
#PvE #Wizard
Wizard Awakening PVE addons UPDATE.
Feb 25, 2023, 21:31 (UTC+8)
2908 0
Last Edited on : Feb 25, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 1

Wizard recently got QOL changes and buffs for awakening skill tree > link is here.

So as a result I am updating my wizard awakening addons for PVE.

1. Barrage of Water - This skill got upgraded to T3 addon. Lowered CD from 17 to 14 seconds. So we have more uptime on t3 addons now since its not just Chilling wave.

2. Hellfire>Magma>Cata is the opening combo for this addon setup followed by which ever T3 skill is off cooldown as finisher. This makes sure that all buffs and debuffs are up when we are finishing the pack.

3. Aqua Jail Explosion - This skills addons are flexible and filler. If the grind spot requires you to be tanky you can swap to +Evasion rate +DP here.

4. About critical rate -

   Barrage of Water/Magma Bomb/Aqua Jail have 100% critical rate.

   Hellfire has 50% and Chilling wave has 10% self buff but 0 critical rate on the skill. Cata has 0 but its mainly a debuff skill.

   5/5 Critical stat in game gives us 18% rate.

   Running Deathblow gives us 14% rate.


   This additional 32% criticalrate + 40(10 on skill buff+ 30 addon buff) gives Chilling wave 72% critical rate.

   Again if you want more uptime on critical rate addon can replace one of the addons on Aquajail since its a filler skill.




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Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.