Winter's brought us the Gizzard Shad!

The Plump Gizzard Shad has arrived!
A school of Plump Gizzard Shad has come to Black Desert!
Dec 6, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance - Dec 20, 2023 (Wed) before maintenance
During the event, reel in some Gizzard Shad!
The residents of Black Desert, still remembering the taste of seasonal Gizzard Shad, are on the hunt for more!
Try catching Gizzard Shad and sell your catch at the NPC shop!
[Event] Gizzard Shad
NPC Shop Selling Price
3 million Silver

[Event] Gizzard Shad
[Event] Plump Gizzard Shad
NPC Shop Selling Price
30 million Silver

[Event] Plump Gizzard Shad

* Additional Notices
- Items listed without a quantity are all 1 quantity.