Toshi’s Whiskey, Deadeye’s Barrel, and Marni’s Great Demensional Gate!

Toshi’s Whiskey, Deadeye’s Barrel,
and Marni’s Great Demensional Gate!
Dec 19, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - Jan 2, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance

Accept the quest [Event] Marni and Toshi Ride into Velia from the Black Spirit!

After talking to Toshi in Velia, use the ingredients purchased from David Finto to craft [Event] Corn Liquor through Simple Cooking!

Get [Event] Oak Barrel from Toshi and obtain a [Event] Charred Oak Barrel through Processing - Heating!

Craft an [Event] Liquor-filled Oak Barrel using [Event] Corn Liquor and [Event] Charred Oak Barrel through Simple Cooking!

Hand over the [Event] Liquor-filled Oak Barrel to Toshi to enjoy some aromatic whiskey and get furniture to display Deadeye's weapons!
* Quests accepted as the Deadeye class can be progressed and completed as the Deadeye class. (Added)
Accept the quest [Event] Marni and Toshi Ride into Velia from the Black Spirit and go to Toshi in Velia!
He says it’s a gift for someone who left their home...

Secret Book of Florin x5

Item Collection Increase Scroll x5
Toshi is brewing whiskey for someone from beyond the dimensional gate!
Start Simple Cooking with ingredients obtained from David Finto!
Use [Event] Ripe Corn x5, Mineral Water x5, and Leavening Agent x3 purchased from David Finto
to craft [Event] Corn Liquor through Simple Cooking.
Show the completed [Event] Corn Liquor to Toshi to get [Event] Oak Barrel!
When you Heat the obtained Oak Barrel, it will be charred and filled with aroma.

[Event] Box of 10 Marni's Unstable Fuel x50
Hand over the [Event] Liquor-filled Oak Barrel to Toshi
to receive rewards!

[Event] Wild Bourbon Whiskey x5

[Event] Western Bourbon Whiskey x5

[Event] Outlaw's Revolvers

[Event] Outlaw's Shotgun

[Event] Wild Bourbon Whiskey & [Event] Western Bourbon Whiskey Effects
Item | Effects |
[Event] Wild Bourbon Whiskey
Extra AP Against Monsters +10 Monster Damage Reduction +10 Combat EXP +500% Skill EXP +50% Movement and Attack/Casting Speeds +5 Item Drop Rate +20% Knowledge Gain Chance +10% Higher Grade Knowledge Gain Chance +5%
Duration: 180 min Cooldown: 180 min |
[Event] Western Bourbon Whiskey
Life Skill Mastery +100 Life EXP +50% Energy Recovery +5 Gathering Item Drop Rate +10% Movement Speed +5 Luck +5 Weight Limit + +100
Duration: 180 min Cooldown: 180 min |
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- For details on item binding, refer to the in-game item descriptions.
- Items or rewards, once used, cannot be recovered.
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may lead to cancellation, reward repossession, and game access restrictions.
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- Any content not specified on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].