
Sorceress Reboot Details
Oct 6, 2021, 09:48 (UTC+8)
3533 7
Last Edited on : May 16, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 1

September 24, 2021 Global Lab Patch Notes

We improved Sorceress Awakening so that you can get shards and refresh buffs with the awakening weapon. Also, we are planning to add a skill to replace the combined skill in next week's update.
For Sorceress Succession, we improved on the overall lack of damage and fixed the issues with command keys overlapping with other skills, that caused skills to not activate. Also, we plan on making additional improvements by adding mid-range skills and reducing cooldowns of current skills so that you can apply greater pressure on your opponents.

Main Weapon

● Shadow Eruption - Improved to combo quicker with other skills.
● Black Wave (I to Absolute) - Expanded the skill's attack range and changed all hits to be applied in the same range.

Black Wave was a skill difficult to use in lower levels since its attack range varied for each skill level. We made improvements by expanding and unifying the skill's attack range to make it easier to use even at lower levels.

● Shadow Riot - Improved to move behind the enemy upon using skill.
● Shadow Kick - Changed the skill requirement to Lv. 1.
● Removed the following skills:
- Scattering Shadow
- Low Kick
- Sinister Shadow (I to III)

Previously, Sorceress had many Kick skills locked away and not used, except for certain kicks. We sorted through these skills and combined them into the Shadow Kick skill, while dividing and applying the skill effects between Shadow Kick and Shadow Eruption. Also, Shadow Riot was improved so that you can attack your opponent from behind by pressing F on hit with Shadow Kick.

● Added the basic skill effects from certain skills to other skills.
- Removed the following skills applied and applied their effects to other skills.

Skills Removed Skills
Midnight Stinger II Guilty Conscience
Dark Trade (I to III) Shield of Darkness (I to III)
Shadow Kick High Kick
Prime: Midnight Stinger, Absolute: Midnight Stinger Eruption of Guilt
Dark Split Sharp Nails (I to Absolute)

● Shadow Eruption (I to Absolute) - Added an Accuracy Rate +6% effect to the skill.
● Dream of Doom - Improved the skill to not cancel and to cast completely while using Midnight Stinger after acquiring Ultimate: Midnight Stinger.
● Dream of Doom - Changed the visual effect to match its actual attack range.
● Dream of Doom, Imminent Doom - Changed some of the skill commands. 

Before After
LMB to fire after casting LMB or RMB to fire after casting

● Imminent Doom - Changed the skill cooldown. 

Before After
24 sec 18 sec

● Dark Trade (I to III) - Changed all DP that increases upon using skill. 

Skill   Before  After
Dark Trade I 5 9
Dark Trade II 9 15
Dark Trade III 13 20

● Absolute: Bloody Calamity - Reduced the skill cooldown.

Before After
30 sec 20 sec

● Claws of Darkness - Changed the skill command key.

Before After
↓ + LMB ↑ + LMB

● Dark Flame - Changed to activate the skill without having to use Claws of Darkness. 

We changed the command key for Claws of Darkness to fix the issue where Claws of Darkness would always be activated before using Dark Flame.

● Night Crow - Improved so that Invincibility would be applied when using the skill in the air.
* However, the effect will not be applied when using the skill consecutively in a high location.

The skill effects of Night Crow differed as an Invincibility defensive effect would be applied when used normally while no defensive effects would be applied when used while jumping.
So, we changed the skill to have the same defensive effect in mid-air as well. However, the Invincibility effect will not be applied when the skill is used consecutively to prevent Sorceresses from flying in from high locations with an Invincibility effect.

● Mark of the Shadow (I to Absolute) - Increased the attack range of the skill.
● Abyssal Blow - Added the skill effect "Forward Guard at the start of the skill."

We improved Sorceress' enhanced skill so that there are other options instead of just one standout choice. In addition, we are currently working on improving other enhanced skills.

● Dark Backstep - Added the skill effect "Forward Guard while using skill." 

