min → 2 min)
Herald's Journal - Volume 2 Chapter 3 Deliver News about Croix to the Chief of Iliya Island within the time limit (6 min → 8 min)
Herald's Journal - Volume 2 Chapter 4 Reach the Land Cave Across the Sea within the time limit (3 min → 4 min)


Guild Skills and Drill

Improvements have been made to some guild skills. The cooldown for guild skills that provide buff effects such as increased Combat EXP, Life EXP, and Item Drop Rate has been unified to 4 hours, and the duration of the effects has been increased to 2 hours.
Additionally, the higher guild skills that could be used with [Guild] Covenant of Blood, which was obtained through the guild drill, have been changed to now be usable with [Guild] Pledge of the Blood. (Accordingly, the guild drill will no longer be available.) We hope that with these more powerful and upgraded guild skills you can build a closer friendship with your guildies.
  • Improved and changed guild skills.
    • Reduced the weight of [Guild] Pledge of the Blood to 1/100. (0.01 LT → 0.0001 LT)
    • Changed the following guild skills that used [Guild] Covenant of Blood to now use [Guild] Pledge of the Blood x2,000.
※ [Guild] Pledge of the Blood can be purchased from the Guild Military Supply Manager for 3,000 guild funds each.
Guild Skill Effect
Guru's Touch
Life EXP +40% for 120 min
Blessing of Fortuna
Item Drop Rate +10% for 120 min
State of Nothingness
Combat EXP +200%, Skill EXP +50% for 120 min
  • Changed the cooldown to 4 hours, and the effect duration to 2 hours for the following guild skills.
    • Improved the descriptions and buff icon descriptions of the following guild skills.
Guild Skill Effect Guild Skill Effect
Experienced Cry
Combat & Life EXP +10%
Money Maker
Luck +2
Complete Perfection
Life EXP +20%
Sweet Luck
Item Drop Rate +2%
Guru's Touch
Life EXP +40%
Blessing of Fortuna
Life EXP +40%
Call to Battle
Combat & Life EXP +10%
Angler's Wisdom
Fishing EXP +5%
State of Perseverance
Combat & Life EXP +20%
Sharp Eyes of a Gatherer
Gathering EXP +5%
State of Nothingness
Combat EXP +200%, Skill EXP +50%
Merchant's Art of Persuasion
Trading EXP +5%
Scholarly Ambition Lv.1/2/3
Knowledge Gain Chance +5/10/15%
Regained Senses Lv.1/2/3
Karma Recovery +5/10/15%
Endless Exploration
High Grade Knowledge Gain Chance +2%
  • Changed Guru's Touch, Blessing of Fortuna, and State of Nothingness to higher-ranked skills of Complete Perfection, Sweet Luck, and State of Perseverance respectively.
    • As a result, lower-ranked skills cannot be used once higher skills are acquired.
Lower-ranked Skills Higher-ranked Skills
Complete Perfection
(Life EXP +20%)
Guru's Touch
(Life EXP +40%)
Sweet Luck
(Item Drop Rate +2%)
Blessing of Fortuna
(Item Drop Rate +10%)
State of Perseverance
(Combat & Skill EXP +20%)
State of Nothingness
(Combat EXP +200%, Skill EXP +50%)

  • Improved the following skills to display only one buff icon when used.
    • Experienced Cry, Call to Battle, State of Perseverance, State of Nothingness
  • Improved the following skills to refresh each other's skill effects upon use.
    • Experienced Cry, Complete Perfection, Guru's Touch, Money Maker, Sweet Luck, Blessing of Fortuna, Call to Battle, State of Perseverance, State of Nothingness
  • Changed so that the guild drill that allowed you to acquire [Guild] Covenant of Blood, [Guild] Crimson Magic Crystal, etc. can no longer be installed.
    • Changed so that Old Tree's Tear and Earth's Tear items used in the production of the guild drill can no longer be obtained.
    • Changed so that [Guild] Blueprint: Drill can no longer be obtained through guild missions.
  • Added eight skills that can expand slots of the guild storage.
Guild Skills Skill Description
Ample Storage Lv. 25 - Lv. 32 Required Points: 20
Effect: Adds 7 slots to the guild storage


Guild League

Following the optimization of loading speeds, we are carefully reviewing content occurring in the same locations, like the Guild League and Red Battlefield. We have adjusted the Strong Protection effect, which provides a safe buffer for battle preparations after resurrection, to accommodate loading times across various PC environments. Additionally, we've fine-tuned the effect's duration to maintain its intended efficacy, even with the improved loading speeds.
  • Changed the duration of Strong Protection effect applied upon resurrection: 10 sec → 5 sec.
  • Fixed the description of the reward boxes obtained based on the results to be more natural.



