A Visual Journey into the Land of the Morning Light 1

A Visual Journey into the Land of the Morning Light – Seoul
- Original Tales, “Morning Light – Seoul” Edition, Chapter 1 -
On Sep 12 (Thu), Morning Light – Seoul finally dawns upon Adventurers all over the world!
Completing the quest "[Tale of Imoogi] Clues of the Truth" is essential before departing for Seoul.
Shall we explore the story behind the Tale of Imoogi together before embarking on the journey to Seoul?
Additionally! There's a surprise quiz at the bottom of the GM Note. Answer correctly for a chance to win rewards through a draw!

❖ The First Tale ❖
Tale of Imoogi
The Giant Serpent who Dreamt of Becoming a Dragon

and began to ascend to heaven using the power of the Dragon Orb.

"Look! Up in the sky! It’s a giant flying serpent!"

Imoogi had to start its 1,000 years of training all over again.

and it began to harbor hatred towards Humans.

Did you enjoy the original tale behind the “Tale of Imoogi?”
Leave your answer to the quiz below in the GM Note comment section!
Sept 5, 2024 (Thu) - Sept 12, 2024 (Thu) before maintenance
Q . What did the monk exclaim upon seeing Imoogi?
① Look! Up in the sky! It’s a flying horse!
② Look! Up in the sky! It’s a flying monk!
③ Look! Up in the sky! It’s a giant flying serpent!
④ Look! Up in the sky! It’s a flying bird!
10 lucky Adventurers will be chosen from
those who leave their answers in the comment section!

[Event] Secret Book of Old Moon (3 Days)
TIP! You’ll have a higher chance of being chosen if you leave your thoughts about the tales along with your answer!
* Adventurers who were chosen will be announced within 2 weeks after the end of the event.