Behold the Victorious Leading Guild of the War of the Roses Regular Season!

Behold the shining honor
of the first victorious Leading Guild of the War of the Roses Regular Season!
* The Leading Guild loading screen event has ended. (Added)
On July 14, 2024 (Sun) began the War of the Roses Regular Season.
The Leading Guild, which achieved its first victory through fierce battles and strategy,
was featured on the loading display starting from the July 25, 2024 (Thu) maintenance.
Victorious Leading Guilds of each War of the Roses
will now be featured on the loading display. ✦‿✦
* Until further notice
Learn how to submit screenshots as the
victorious Leading Guild of the War of the Roses!
And check out the screenshots of Leading Guilds that achieved
their honorable first victory last Sunday!
How to submit your screenshots after winning in the War of the Roses
① If you are victorious in the War of the Roses, take a group screenshot with your guild or alliance members.
- Please take at least 3 screenshots.
- Resolution of 1920 x 1080 or higher, no format restrictions!
Suggestion: take a screenshot at the end of the War of the Roses with everyone gathered!
② Please submit by 15:00 14:00 (Mon) the day after the War of the Roses ends.
- [Black Desert Black Desert Southeast Asia Official Discord] Join to our Discord server and send your screenshots to [GM]Marsella
- If not submitted during the period, it might only be included with other main images of the War of the Roses.
* One of your submitted screenshots will be selected and used in a loading screen.
* As screenshots will be seen by all adventurers, inappropriate images may be edited (profanity, vulgarity, explicit content, etc).
* Submissions from those who have not won a previous War of the Roses will not be used in a loading screen.
Once submitted, it will be displayed as a loading screen for a week starting from the next maintenance.
The first Leading Guilds to be victorious in the regular season across all regions.
Screenshots of the Leading Guilds that claimed the first victory
among participating regions in the War of the Roses on July 14, 2024 (Sun)!
Asia Region - Tsunami

Turkey / MENA Region - Austera

Korea Region - 아시바당

Taiwan / Hong Kong / Macau Region - Goddess

North America Region - Digital

Europe Region - Conquer

South America Region - Arca

Which guild will be the next ascend to the throne?
Challenge the honorable Leading Guild in the War of the Roses!