Cup Extraction Item (Refined Essence of Emotions)
  • Blacksmiths in each region have started selling Fused Crystal of Emotions.
  • Changed the crafting methods for Refined Essence of Emotions as follows.
    • Fragment of All Creations, which was obtained through Simple Alchemy (L) with yellow grade accessories, is no longer required.
    • Legacy of the Ancient, which was obtained by Heating (L) Combined Magic Crystal - Gervish/Macalod/Hoom, is no longer required.
    • Changed the quantity of Magical Shards required to craft the Refined Essence of Emotions: x100 → x200.
      • Changed the description of the Fused Crystal of Emotions and Refined Essence of Emotions.
Cup Extraction Item
Refined Essence of Emotions
Crafting Method
Before After
Fragment of All Creation x10
Legacy of the Ancient x10
Forest Fury x10
Magical Shard x100
* Fused Crystal of Emotions x20
Forest Fury x10
Magical Shard x200
* Fused Crystal of Emotions x20
* Fused Crystal of Emotions
How to Obtain
- Purchase from a blacksmith in each region or NPC Wacky Toshi's Shop for 50,000,000 Silver
- Heat Shard of the Furious Night x1, Shard of the Tearful Night x1, Shard of the Drained Night x1 to obtain one

※ Refined Essence of Emotions can be used to extract pre-upgrade accessories from upgraded accessories through the Extraction from blacksmiths in towns.

Heating Sealed Black Magic Crystal 10 times at once (to obtain Magical Shard)
  • Added a Processing recipe to allow Heating Sealed Black Magic Crystal x10 at once with x1 Black Stone Powder.

Improved Alternative Items
We've improved the display of alternative ingredients for cooking and alchemy, such as lamb or deer meat, to have information in their descriptions and to have icons to indicate that they can be interchangeable.
  • Added the below information to the description of meat and blood items.
    • Usage, how to obtain, alternative ingredients
  • Unified the icons of meat and blood items that can be interchangeable.
Interchangeable Items Icon Examples
Sheep Blood, Deer Blood, Ox Blood, Pig Blood, Waragon Blood, Llama Blood, Goat Blood
Troll Blood, Ogre Blood, Bear Blood, Lion Blood, Yak Blood, Dinosaur Blood

Increased the number of Items per Puchase at the Central Market
  • Increased the number of items per purchase to 5 for the below items, if there are 50 or more of them registered at the Central Market.
    • Embers of Resonance
    • Kabua's Fragment


