December 5, 2024 (Thu) Update Details

Updates Dec 5, 2024, 10:00 (UTC+8)


Hello, Adventurers.


Here are the updates made to Black Desert on December 5, 2024.

(Patch size: approx. 2.63 GB)
- Please note that the update for Steam may be larger than the size listed above.


※ Please read below for details.



  • Event 1. Heartwarming Charity Tree to Light Up the Winter Nights!
    • Event Period : Dec 5, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - Dec 24, 2024 (Tue) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 2. [Arena of Solare: Practice Match] Engage in Fierce Combat During Focus Time! 
    • Event Period : Dec 5, 2024 (Thu) 22:00 - Dec 12, 2024 (Thu) 00:00
[More details]

  • Event 3. Log In During the Weekend to Get [Event] 10th Anniversary Seal!
    • Event Period : Dec 7, 2024 (Sat) 00:00 – Dec 15, 2024 (Sun) 23:59
[More details]




Ghost Slash
  • Fixed the issue where Air Attack of the 2nd hit sometimes didn't trigger.
  • Increased the intensity of your character momentarily slowing down on hits to deal with the issue where the Air Attack sometimes wouldn't trigger on the 2nd hit.


Flow: Murderous Sever
  • Changed so that Sudden Decapitation does not activate first when comboing into Ninja Step (W + RMB).
Murderous Intent
  • Fixed the issue where Damage Reduction effect was not applied during Super Armor.
Core: Murderous Intent
  • Fixed the issue where comboing into Flashing Light or Flow: Murderous Sever was delayed in the Jodan Stance.
  • Fixed the issue where the return movement (sheathing) didn't happen after using the skill.
Gaping Darkness
  • Fixed the issue where Recover MP was applied per target on hits.
    • Recover MP on hits now works as described in the tooltip.
Meteor Dive
  • Added the missing Down Attack description in the skill description.
Winged Strike
  • Fixed the issue where Recover MP was applied per target on hits.


Revamped Entry to the Pit of the Undying
  • Improved so that you can enter the "Pit of the Undying" even from places other than major cities.
    • Accordingly, when entering the Pit of the Undying, a gauge bar will be displayed to allow entry after a certain waiting time.
※ To access the Pit of the Undying, complete the Black Spirit's quest "[Crow's Nest] Crow's Mercenary" and go to Menu (ESC) - War (F7) - Pit of the Undying.


Royal Workshops UI Improvement
  • Improved so that the items and their crafting times in progress are displayed separately.
  • Improved so that you can view items selected for production in all unlocked workshops without needing to change workshops.



  • Changed the crafting materials for the Musical Spirit Wall Lamp as follows.
Item Before After
Musical Spirit Wall Lamp Pure Nickel Crystal x20
Spirit's Leaf x10
Fragment of All Creations x7
Melody of the Stars x7
Shining Powder x20
Pure Nickel Crystal x20
Spirit's Leaf x10
Melody of the Stars x15
Shining Powder x20



Darkseekers' Retreat
Since the last update, many adventurers with higher stats have been visiting the Darkseekers' Retreat. Today's update brings additional improvements to make your subjugation experience even more enjoyable.
Firstly, the weight of the "Decayed Cloth" junk loot has been decreased. This is intended to reduce the burden of weight, especially since the Darkseekers' Retreat often involves acquiring a large amount of junk loot in a short time due to the zone's mechanics.
Additionally, there was some variation in loot acquisition depending on the occurrence of these mechanics. 
The amount of loot has been increased in typical situations where no mechanic occurs, while loot during mechanic occurrences has been adjusted to reduce variance.
Lastly, some monsters have been repositioned to ensure you can acquire similar loot regardless of where you are in the various locations of Darkseekers' Retreat.
  • Adjusted the weight of the "Decayed Cloth" junk item in the Darkseekers' Retreat.
Decayed Cloth
0.4LT → 0.3LT (Decayed Cloth x5,800 equal 580 LT)
  • Changed the amount of "Decayed Cloth" you can loot in the Darkseekers' Retreat.
    • Accordingly, the Agris Fever used when slaying monsters has been adjusted too.
Punitive/Vengeful Darkseeker
- Increased the number of Decayed Cloth obtained: 4-5 → 4-6.
- Accordingly, Agris Fever consumption has increased: 9 → 11.
Darkseeker monsters with "Corrupt" and "Gluttonous" titles
- Decreased the number of Decayed Cloth obtained: 2-4 → 2-3.
- Accordingly, Agris Fever consumption has decreased: 9 → 5.
  • Changed some of the monster placements in the Darkseekers' Retreat.
  • Fixed the distance at which the Mournful Darkseeker checks for the number of other Mournful Darkseekers in its surroundings to be reduced by half.
  • Changed to summon a Dense Darkness Mass when more than 3 Mournful Darkseekers are present together.
    • All Resentful and Punitive Darkseekers affected by the Dark Energy of the Dense Darkness Mass are removed.
  • Changed the Mournful Darkseeker to no longer defeat other Mournful Darkseekers that were at the same location when they are defeated while being far apart from each other.

