
#PvE #Ninja
RAT RAMBLINGS: Awakening Ninja PVE Guide 2023
Sep 27, 2023, 14:38 (UTC+8)
1299 3
Last Edited on : Sep 27, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 1

Awakening Ninja PVE Guide 


Hello adventurers! 


Retromay( aka Mr. RAT) from SUSHI guild bringing you some tips and tricks on Ninja Awakening. In the current state of ninja we can mostly stay in awakening to do damage and not rely too much on main hand skills. 

Now about class specific things:

Skills to note/remember which gives buffs(Without addon):
  • Katana Shower (-20 DP)
  • Beheading the Dead (-15 DP)
  • Shadow Slash (+5% Attack speed)
  • Floor Sweeping (+10% Down Attack Aamage)
  • Murderous Intent (-15DP)
  • Seamless (+12 Melee AP)
  • Ghost claw (+17% Attack Speed)
  • Serpent Ascension (-9%EVA)
  • Moon Dive (+15 Magic DP and +12 Melee AP)


Thing to know about Ninja Awakening is most of our skills have 100% critical rate( PVE). So you don’t have to worry about having critical hit rate as add-on in skills. Rather you want to enhance your critical damage, accuracy, monster damage and attack speed. 

These are personalised add ons for personalised combo. Things will be different if you utilize a different combo. But the concept of prebuffing remains same.

You can see I mainly have add-ons for Monster APAttack SpeedAccuracyDP - Debuffs and Critical hit Damage.


 Basically you want add-ons up all the time so you can use your heavy hitting skills when you have all the buffs and all mobs are debuffed.



For Pre-combo I always pop Ghost Claw(attack speed) then proceed to shadow stomp and Muderous Intent( Tip: Have your ankle cutter locked to directly go into awkening). If Ghost Claw is on cooldown then use Blade spin just as filler damage.

Main-Combo My main goal is to stay in awakening mostly while rotating my buffs mainly using Murderous Intent + Seamless + Sudden Decapitation then I procced use Katana Shower + Flashing Light + Drastic Measure + Mach explosion +Chao spree. After that i just use Serpent into Vaccum slash.
End After the main combo proceed to use Moon dive Rabam+Illusion of restraint and then repeat the Pre combo.

Here is the example for the above combo: 

I hope this guide helps my fellow ninja players who still grind on awekening :D

So please do share your feedback and additions below. 

If you have any questions and suggestions, feel free to contact me in-game or discord(Username:retromay)

Last Edited on : Sep 27, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 2

Dont listen to this guy, hes bad

Last Edited on : Sep 27, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 3

Actually listen to this guy, he's good. Ignore the mystic player

Last Edited on : Sep 27, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 4

listen to me

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