  • Added usage and how to obtain information to 167 manor furniture.
[Manor] Janggu [Manor] Village Small Pine Tree [Manor] Olvian Sofa [Manor] Atanis Fireflies of Sunlight
[Manor] Seesaw [Manor] Yellow Ginger Flower [Manor] Olvian Table [Manor] Atanis Fireflies of Nature's Light
[Manor] Stepping Stone [Manor] Ripe Persimmon Tree [Manor] Olvian Wardrobe [Manor] Atanis Fireflies of Moonglade
[Manor] Sundial [Manor] Bountiful Jujube Tree [Manor] Olvian Bedside Table [Manor] Atanis Fireflies of Flame's Light
[Manor] Royal Throne [Manor] Pleasantly Plump Gourd Vine [Manor] Olvian Chair [Manor] Carpet of a Forgotten King
[Manor] Traditional Muntin Outdoor Chair [Manor] Ginkgo Tree [Manor] Olvian Bed [Manor] Shattered Star Partition
[Manor] Traditional Muntin Chair [Manor] Maple Tree [Manor] Olvian Drawers [Manor] Large Shattered Star Partition
[Manor] Square Open Bedside Table [Manor] A-frame Carrier Loaded with Straw Mats [Manor] Little Sun [Manor] Curved Shattered Star Partition
[Manor] Book Storage Collection [Manor] A-frame Carrier Loaded with Straw [Manor] Wing Turf [Manor] Flondor Jukebox
[Manor] Stone Rail Pillar [Manor] Well-managed Village Mugunghwa [Manor] Circular Turf (Large) [Manor] Flondor Dais
[Manor] Stone Rail [Manor] Small Tangerine Tree [Manor] Crescent Turf [Manor] Flondor Stage
[Manor] Stone Pillar [Manor] Red Camellia Tree [Manor] Circular Turf (Small) [Manor] Flondor Three-tiered Starry Risers
[Manor] Rice Straw Cover [Manor] Stuffed Tiger [Manor] Flondor Pond [Manor] Flondor Three-tiered Foliage Risers
[Manor] Wood Bench [Manor] Stuffed Hawk [Manor] Lion's Reach Fountain [Manor] Flondor Blessed Chair
[Manor] A-frame Carrier [Manor] Breath-imbued Stuffed Tiger [Manor] Marzana's Starpaved Table [Manor] Wing Raised Bed
[Manor] Straw Mat [Manor] Breath-imbued Stuffed Hawk [Manor] Marzana's Starpaved Chair [Manor] Circular Raised Bed (Large)
[Manor] Straw Roll [Event] [Manor] Dawnlight Lamp [Manor] Breaking Wave Chair [Manor] Crescent Raised Bed
[Manor] Millstone [Manor] Vatu's Outdoor Chair [Manor] Life Guru Trophy [Manor] Circular Raised Bed (Small)
[Manor] Mortar [Manor] Jade Starlight Large Brazier [Manor] Laurus Nobilis Trophy [Manor] Silver Blue Fairy Chalice
[Manor] Storage Bamboo Basket [Manor] Jade Starlight Pagoda Brazier [Manor] Stella's Hope Ornament [Manor] Gránan Snow White Audria Floral Decoration
[Manor] Round Bamboo Basket [Manor] Balacs Triangular Outdoor Tent [Manor] Glory of Heidel [Manor] Gránan Snow White Audria Floral Decoration (Small)
[Manor] Bamboo Colander [Manor] Rearing Golden Horse Fountain [Manor] Fountain of Blessed Springs [Manor] Gránan Snow White Marble Flowerbed
[Manor] Small Round Dining Table [Manor] Leaping Golden Deer Fountain [Manor] Stonetail Outdoor Shed [Manor] Snow White Wooden Fence
[Manor] Red Pine Bedside Table [Manor] Dreaming Golden Mermaid Fountain [Manor] Long Maze Shrub [Manor] Snow White Wooden Fence (Small)
[Manor] Jar [Manor] Starspun Chandelier [Manor] Maze Shrub [Manor] Snow White Lotus Fountain
[Manor] Open Jar [Manor] Sunflare Chandelier [Manor] Maze Corner Shrub [Manor] Snow White Mountain Sheep Decorated Bench
[Manor] Large Jar [Manor] Herald of Dawn Fireplace [Manor] Maze Arch Shrub [Manor] Snow White Mountain Sheep Decorated Table
[Manor] Earthen Jar [Manor] A Breezy Day at the Manor [Manor] Small Acacia Tree [Manor] Gránan Fairy Trumpet Fountain
