
#Community Support #Game Presentation
[Suggestion] Guild Manor
Nov 20, 2023, 01:48 (UTC+8)
555 1
Last Edited on : Nov 20, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 1

Current guild house system has no purpose other than for crafting guild stuff. Have a guild house / guild manor unlocked permanently, maybe through a series of quests. A shared guild location where people can contribute and unlock achievements through guild quests or general activities, i.e. via grind targets on land and sea, or through lifeskill achievements. Guild Progression / Guild Hall of Fame.

An actual manor to house the various achievements in activities the guild has achieved thus far.

Hall of fame area
Highest number of kills on Siege / Node war.
Participation in Guild Events i.e. Cross Server war
Highest X Amount of monsters killed per type / region / person

Lobby area /
For the logo and maybe statues of the Guild leader / People who have contributed the most based on Activity Points
Gathering area to loiter around

Area per lifeskill / rotation of the areas per week
Lake for fishing in, can catch certain fishes to unlock furniture either directly or through certain goals
Patch of land for farming "stuff" that can be cooked or used for alchemy to contribute to guild buffs
Cave for mining to produce materials for gear / furniture

Possibly unlockable with guild points? Or upgrade system based on quest or resources pooled?
Contributions possible either through lifeskills / guild quests / PVE / Node/Siege

Last Edited on : Nov 20, 2023 (UTC+8)
# 2

I wanted to provide a bullet form of the above mentioned Suggestion as i really like the idea. Here it is below.

Guild Manor Proposal: Enhancing Guild Dynamics

1. Unlocking Guild Manor:

          - Permanently unlockable through a series of quests.

2. Guild Activities and Achievements:

          - Shared guild location for collaborative efforts.

          - Contributions and achievements through guild quests or various activities.

          - Showcase of progress and accomplishments in Guild Progression or Guild Hall of Fame.

3. Hall of Fame Area:

          - Recognizing achievements such as:

                 - Highest Kills in Siege/Nodewar.

                 - Participation in Cross-Server Wars.

                 - Monster Hunting Achievements (by type, region, or individual).

4. Lobby Area:

          - Guild Logo Display

          - Statues honoring guild leader and top contributors based on Activity Points.

          - Gathering area for socializing and strategizing.

5. Lifeskill Area:

          - Distinct areas for different lifeskills with weekly rotations.

                 - Lake for fishing to unlock furniture or achieve goals.

                 - Patch of land for farming ingredients for cooking/alchemy and contributing to guild buffs.

                 - Cave for mining materials for gear/furniture.

6. Acquisition and Upgrade:

          - Tied to guild points earned through contributions in:

                 - Lifeskills.

                 - Guild Quest.

                 - PVE Activities.

                 - Node/Siege Participation.

What do you guys think about this? Do you have any idea that we can include as a suggestion?



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