
#PvE #Valkyrie
Awakening Valkyrie PVE Guide
Sep 28, 2023, 09:46 (UTC+8)
1058 0
Last Edited on : Sep 28, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 1

Awakening Valkyrie PVE Guide

By Heyemi

Why valkyrie?

To that I would answer, why not valkyrie? She has a big pointy staby stab stab (Lancia) and a giant shield. She has consistent heals and high defensive base stats making her able to sustain for a long time and tanky.


She has high burst damage, meaning her damage per second overall is low. Making her less optimal in spots where u need to do long consistent dps. But who cares about that when that only comes up in super end game and everyone is a flavor of the month reroller or loyal to their class at that point.

Important skills to note


Name Keybind Effects
Sacrum Ferit RMB +80% Crit Rate for 5s
Purificatione SHIFT + LMB -20 DP for 10s
Divina Inpulsa SHIFT + Q -9% Eva for 10s
Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae SHIFT + RMB +20DP for 10s
Sanctitas de Enslar F +20 Melee AP
Flow: DIvina Vult LMB -9% Eva for 10s
Wave of Light S + F -20 DP for 10s


Name Keybind Effects
Heaven's Echo SHIFT + Q (Space in Q block with lancia) +25DP & +15% Accuracy for 60s
Celestial Spear S+E +80% Crit Rate for 5s

Skill Enhancement

Lv. 56 [SHIFT + X]

  • Another copy of celestial spear but higher DPS
  • Can be used in PVE instead of it, but on a way higher cd

Lv. 57 [SHIFT + Z]

DIVINE DESCENT: +10 DP +5% all special attack damage for 10s
  • Good for bursting down boss mobs

Lv. 58 [HOTKEY]

  • LMB after any celestial spear ability
  • Was a good filler before the magnus skill was released


TLDR: You stab then jump onto them and swing your lancia. After that you dash in and whack your shield at them. Then the final part is simple, all you do is staby stab stab into another stab then stab swing staby stab.

Basic Infinite Combo:

Sacrum Ferit (1 Hit) > Sanctitas de Enslar > Flow: DIvina Vult > Promptness > Purificatione > Castigatio > Terra Sancta > Sacrum Ferit (1 Hit) > Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae > Flow: DIvina Vult > Blitz Stab

RMB (1 Hit) > F > LMB > SPACE > SHIFT+LMB > S+LMB > LMB > RMB (1 Hit) > SHIFT+RMB > LMB > W+RMB

Combo with BSR casting speed:

Sacrum Ferit (1 Hit) > Sanctitas de Enslar > Flow: DIvina Vult > Promptness > Purificatione > Castigatio > Terra Sancta > Sacrum Ferit (1 Hit) > Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae > Flow: DIvina Vult > Blitz Stab > Castigatio > Celestial Spear / Celestial Smite > Gladius Gloriae > Promptness

RMB (1 Hit) > F > LMB > SPACE > SHIFT+LMB > S+LMB > LMB > RMB (1 Hit) > SHIFT+RMB > LMB > W+RMB > S+LMB > S+E / SHIFT+X > F > Space


*Some may noticed that valkyrie has a 100% crit rate most of the times, however having that 20% on castigatio helps with dps so you dont have to use RMB so much and lose your dps.

Well thats all from me for now. If you have any questions you could join my Discord and ask or look around for more addons and info. Thanks for reading

Lv Private



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Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

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If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.