[Manor] Moon Jar [Manor] Glory of Serendia Wall Decor [Manor] Cherry Tree [Manor] Kamasylve Gazebo of the Fairies
[Manor] Fermenting Jar [Manor] Handcrafted Ancient Kingdom Bookshelf [Manor] Small Birch Tree [Manor] Kamasylvian Elf of Peace Statue
[Manor] Corner Decorated Drawer [Manor] Aal's Sanctuary Wall Candle Stand [Manor] Cypress Tree [Manor] Snow White Tree Vine Lamp
[Manor] Square Stone Flowerbed (For Trees) [Manor] Handcrafted Serazad Chair [Manor] Maple Tree [Manor] Fairy-lit Lamp
[Manor] Rectangular Stone Flowerbed (For Trees) [Manor] Handcrafted Serazad Bedside Table [Manor] Small Palm Tree [Manor] Little Angelica
[Manor] Elegant Hexagonal Gazebo [Manor] Runn Lamp [Manor] Florchestra Music Stand [Manor] Little Rosebay
[Manor] Elegant Square Belfry [Manor] Skabiosa's Gazebo [Manor] Spirit's Echo Contrabass [Manor] Cactus
[Manor] Two Story Fireplace [Manor] Turf Tile (1X1) [Manor] Dim Runn Lamp [Manor] Maze Cloud Shrub
[Manor] Blue Pine Tree [Manor] Turf Tile (2X1) [Manor] Morning Mist's Embrace [Manor] Maze Donut Shrub
[Manor] Bristlegrass [Manor] Turf Tile (2X2) [Manor] Fireflies [Manor] Maze Balled Shrub
[Manor] Light Pink Azalea [Manor] Turf Tile (2X6) [Manor] Fairy's Abode of Sunlight [Manor] Twisting Shrub
[Manor] Deep Pink Azalea [Manor] Turf Tile (4X4) [Manor] Fairy's Abode of Nature's Light [Manor] Christmas Tree
[Manor] Pink Maehwa Tree [Manor] Olvian Dining Table [Manor] Fairy's Abode of Moonglade [Manor] Essence of the Azure Dragon
[Manor] Village Mugunghwa [Manor] Olvian Bookshelf [Manor] Fairy's Abode of Flame's Light -
  • Added usage and how to obtain information to 76 material items used to craft manor furniture.
First Tier of the Fountain Alchemist's Small Lamp Sheltering Roof Design: Olvian Bed
Second Tier of the Fountain Runn Light Fragment Clip-clop Stonetail Mobile Design: Olvian Drawers
Third Tier of the Fountain Flondor Breeze Ceiling Sturdy Stone Floor Fountain of Divine Melodies
Flawless Spirit's Mirror Loopy Tree Forest Pillars Florchestra's Music Textbook Lamp Post
Master Crow's Fireplace Mantle Okiara Ripple Effect Floor Thunderstruck Wooden Music Stand Bonfire of Dreams
Master Crow's Fireplace Surround Grándiha Style Outdoor Stone Base Spirit's Echo An Anthology of the Ancient Kingdom
Master Crow's Fireplace Overmantel Miloberry's Apu Apu Waterstarwort Lamute Handmade Stand Golden Mane Glass Vase
Master Crow's Fireplace Pillar Vilentia's Vedelona Bouquet Hero's Small Lamp Energy-exuding Hide
Top-quality Thornwood Timber Frame Lion's Gaze Tidal Blue Lamp Post Design: Crown of Honor
Crown of Honor Northern Heidel Gothic Fountain Fine Rectangular Thuja Water Frame Base Crimson Echo Flower
Lion that Serenades the Sun Pinnacle of Honor Jar of Dawn's Mist Design: Flondor Breeze Ceiling
Restored Orzeca Bookshelf Pedestal of Honor Bath of Origins Design: Okiara Ripple Effect Floor
Restored Orzeca Golden Crown Decoration Laurus Nobilis Nest Beeswax Dragon's Tears
Aal's Sanctuary Candle Stand Angel's Pedestal Sturdy Snow White Stone Keplan Horned Cocoon Silk
Tidal Blue Decorative Cover Vase of Florin's Hope Design: Starspun Chandelier Laurel Leaves
Windy White Curtain Indomitable Lion of Serendia Design: Sunflare Chandelier Ocean Horizon Key
Alchemist's Lamp Pedestal of the People's Throne Design: Olvian Bookshelf Fertile Oil-Rich Soil
