
Wait for me, world!
For I claim ye as me own! Haha!
- Main/Sub-weaponSerenaca/Mareca
- Combat StyleMelee
Corsair is armed with Serenaca, a flexible blade that can change its length at will, and Mareca, the jewel of the sea that grants the bearer the power of the tides. As a melee fighter, her free-form bladework is made up of fluid combos centered around unique rope movement skills that keep her afloat. No one is quite as spontaneous as the Corsair when she glides about using her rope maneuvers only to suddenly protract her blade and strike her opponents at their most vulnerable moment. Using the mysterious powers of Mareca, Corsair can transform into a mermaid with the ability to summon gigantic waves to crush her opponents as she dances with the Dream Whales from the Lost Sea of Dreams. Like any good seafaring pirate, she can quickly move about in the water and remain submerged longer than others.
Me beloved crew!
Follow me lead, open fire!
- Awakening WeaponPatraca
- TalentPatraca
- Combat StyleMelee/Ranged
With Patraca—a weapon imbued with the dense mist of the Crow’s Nest—in her hands, the Awakened Corsair can easily rush down enemies while surrounded by its mist. Distant enemies aren’t safe either, as she can pierce them with her harpoon from afar, dragging them into her mist and neutralizing them. And of course, as the beloved captain of the Slippery Scallywags, she can give out orders for her crew to follow. Her loyal Scallywags are armed to the teeth with cannons, and ready to launch an artillery barrage the second Corsair gives the command. All this allowing Corsair to control the battlefield and surprise her enemies. Any foe unfortunate enough to run into Corsair stands no chance of escaping her mists, especially with her loyal crew at her side.
Riding her dreams
to sing forth a huge tidal wave!
- Succession WeaponSerenaca/Mareca
- Combat StyleMelee
Upon Succession, Corsair takes the last remaining Song of the Waves from the Lost Sea of Dreams and unlocks the dormant power of her mareca so she may begin her long voyage once more. Now harnessing the power of the waves, Corsair easily breaks her enemies' defenses with the dance of her Dream Whales, now more energized than before, and waves infused with the power of the mareca. With increased movement fluidity, she dives relentlessly into the center of enemy lines to drown them out with the might of the sea.
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Choose a class to start your adventure in search of ancient secrets.Corsair
- Main/Sub-weaponSerenaca/Mareca
- Combat StyleMelee
Corsair is armed with Serenaca, a flexible blade that can change its length at will, and Mareca, the jewel of the sea that grants the bearer the power of the tides. As a melee fighter, her free-form bladework is made up of fluid combos centered around unique rope movement skills that keep her afloat. No one is quite as spontaneous as the Corsair when she glides about using her rope maneuvers only to suddenly protract her blade and strike her opponents at their most vulnerable moment. Using the mysterious powers of Mareca, Corsair can transform into a mermaid with the ability to summon gigantic waves to crush her opponents as she dances with the Dream Whales from the Lost Sea of Dreams. Like any good seafaring pirate, she can quickly move about in the water and remain submerged longer than others.
- Awakening Weapon TalentPatraca
- Combat StyleMelee/Ranged
With Patraca—a weapon imbued with the dense mist of the Crow’s Nest—in her hands, the Awakened Corsair can easily rush down enemies while surrounded by its mist. Distant enemies aren’t safe either, as she can pierce them with her harpoon from afar, dragging them into her mist and neutralizing them. And of course, as the beloved captain of the Slippery Scallywags, she can give out orders for her crew to follow. Her loyal Scallywags are armed to the teeth with cannons, and ready to launch an artillery barrage the second Corsair gives the command. All this allowing Corsair to control the battlefield and surprise her enemies. Any foe unfortunate enough to run into Corsair stands no chance of escaping her mists, especially with her loyal crew at her side.
- Succession Weapon Serenaca/Mareca
- Combat StyleMelee
Upon Succession, Corsair takes the last remaining Song of the Waves from the Lost Sea of Dreams and unlocks the dormant power of her mareca so she may begin her long voyage once more. Now harnessing the power of the waves, Corsair easily breaks her enemies' defenses with the dance of her Dream Whales, now more energized than before, and waves infused with the power of the mareca. With increased movement fluidity, she dives relentlessly into the center of enemy lines to drown them out with the might of the sea.