
How to take quest wagon after update? i can't take it ??????.NPC merindora:"this quest is restricted",but i complete quest "Flondor Goose spirit" and main char complete main quest Kamaslyvia
Jan 13, 2024, 16:48 (UTC+8)
671 1
Last Edited on : Jan 13, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 1

How to take quest wagon after update? i can't take it ??????.NPC merindora:"this quest is restricted",but i complete quest "Flondor Goose spirit" and main char complete main quest Kamaslyvia.However  i can't take quest wagon repeat.somebody said it bug!!

Last Edited on : Jan 27, 2024 (UTC+8)
# 2

Not sure about that I got all the mats ready before the update but fyi get as many high level fadus workers ready to craft that wagon. the way they design it is terible . Its takes for every to process 4000+ mats 

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