
False Positive BAN , Macro Detection Program
Oct 21, 2020, 16:06 (UTC+8)
6184 40
Last Edited on : Oct 21, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 1

Pearl Abyss just released a False Positive BAN Macro Detection Program with log analysis.

I have been afk processing alot this week and Black Desert Team said that this program detected me as macro'ing 

Since when do people need to actively doing afk lifeskill?


Sent a ticket, They said this program used log analysis and it detected me as macro'ing and ban me. (This decision is final)

Really dissapointed with Black Desert Team.

Good luck to whoever still doing afk activity.




43 126
Lv 61
Last Edited on : Oct 21, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 2

woah. That's horrible. BDO team must review this. Too bad they don't read forums. Post it on official discord and mention CM Nox.

Last Edited on : Oct 22, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 3
On: 2020-10-21 16:06, By: Yurei

Pearl Abyss just released a False Positive BAN Macro Detection Program with log analysis.

I have been afk processing alot this week and Black Desert Team said that this program detected me as macro'ing 

Since when do people need to actively doing afk lifeskill?


Sent a ticket, They said this program used log analysis and it detected me as macro'ing and ban me. (This decision is final)

Really dissapointed with Black Desert Team.

Good luck to whoever still doing afk activity.




I was already very sad before when they SIMPLY disqualify me.


A ban without discussion is totally a NORTH KOREA method.


They won't even bother to reply my query when a request was send to HQ.

We feel we have no rights in games. You buy a product which require us to contantly put in more money and time.

Then they take it from us with as UNTESTED ALPHA programe!

They are so damn freaking proud they even named it!


Then you see how they do their forums without staffs.

Each time they don't run a MT sure have those missing boxes EVERYTIME!

Little bugs here, many bugs there.


Whats this Pearl protect then, perfection?




You take care now, for all the people you assisted, seldom you see a support for you in return.


But hey, I am sure you be playing Seraphine somewhere, maybe finding lady sylvanas, maybe going back to Cantha next year or just enjoying your Klee now?


Come in

Adventurers of Heidel


80 1622
Lv 62
Last Edited on : Oct 22, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 4


80 1622
Lv 62
Last Edited on : Oct 22, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 5

Well that was  r e t a r d e d  even for PA stardard. Imagine spending hundreds or thousands of pearls only to get banned like this one day. What a huge waste............. if its really final then I hope you find solace & know that you are now free.

Last Edited on : Oct 22, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 6

I hope they dive more onto this and further investigate within this kind of problems. I know a lot of people that got banned without doing anything and PA just said "Macro detected" even though they weren't using any 3rd party programs nor macros on playing the game. They just gave up asking for PA to reinstate their accounts and prove that they were innocent. I hope you get your account back! :(

Last Edited on : Oct 22, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 7

i remember losing  a guildie to the ban hammer for VPN before. He was studying in NZ and wanted to play with us on SEA.


Ya, hope some can SUMMIT an appeal on his behalf as well.

It means a lot to us as a community as well.


This SUPPORTER helped many of us with technical issues, dc, lag, etc

Hope we can support him back in someways now.



TY so much!

80 1622
Lv 62
Last Edited on : Oct 23, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 8

I was also wrongfully banned. I didnt do anything and got banned for no good reason.


When i asked for the detailed reason for the banned PA was unable to provide the reason for the ban as well. they only provide generic replies. I really hope the PA Management team will look into this situation.


here is my post below:

Last Edited on : Oct 23, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 9
On: 2020-10-23 00:26, By: XiaoWein

I was also wrongfully banned. I didnt do anything and got banned for no good reason.


When i asked for the detailed reason for the banned PA was unable to provide the reason for the ban as well. they only provide generic replies. I really hope the PA Management team will look into this situation.


here is my post below:

RIP keyboard........ 

80 1622
Lv 62
Last Edited on : Oct 23, 2020 (UTC+8)
# 10

There will be more and more ban if they don't listen to us...


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