Charred Stone Wings of Frozen Tides Design: Olvian Sofa Keplan Horn Cocoon
Inextinguishable Stone Heaven's Tower Design: Olvian Wardrobe Delotia-scented Candle
  • Added usage and how to obtain information to furniture sold by furniture dealers and side table vendors.
Furniture Dealer Sealus Chair
Rectangular Dining Table
Velian Bed
Velian Chair
Velian Dining Table
Large Drawers
Velian Drawers
Velian Wardrobe
Furniture Dealer Dino Laha Four-legged Dining Table
Two-legged Dining Table
Chair with Armrests
Rocking Chair
Mediahn Dining Table
Mediahn Drawers
Mediahn Bedside Table
Mediahn Chair
Mediahn Wardrobe
Mediahn Table
Mediahn Sofa
Mediahn Bed
Furniture Dealer Mayeri Four-legged Dining Table
Two-legged Dining Table
Chair with Armrests
Rocking Chair
Cooking Utensil
Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil
Drawers with a Belt on Top
Double-Door Wardrobe
Furniture Dealer Vatputa Four-legged Dining Table
Two-legged Dining Table
Chair with Armrests
Rocking Chair
Valencian Dining Table
Valencian Chair
Valencian Drawers
Valencian Bedside Table
Valencian Wardrobe
Valencian Table
Valencian Sofa
Valencian Bed
Furniture Dealer Verosi Four-legged Dining Table
Two-legged Dining Table
Chair with Armrests
Rocking Chair
Calpheon Handcrafted Dining Table
Mediahn Dining Table
Mediahn Drawers
Mediahn Bedside Table
Mediahn Chair
Mediahn Wardrobe
Mediahn Table
Mediahn Sofa
Mediahn Bed
Furniture Dealer Xerxes Four-legged Dining Table
Two-legged Dining Table
Chair with Armrests
Rocking Chair
Valencian Dining Table
Valencian Chair
Valencian Drawers
Valencian Bedside Table
Valencian Wardrobe
Valencian Table
Valencian Sofa
Valencian Bed
Furniture Dealer Lylina Four-legged Dining Table
Two-legged Dining Table
Chair with Armrests
Double-Door Wardrobe
Calpheon Dining Table
Calpheon Chair
Calpheon Drawers
Calpheon Wardrobe
Calpheon Bed
Furniture Dealer Lebyos Chair
Round Dining Table
Heidelian Dining Table
Heidelian Chair
Heidelian Drawers
Heidelian Wardrobe
Heidelian Bed
Side Table Vendor Cheolsum High-quality Writing Desk Furniture Dealer Siemo Duvencrune Sunrise Chandelier
Furniture Dealer Gustuk Four-legged Dining Table
Two-legged Dining Table
Chair with Armrests
Rocking Chair
Cooking Utensil
Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil
Furniture Dealer Kesharu O'draxxia Lamp
O'draxxia Wooden Table
O'draxxia Small Chair
O'draxxia Fragrant Chair
O'draxxia Wooden Dining Table
O'draxxia Hexagonal Dining Table
O'draxxia Bedside Table
Furniture Dealer Amburok Four-legged Dining Table
Two-legged Dining Table
Chair with Armrests
Rocking Chair
Cooking Utensil
Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil
Furniture Dealer Namwook Four-tiered Bookshelf
Two-tiered Closed Shelf
Four-tiered Luxury Shelf
Four-tiered Luxury Wide Cabinet
Four-tiered Wide Cabinet
Furniture Dealer Wocester Chair
Rectangular Dining Table
Furniture Dealer Youngchil Wooden Writing Box
Wooden Wall Shelf
Furniture Dealer Bjorn Four-legged Dining Table
Two-legged Dining Table
Chair with Armrests
Rocking Chair
Cooking Utensil
Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil
Drawers with a Belt on Top
Double-Door Wardrobe
Side Table Vendor Philiberto LiPonti Drawers
Drawers with a Belt on Top
Mediahn Bedside Table
Heidelian Bedside Table
Velian Bedside Table