Tungrad Ruins, City of the Dead
  • Improved so that when you defeat monsters in the Tungrad Ruins and City of the Dead, they drop loot right away, making loot instantly obtainable.
    • Adjusted some monsters in the City of the Dead have so they won't fly off to the sides and become impossible to kill.
Tungrad Ruins
  • Changed the monster placements in certain areas.


Boss Monsters

World Boss Loot

  • Added new loot for defeating the following World Bosses.
Chilling Fragment
Advice of Valks (+50/60)
Top 20 Contributors: Guaranteed up to 3
Top 50 Contributors: Guaranteed up to 2
Top 90% Contributors: Obtain 1 according to a set probability
Others: Not available
Obtain 1 according to a set probability
Nightmarish Kzarka
Stormbringer Karanda
Bloodstorm Nouver
Thundercloud Kutum
Top 20 Contributors: Guaranteed up to 4
Top 50 Contributors: Guaranteed up to 3
Top 90% Contributors: Obtain 1 according to a set probability
Others: Not available
Top 70% Contributors: Guaranteed up to 2
Others: Obtain 1 according to a set probability
  • Added the following items as new loot (according to a set probability) for defeating Mirumok Destroyer Offin and Black Shadow.
    • Advice of Valks (+50), Advice of Valks (+60)


  • Increased the some loot drop rates for the following world bosses.
Loot Drop Rate
Kzarka, Nightmarish Kzarka
Kzarka's Bloodstone
4 times higher
Karanda, Stormbringer Karanda
Karanda's Talon
4 times higher
Nouver, Bloodstorm Nouver
Nouver's Hide
4 times higher
Kutum, Thundercloud Kutum
Ancient Kutum's Fragment
4 times higher
Quint & Muraka
Troll Dark Crystal and Ogre Dark Crystal
2 times higher
Black Shadow
Advice of Valks (+40)
2.5 times higher


  • Increased the maximum price on the Central Market for the following boss furniture.
Furniture Before After
Karanda Statue
500,000,000 Silver 2,000,000,000 Silver
Kzarka Statue
500,000,000 Silver 2,000,000,000 Silver
Nouver Statue
500,000,000 Silver 2,000,000,000 Silver
Kutum Lamp
500,000,000 Silver 2,000,000,000 Silver
※ Sale listings and purchase orders for the four types of furniture items registered on the Central Market were canceled during the Dec 5 (Thu) maintenance.


Morning Light World Boss Titles
  • Added new titles for those who land the final blow on the World Bosses in the Land of the Morning Light.
Bulgasal [Title] BuuulgAaannng!
Uturi [Title] UtuuurAaannng!
Sangoon [Title] MeeeowAaannng!
Golden Pig King [Title] OiiinkAaannng!


World/Field Boss Knowledge Loot

  • Added Knowledge loot to ensure the acquisition of the respective boss's knowledge upon defeating the following world/field bosses.
    Guaranteed Boss Knowledge
    Kzarka Offin
    Nouver Quint
    Karanda Muraka
    Kutum Katzvariak
    Nightmarish Kzarka Dastard Bheg
    Stormbringer Karanda Red Nose
    Bloodstorm Nouver Dim Tree Spirit
    Thundercloud Kutum Giant Mudster


Other Changes

  • Reduced the HP of the following Morning Light world bosses by about 30%.
    • Sangoon, Golden Pig King, Bulgasal, Uturi
  • Reduced the HP of all monsters during the Mirumok Destroyer Offin subjugation by 40%.


  • Added the ability to obtain Perfume of Courage upon completing the following quests for each character:
    • Drakania: [Drakania Awakening] Piercing Trion - Practice
    • Corsair: [Corsair Awakening] Patraca Conquest - Practice
    • Maegu: [Maegu Awakening] Fox's Gift II
    • Woosa: [Woosa Awakening] Fox's Gift II
    • Sage: [Sage Awakening] Kibelius of Destiny - Practice
    • Dusa: [Dusa Awakening] True Do Wielder of Sangdo
※ Perfume of Courage was provided during the Dec 5 (Thu) maintenance to adventurers who completed the quest but did not obtain it.
  • Changed the "Blazing Legacy" quest, which involves handing over Garmoth's Horn to obtain the Young Crimson Dragon pet, from a Daily to a Repeat quest.



