International Day of Happiness!

International Day of Happiness!
Happiness is always near!
A warm spring breeze blows on a nice March Monday Morning!
March 20 is the international Day of Happiness, as designated by the UN.
On this day, we should all try to seek happiness.
A day to really think about what makes us happy.
Various events around the world are held to promote happiness, and each year the World Happiness Report is published ranking the happiness ratings of countries around the world.
Here are some small ways to boost happiness!
① I’m after 'Lagom'
Lagom is a Sweedish word meaning “Just the right amount”.
Don’t be too greedy, just take as much as you need.
For happiness, it means pursuing a life where you are satisfied with what you have, without comparing yourself to others.
▲ Aal’s Scripture in game promotes the virtues of moderation.
② Outdoor Activities
You don’t always have to go out on long adventures, sometimes it’s just fine to go outside, feel the warm sun on your skin and a cool breeze in your hair.
Even simple outdoor activities can help scatter complex thoughts.
▲ Just going to a nearby place for grocery shopping can increase your happiness!
③ The spirit of Ubuntu
Ubuntu is not only an operating system, but also an African philosophy meaning ‘humanity’.
It boils down to the phrase, “I am, because you are.”
Wouln’t my own happiness increase if I respect and care for other people more?
▲ Residents of Eilton watching and harmonizing together!
Adventurers, we hope that you have days filled with happiness! 🥰