  • Added description to the below items that they are weaker than normal items.
    • [Guild] Old Ballista Arrow
    • [Guild] Old Flame Tower Oil
    • [Guild] Old Hwacha Arrows



With the updates on skill damage increase, skill add-on revision, and Artifacts/Lightstones, we've found it necessary to re-evaluate monster zones that were set based on the standards before these updates. As such, we've updated the AP restriction and recommended AP (please note that the recommended AP is a guideline for each monster zone) of some monster zones that were inconsistent with the current standards.

As you now possess higher stats than before, you can inflict more damage with higher AP. However, we've made some adjustments to monster HP to prevent the loot revenue from increasing too much.

In addition, we've added a feature to Monster Zone Info that allows you to intuitively check the max AP limit, which many of you were curious about. However, as this could be quite confusing for rookie adventurers, we've added a button that allows you see the stats. As equipment in Black Desert and the level of your equipment change over time, balance of monster zones and max AP limit will be adjusted continuously.

  • Changed the following monster zones as below.
Monster Zone Changes    
Abandoned Monastery (Restricted Territory) - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 750 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 17% due to the above change.
Tunkuta - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 700 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 13% due to the above change.
Padix Island - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 700 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 11% due to the above change.
Gyfin Rhasia (Upper) - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 700 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 14% due to the above change.
Star's End - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 650 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 12% due to the above change.
Sycraia Underwater Ruins (Abyssal) - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 650 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 10% due to the above change.
Hystria Ruins - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 600 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 9% due to the above change.
Thornwood Forest - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 600 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 9% due to the above change.
Aakman - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 600 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 8% due to the above change.
Kratuga Ancient Ruins - Changed so that you can deal more damage with higher AP. (based on 600 in total stats)
- Increased the total HP of monsters by approx. 8% due to the above change.
※ Total Stats can be viewed via the My Stats button in your Inventory (I) or My Information (P).
  • Changed the recommended AP displayed in the Monster Zone Info UI and World Map (M) as below.
Monster Zone Changed Stat Monster Zone Changed Stat
Fadus Habitat Optimal AP 120-190 → Recommended AP 120 Polly's Forest 160 → 140
Waragon Nest 165 → 150 Blood Wolf Settlement 190 → 180
Centaurus Herd 190 → 180 Navarn Steppe 210 → 190
Sherekhan Necropolis 210 → 190 Pila Ku Jail 210 → 190
Roud Sulfur Mine 210 → 190 Shultz Guard 220 → 210
[Elvia] Altar Imp Habitat 240 → 220 Biraghi Den [Elvia] 240 → 220
Forest Ronaros 240 → 190 Manshaum Forest 240 → 190
Mirumok Ruins 240 → 190 Hystria Ruins 250 → 230
Aakman Temple 250 → 230 Castle Ruins [Elvia] 250 → 230
Thornwood Forest 250 → 230 Swamp Fogan Habitat [Elvia] 260 → 240
[Elvia] Swamp Naga Habitat 260 → 240 Star's End 260 → 240
[Elvia] Saunil Camp 270 → 250 Tunkuta 270 → 250
Padix Island 270 → 250 Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Upper) 270 → 250
[Elvia] Rhutum Outstation 280 → 260 Murrowak's Labyrinth 280 → 260
Jade Starlight Forest 280 → 260 Bloody Monastery [Elvia] 280 → 260
[Elvia] Orc Camp 280 → 260 Abandoned Monastery (Restricted Territory) 280 → 260
[Elvia] Primal Giant Post 290 → 280 Olun's Valley 300 → 290
Gyfin Rhasia Temple Underground 300 → 290 Crypt of Resting Thoughts 310 → 300
North Kaia Mountain 150 → 120 - -
  • Removed Khalk Canyon from being displayed in the Monster Zone Info UI.

Monster Zone Info - View Total Stats
  • Added View Total Stats to the Monster Zone Info UI.
    • When you press the button, the recommended and my stats will be changed to numbers based on total stats.
      • My total stats combine Extra AP Against Monsters and Monster Damage Reduction, and are displayed including any currently applied effects.
      • Total DP is displayed as the sum of Damage Reduction and Monster Damage Reduction.
      • Extra Damage to Kamasylvia, Demihumans, and Humans are not included in the total sum.
    • Added the display of max AP limit when view total stats is toggled on.
      • When you exceed the max AP limit, it shows you how much of your exceeded AP is applied.

Olun's Valley
  • Fixed an issue where Golem's Left Arm was sometimes not properly destroyed.
Crypt of Resting Thoughts
  • Removed the [Daily] Gargoyles Gone Wild quest and added [Daily] Beings with Dark Powers.
Quest Name Quest Objectives Quest Rewards
[Daily] Gargoyles Gone Wild

[Daily] Beings with Dark Powers
Defeat Rock Gargoyle x10
Defeat Baby Rock Gargoyle x20

Defeat Ahib Salun Bear Spearmaiden x3
Defeat Ahib Salun Wolf Spearmaiden x3
Defeat Dark Knight x2
300 Contribution EXP
Caphras Stone x2
Ancient Spirit Dust x10

300 Contribution EXP
Caphras Stone x4
Ancient Spirit Dust x30
※ If you were already progressing the [Daily] Gargoyles Gone Wild quest, the number of kills you had will be applied to the objectives of the [Daily] Beings with Dark Powers quest.
- If you've already exceeded the number required for the quest, the quest will be completed.
[Elvia] Saunil Camp
  • Improved the Agile Saunil Commander to spawn closer to the adventurer's location when it appears.
  • Fixed the spawn of [Sharp] Saunil Siege Captain and Agile Saunil Commander to not push away the adventurer if they are located at their spawn location.


