Adventure with New Guildies! Selected Guilds

Adventure with New Guildies!
First off, thank you to all the guilds that participated in the Adventure with New Guildies! event to help new and returning Adventurers feel welcome in the Black Desert world!
Guilds Selected for the event
Selected Guilds as Progression Guild ! |
Mondstadt | CARDBOARD | Orion |
Ohana | Enzo | EtherealGlade |
Teahouse | Habagat | TrinityOrder |
Firefly | Pandawa | Mythical |
Special Perk for Selected Guilds ! |
กGuilds selected as Progression Guilds will be provided with a Guild Verification Mark and the benefit of being listed at the top of the guild list.
* Guilds without new/returning adventurer sign-ups and activity for 2 weeks after the selections will be excluded from the benefit.
* If your guild changes guild type (Combat, Life, Sailing, Adventure) after being selected, your guild may not appear properly at the top of the guild recruitment screen as your guild type was changed.
Expectations for Progression Guilds!
✔ Welcome adventurers who join the guild and encourage them to settle in comfortably.
✔ Try various party & guild content with new/returning adventurers.
✔ Enjoy Red Battlefield and Node War together!
Tip. How to joining Guild ?
- ถJoining a guild that fits your gameplay style allows you to enjoy better adventures in Black Desert!
① Press (G) on your keyboard to open the “Recruit Guild Member” window.
- You only view this window when you’re not in a guild.
② Use the Combat, Life, Sailing, and Adventure categories to find a guild that fits you best.
③ Press the “Join” button for the guild you want to apply for!
Once you’ve joined a guild, you can enjoy a variety of guild content and benefits! |
- Guild skills that boost a variety of stats! - Node War & Conquest War! - Try the guild exclusive boss raids! - And of course, meeting other Adventurers who you can enjoy playing Black Desert with! |