Added a defensive effect so you can move more stably when you exit the battlefield.

● Signs of Agony (I to Absolute) - Made the following changes and improvements to the skill:
- Improved to activate quicker.
- Increased the projectile movement speed.
- Changed the movement speed of the projectile to be the same for all levels of the skill.
● Shadow Riot - Made the following changes to the skill:
- Changed Air Smash to Knockdown.
- Changed the damage of the skill from 622% x1 per shard to 622% x4, regardless of the number of shards.
- Removed the MP recovery effect per shard.
- Added an Accuracy Rate +9% effect.
- Reduced the skill cooldown.

Before After
10 sec 4 sec

- Changed how the skill activates.

Before After
Automatically activated on hit while using Shadow Kick.  Press F on Shadow Kick hit

● Shadow Kick - Made the following changes to the skill:

Before After
Cooldown: 5 sec Cooldown: 4 sec
- Accuracy Rate +3%

● Absolute: Shadow Kick - Made the following changes to the skill:

Before After
Cooldown: 5 sec Cooldown: 2 sec
- Accuracy Rate +6%

● Added Floating to the following skills on 1st hit:
- Black Wave (I to Absolute)
- Prime: Black Wave (I to III)
● Removed the effect where you could push the monsters for the following skills:
- Claws of Darkness (I to Absolute)
- Prime: Claws of Darkness (I to III)
● Darkness Released - Increased the travel distance when using the skill forward.
- However, the travel distance is the same as before when used during cooldown.
● Darkness Released - Alleviated the issue where your character would stop when attacking the opponent after using the skill forward.



● Prime: Bloody Calamity - Reduced the skill cooldown.

Before After
20 sec 16 sec
We reducing the skill cooldown of Bloody Calamity, a powerful way for Sorceress to recover HP, to increase the skill's viability.

● Prime: Dark Flame - Expanded the range in which Hit Damage is applied.
● Prime: Dark Flame - Increased the damage of the skill.
- However, the damage in PvP is the same as before.

Before After
Hit Damage 1204% x 3
Extra Hit Damage 1204% x 3
Hit Damage 1384% x 3
Extra Hit Damage 1384% x 4

● Prime: Violation - Changed the Critical Hit Rate to apply to all targets.

We improved Sorceress Succession damage in PvP by applying the Critical Hit Rate in a PvP.

● Prime: Black Wave - Made the following changes to the skill:
- Added Air Attack to levels I to III of the skill.
- Increased attack range of the skill.
- Added Floating on hit for the 1st hit.
- Added Down Smash on hit for the 3rd hit.
● Prime: Black Wave (I to III) - Made the following changes to the skill:
- Added Air Attack to the skill effect.
- Improved the skill hit effect to be applied quicker.
- Increased Hit Damage of the skill. 

Although the Black Wave skill inflicted a reasonable amount of damage, it lacked a debuff effect. Now, Sorceress has an option in mid-range that has a debuff effect, Air Attack, and Down Smash.
Before After
Hit Damage 1250% x 5 Hit Damage 1250% x 6

● Improved the following skills to combo with Prime: Bloody Calamity:
- Prime: Violation
- Prime: Turn-back Slash
- Prime: Midnight Stinger
- Succession: Ultimate: Dark Flame
● Prime: Shadow Eruption - Added the effect Magic Accuracy Rate +6%.
● Succession: Imminent Doom - Changed the skill cooldown to 14 seconds.
● Prime: Turn-back Slash - Increased the number of hits to the following:

Before After
Hit Damage 947% x 2
Last Hit Damage 1334% x 3
Hit Damage 947% x 3
Last Hit Damage 1334% x 4

● Prime: Violation - Reduced the distance monsters are pushed by the skill.
● Prime: Black Wave - Increased the attack range of the skill.
● Prime: Claws of Darkness - Made the following changes to the skill:
- Added Air Attack to the skill effect for the levels I to III of the skill.
- Added Forward Guard to the skill effect.
- Added Floating (PvE only) to the skill effect.