Aakman Temple

  • Fixed an issue where the character was sometimes moved to an abnormal terrain when hit by a monster in certain areas of the Aakman Temple.


  • Improved so that you can obtain the knowledge of Kal Tahn by talking to him if you could not before under certain situations.


  • Added an effect to Kkebichests in the Land of Morning Light to be visible from a distance.
    • This effect is not applied to Kkebichests you've already found.



Atoraxxion's entry UI had Vahmalkea selected automatically and the enter button was located at the top of the screen, so adventurers who were not used to this entered to an area they did not wish to go to. The UI has now been improved so that you must select the desired area first before pressing the enter button.
  • Improved the Atoraxxion entry screen.
    • Changed the entry process to require pressing the 'Enter' button after selecting the desired area.
    • If you press enter without selecting an area, the UI will highlight the area icons.


  • Removed two loading images.



  • Improved the condition for accessing servers with Family level restrictions to be updated during weekly maintenance.


  • [Steam] Changed the system to display a relevant message when the place of residence is not set because the email was not verified.
  • Improved the guide UI when the network connection is unstable while the game launcher is open.


  • Changed and unified the following in English:
    • [Guild] Oil for Old Flame Tower → [Guild] Old Flame Tower Oil

  • Changed and unified the following in Indonesian:
    • Prince's Wisdom → Angler's Wisdom
    • Singa Muda Serendia, Pembebas Serendia → Pembebas Serendia
    • [Guild] Oil for Old Flame Tower → [Guild] Old Flame Tower Oil


  • Fixed an issue causing characters to hold their weapons unnaturally in cutscenes during the Ulukita main quests.
  • Fixed an issue where the surroundings would occasionally light up late when approaching NPCs with torches beneath Valencia Castle.
  • Fixed the issue where the unavailable quest category was displayed in Quest (O) - Main.
  • Improved the sound balance by reducing the overly loud striking sounds of skills in certain situations.
  • [Nova] Fixed an issue where the cooldown for Succession: Vengeful Star wasn't displayed in the Skill Cooldown Slot.
  • [Mystic] Fixed an issue where the push effect was not displayed in the Cestus Training or Rapid Stream skill details.
  • [Warrior, Ranger, Sorceress, Tamer, Valkyrie] Fixed unnatural expressions during the unique animation while wearing the Lovely Bloom Armor.
  • Fixed an issue where the glass did not disappear when sitting (Q) during the unique animation while wearing the Lovely Bloom Armor.
  • Fixed an issue where the Strong Protection effect was not applied at the entrance of Red Battlefield: Castle Ruins.
  • Fixed an issue preventing knowledge acquisition when a gatekeeper defeated was summoned via items.
  • Fixed an issue where the product list of other tabs was occasionally displayed at the bottom of Purchase History and cart in the Pearl Shop (F3).
  • Fixed an issue where the background of the text displayed for empty slots in the character equipment window was unnatural in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue causing a mismatch in color display for an adventurer's Family information when a Leading Guild member joined the War of the Roses via the 'Participate' button after the war started.
  • Changed the audio of the tutorial video.
  • Fixed an issue where ongoing Processing was interrupted when the Processing window was opened via the Ring Menu with the Gamepad UI.
  • Fixed an issue where, with the Gamepad UI, opening another UI while a specific UI was left open caused the windows to overlap.
  • Fixed an issue where the numbers of dyed parts appeared unnatural when dyeing the Anemos Horse Gear.
  • [Mystic] Fixed an issue causing unnatural appearances when the Academia Armor was worn with shoes from another outfit.
  • Fixed an issue where the Guild Base Server was displayed in Korean in the Guild (G) window under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where the horse tier text and icon overlapped at the stable.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting an empty slot in Yaz's Pouch caused items to be unselectable for moving.

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Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.