
Voice acting
Aug 31, 2023, 04:16 (UTC+8)
878 4
Last Edited on : Aug 31, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 1

please add all available voice acting/language in Sea server for me iwant to hear other language like japanese and korean and just read the sub title in english for me it will be more entertaining and also if not so much add some choises of fonts to the game before there is a mod in reddit to change font in the game i hope they make a official app for this

Last Edited on : Sep 8, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 2

agreed. been using english voice over since forever and feel like the quality is downgrading especially in the new regions; characters sound unaturally over-enthusiastic (fox thing from winter storyline), annoying (eilton storage and market), and downright sound like those bad anime dubs (turtles in morning light, really most npc in morning light). I have no idea if the Japanese or Korean voice over sounds better but at this rate anything beats the cheap english voice over.

Last Edited on : Sep 8, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 3

Not only that, can the NPCs actually have more of a 'natural' dialogue and not constantly repeat the SAME lines over and over again like a broken record..?!?!?! by the 10th time I interact with the blacksmith in Olvia with him still saying this is the first time we've met, it starts getting very strange and annoying.

Last Edited on : Sep 10, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 4

That would be a nice idea to have the game in the original language for the voice acting and just have translated dialogues. I am not happy with the land of morning light voice acting, they do not sound oriental, at least those 1970s kung fu flicks sounded more oriental that the voice acting here, the children's voice acting sounded like 24-36 year olds trying to pass off as children.

currently, i noticed that the dialogues also does not match with some of the subtitles. So i am confused on which is the correct translation.

Black desert mobile has better voice acting than the pc version. Also a better story sequencing compared to the jumbled mess we currently have.

Last Edited on : Nov 19, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 5
On: Sep 10, 2023, 00:42 (UTC+8), Posted by Dragonspyre

That would be a nice idea to have the game in the original language for the voice acting and just have translated dialogues. I am not happy with the land of morning light voice acting, they do not sound oriental, at least those 1970s kung fu flicks sounded more oriental that the voice acting here, the children's voice acting sounded like 24-36 year olds trying to pass off as children.

man so true xD people in the land of morning sound like your average American talking, it's just horrible. Especially the turtles, they just sound loike some cheap anime dub they annoying tendency to say "TUUIUURT" at every sentence doesn't help either. Another problem is Drieghan people that are based off Mongolian and Tibetan sound so American too, especially that fox companion from the winter story quest. They also really like to mix British and American accented people in the same town and It just comes off as unnatural like at least get the right people for the right npc. Or well that one (probably fake) Russian accented guy in the beginning of the main story quest it sounded really terrible. Valencia though has the best voice acting in the game (it's bad but bad is still better than garbage). At least the people there sound vaguely Middle Eastern which is passable.

On: Sep 10, 2023, 00:42 (UTC+8), Posted by Dragonspyre

currently, i noticed that the dialogues also does not match with some of the subtitles. So i am confused on which is the correct translation.

This one happens a lot in the old regions (Balenos, Serendia, ... Valencia) I think they changed their dialogues but didn't bother changing the subtitle. That's the kind of laziness you can expect from a translation team that didn't bother hiring good VA

On: Sep 10, 2023, 00:42 (UTC+8), Posted by Dragonspyre

Black desert mobile has better voice acting than the pc version. Also a better story sequencing compared to the jumbled mess we currently have.

I've never played mobile before but I've read the entire main story plus the winter one and nothing is coherent because some stories/contexts are hidden behind the knowledge tab. An example would be the ending of winter, I've never understood Jordine's intention for betraying us, the whole ending part just felt rushed af and then it's not mentioned anymore in the next few quests. When land of the morning light dropped I didn't even bother reading anymore, I just had enough of the voice acting and the bad writing.



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