Guild League Trial Period Infographic!
Guild League Trial Period Infographic!
Most Wins
(164 wins)
Most Matches
(264 matches)
Longest Winning Streak
(139 winning streak)
Highest Winning Rate
Icon of Victory
with the highest winning rate
The one who took down the most enemies,
Most Total Kills Ranking
The best shield! The one who took the most damage,
Total Damage Taken Ranking
The one who completed the match without a single death,
The Invincible Adventurer
Anyone up for a Guild League match? Me, me!
Adventurers Who Participated in the Most Matches
Join us for the Guild League!
Guilds with the Most Participations
[Tsunami Guild - ElysiuM Advisor]
Q. You're in first place in the Guild League with a huge win rate, how do you feel about that?
A. Feels good, we trained a lot daily, both physical training and in-game. We had a good leader.
A. 3-4 games before and after Node War.
A. I'ts uncapped, helps us keep motivated to make gear.
A. Apart from me , I think its Eiso.
A. The real leader who makes us work everyday , Flaxy.
A. We have no real strat, we just rush head on. Our tactic is having no tactic.
A. Pay2Whine, for sure.
A. Yes, its Pay2Whine.
A. They've gotten extremely strong to a point where we are a bit scared to queue against them.
A. Nocare
A. Yes, grind more.
A. We are recruiting 740+gs players who will dedicate their body and soul to grinding more.
A. Chryse the seshdemon.
[กุ๊กไก่ Guild - WhpWhistle Staff]
Q. You're a big fan of guild leagues, but who are the people who actively drive your participation?
A. I joined because I wanted to enjoy PvP content with my guildmates without gear score limits.
A. I play 2-3 times daily, usually after 10:30 PM.
A. I really appreciate that it's a PvP event that doesn't require a huge team.
A. I can't single out the person with the most kills as the ace. We all play to our strengths, making us the best team.
A. Timing is crucial - knowing when to attack, dodge, and use buffs. And having a Shai on the team is a must. Guild League is fun because it requires a mix of strategies.
A. It's all about attacking the rear. We use Hashashin to take out ranged dealers in the rear.
A. My goal isn't necessarily to win or score high, but to enjoy PvP with my guildmates. It's about having fun and chatting while we play.
A. Our guild is open to everyone, not just those who enjoy PvP.
A. I'd prefer our guild to win 10 straight matches. It's a great way to showcase our guild's strength.
A. We're known for our systematic approach and for valuing everyone's input.
A. I'm a big fan of Node War. But I do wish the rewards were better, especially considering that the guild bosses have lower entry requirements but offer better rewards.