● Flow: Rushing Crow - Improved the skill to be usable with a scythe.
● Flow: Revived Nightmare - Changed the command key for the skill.

Before After
SPACE  Shift + E

● Flow: Revived Nightmare - Deleted the number of consumed Fragments of Darkness.
● Flow: Revived Nightmare - Combined the skill into Cartian's Nightmare.
● Cartian's Nightmare - Improved the skill so you can move to the left and right and use it by pressing ← + RMB, → + RMB while using the skill.
- You will consume 1 Fragment of Darkness when moving, and the next level of Cartian's Nightmare will activate instantly.

Cartian's Nightmare is the most powerful PvP skill for Sorceress Awakening. However, opponents could counter it easily as the skill could only be used at a fixed location. We improved the skill so you can fire the skill after moving to the left or right.

● Ultimate: Shadow Eruption - Reduced the skill cooldown.

Before After
20 sec 12 sec

● Soul Harvest - Made the following changes to the skill:

Before After
Command Key: SPACE Command Key: Shift + Q
Cooldown: 3 sec Cooldown: 7 sec
- Cannot use during cooldown
Consumes 100 Stamina Consumes 50 MP
Hit Damage 1008% x 2
Extra Hit Damage 1302% x 5
Hit Damage 1331% x 4
Extra Hit Damage 1420% x 5
- Creates Fragment of Darkness x1 on hit
- Critical Hit Rate +40% for 10 sec upon using skill

● Soul Harvest - Fixed the issue where the amount of damage would not be displayed in the skill description in PvP.
● Grim Reaper's Judgment - Made the following changes to the skill:
- Removed the reduced targets hit for PvP only.
- Changed the damage amount.

Before After
Shard Usage, Grim Reaper Extra Charged Hit Damage 1950% x 6 Shard Usage, Grim Reaper Extra Charged Hit Damage 1950% x 7

● Shadow Leap - Removed the All AP increase effect applied by consuming Shards of Darkness when using the skill.
● Turn-back Slash (I to III) - Added an effect that creates 1 Fragment of Darkness on hit.
- However, this effect will not be applied during cooldown.
● Grim Reaper's Judgment, Violation - Improved to refresh the AP increase skill effect from Shards of Darkness when using the skills by consuming Shards of Darkness.
● Cartian's Protection - Changed the damage of the skill to the following:

Before After
437% x 1 1337% x 3

● Flow: Vile Plan - Changed the damage of the skill to the following:

Before After
Hit Damage 382% x 6 Hit Damage 1340% x 6

● Flow: Vile Plan - Added Damage Reduction in PvP to the skill effect.
● Dead Hunt IV, Turn-back Slash - Removed the skill effect where the number of hits decreased in PvP.
● Turn-back Slash - Improved to combo with 2nd hit when comboing with Dead Hunt.
● Cartian's Nightmare - Improved to activate the skill consecutively when holding Shift + E.
- Improved to not use Shards of Darkness when activating the skill consecutively.
● Flow: Night Crow - Removed the skill and combined it into Awakening: Cartian's Scythe.
- You can use Flow: Night Crow without a cooldown limit in awakened state.  




Last Edited on : Oct 6, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 2

One of the Most I frame Abuser Class.....No Comment because cant even land a hit on her that love using I-frame around like chasing a ghost.

Last Edited on : Oct 6, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 3

They should add some protection for Succ Sorc. Like adding Protection for Prime: Black Wave. Since the casting is long, and its fix place also not protected. Very easy to counter at Large scale area. 1 vs 1 Still good, cause when you use that skill, No body will interrupt you. But when you comes large scale. You cannot use it since you will be CCed easily.


This skill quite one of the main skill of Sorc Succ in 1 vs 1. But in large scale still need to be improve. Developer already buff the cartian nightmare which is similar to black wave. I hope they buff for Black Wave especially for Prime Black Wave (For Succession) for adding protection like Super Armor or Frontal Guard rather just give some wider area. Its kind of useless if the AoE is big, but long casting + no protection + Fix place. 



Last Edited on : Oct 6, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 4
On: 2021-10-06 12:17, By: Quincier
5 Minutes ago

They should add some protection for Succ Sorc. Like adding Protection for Prime: Black Wave. Since the casting is long, and its fix place also not protected. Very easy to counter at Large scale area. 1 vs 1 Still good, cause when you use that skill, No body will interrupt you. But when you comes large scale. You cannot use it since you will be CCed easily.


This skill quite one of the main skill of Sorc Succ in 1 vs 1. But in large scale still need to be improve. Developer already buff the cartian nightmare which is similar to black wave. I hope they buff for Black Wave especially for Prime Black Wave (For Succession) for adding protection like Super Armor or Frontal Guard rather just give some wider area. Its kind of useless if the AoE is big, but long casting + no protection + Fix place. 



Agree with this, they should give some protection for Sorc Succ. Since it only use crow flare as protection and the 3rd rabam skill which has long CD.

S block for FG for sorc succ cannot, and only have 1 SA skill that called Prime : Bloody Calamity.


Hope Developer buff some protection skill for main skill like Black Wave

Last Edited on : Oct 6, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 5
On: 2021-10-06 12:17, By: Quincier
57 Minutes ago

They should add some protection for Succ Sorc. Like adding Protection for Prime: Black Wave. Since the casting is long, and its fix place also not protected. Very easy to counter at Large scale area. 1 vs 1 Still good, cause when you use that skill, No body will interrupt you. But when you comes large scale. You cannot use it since you will be CCed easily.


This skill quite one of the main skill of Sorc Succ in 1 vs 1. But in large scale still need to be improve. Developer already buff the cartian nightmare which is similar to black wave. I hope they buff for Black Wave especially for Prime Black Wave (For Succession) for adding protection like Super Armor or Frontal Guard rather just give some wider area. Its kind of useless if the AoE is big, but long casting + no protection + Fix place. 




On: 2021-10-06 12:24, By: Dracuere
50 Minutes ago

Agree with this, they should give some protection for Sorc Succ. Since it only use crow flare as protection and the 3rd rabam skill which has long CD.

S block for FG for sorc succ cannot, and only have 1 SA skill that called Prime : Bloody Calamity.


Hope Developer buff some protection skill for main skill like Black Wave

They don't need. Succ is already balanced. Just think of this, Succ is had regeneration shard when it hits. if someone. 


And ofcourse, We don't need to cast Prime: Black Wave because its casting regardless protected or unprotected. **in largescale, you CCed someone and you are alone, you die** I know, everyone know this. 

This was deleted by the writer.
Last Edited on : Oct 7, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 7

Remake sinister omen to become useful at grinding. 

Last Edited on : Oct 9, 2021 (UTC+8)
# 8

Hi, this video is about Sorceress succession rework. I hope PA have time to see this.

Tbh compare to awakening sorcs rework succ sorc didnt get enough changes to sustain it PVE capabilties. A lot of skills are still outdated. 


Thanks and stay safe.

PS. Thank you for Kaiju for making this video above.  

Last Edited on : Jun 3, 2022 (UTC+8)
# 9
On: 2021-10-09 22:36, By: Tonik
Edit Date : 2021-10-09

Hi, this video is about Sorceress succession rework. I hope PA have time to see this.

Tbh compare to awakening sorcs rework succ sorc didnt get enough changes to sustain it PVE capabilties. A lot of skills are still outdated. 


Thanks and stay safe.

PS. Thank you for Kaiju for making this video above.  

Kaiju quit BDO because of it lel. On a serious note, succ sorc needs new abilities. Sorc pre awakening has a lot of useless skills. 


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