  • [Construction Mode] Fixed the issue where it was possible to start at a fort that was not an ally's fort.
    • Below are the character movement rules based on Node War modes when Node War starts.
Construction Mode - Automatically moved to the nearest town if there are no ally forts in the area.
- Automatically moved to the nearest ally fort if there is an ally fort in the area.
Occupation Mode - Automatically moved to the nearest town if not within a Safe Zone.
  • Fixed so that the selection count would not be deducted and not display a system message when the Unlimited Conquest Lord selects an already chosen Node War mode.
  • [Construction Mode] Fixed the issue where it was not possible to change the Node War Participation Status to "No" during the 15 minutes before the start.
    • However, the inability to change the participation status to "No" after the the start of the Node War is unchanged.
  • [Construction Mode] Fixed the issue where it was possible to construct the Indomitable Flag outside the Node War area.


  • Changed the [Kharazad Accessory] quest location and NPC.
Before After
Ain Greid at the Society of Equilibrium in Ulukita
[Preceding Quest]: [Kharazad Accessory] Ain Greid's Discovery
Clorince, General Goods Vendor in Velia
[Preceding Quest]: [Kharazad Accessory] News from Clorince
※ If you have already completed the previous preceding quest, you do not need to complete the changed preceding quest again to exchange for Kharazad accessories.
Velia's General Goods Vendor Clorince NPC Location



  • Added the Quick Hotkey Settings function to turn Agris Fever on and off with a hotkey.

  • Changed to move directly to the Character Creation screen when a new Adventurer connects to the game.
  • Removed Global Lab from the ESC Menu.


  • Improved the incorrect verification code screen during mobile phone verification.
  • Fixed the issue where more than 1 post was registered in certain situations when submitting a post on the forum.


  • Changed and unified the following in Indonesian.
    • Gaaang → GaaarmAaannng!
    • Terompet Tanduk Behr → Trompet Tanduk Behr
    • Terompet Tanduk → Trompet Tanduk
    • Terompet Tanduk Griffon → Trompet Tanduk Griffon
    • Terompet Tanduk Domba Gunung → Trompet Tanduk Domba Gunung
    • Terompet Tanduk Vipiko → Trompet Tanduk Vipiko
    • Event Lover, Yang Menyukai Event → Yang Menyukai Event
    • Event Lover, Yang Mencintai Event → Yang Mencintai Event
    • Event Maniac, Mania Event → Maniak Event


  • [Sorceress] Fixed the issue where using Prime: Darkness Released backward caused all hits to trigger Knockback and Down Smash.
  • [Maehwa] Fixed the issue where quickly performing Blooming I didn't deal any damage.
  • [Sage] Fixed the issue where the Crio's Fishing Backpack did not show when getting out of combat while moving.
  • Fixed the issue where some fish were caught in regions not suitable for their habitat (freshwater or sea).
  • Fixed the issue where turning off Mortal Danger was not applied when using the Custom HP Bar.
  • Fixed the issue where the name of the Elderly Villager NPC appeared unnatural and the quest could not be completed after character interactions during the "In Search of the Jade Ring" quest.
  • Fixed the issue where the Stable/Central Market Tutorial Start window disappeared when Quest Info was refreshed.
  • Fixed the issue where the position of the title Fe-nominal appeared unnatural.
  • Fixed the issue where an unselected character was selected in certain situations when changing to another character while on a Trial character.
  • Fixed the issue where the camera pointed at the sky during the "[Bulgasal] The Remnants" quest.
  • Fixed the issue where the quest NPC Santorian was not visible during the "Complete Excavation Site" quest.
  • Fixed the issue where the how to obtain information of Freekeh was incorrect.
  • Fixed typos in the following:
    • [Bihyung] Passing the Gate quest description
    • Some Progression Pass text
    • Teff description text
  • Changed NPC Wolfgang's name to Eduard.
  • Fixed the issue where the Territory Resource Information graph for Seoul on the World Map (M) overlapped with the Yukjo Street graph.
  • Fixed the issue where the Tag Location was displayed as the current region when tagging a character.
  • Fixed the issue where the audio from the class introduction video would play when the Shai class is selected during Character Creation.
  • Fixed the issue where the Fishing Chair and some Riding Crops were unavailable for season characters.
  • [Maegu] Fixed some customizations to look more natural when wearing the Crimson Flame Outfit.
  • Fixed the issue where characters who completed the simplified Main quest could not properly accept the [Ulukita] Dark Whispers in Altinova quest.
  • Improved the awkward movement and weapon shape during the Awakening skill tutorial while progressing through the Dusa Awakening questline.
  • Fixed the issue where Occupation Benefit was not displayed correctly on the World Map when hovering the mouse cursor over a Node occupied through Construction Mode.
    • Fixed the issue where Merv's Tailoring Tool could not be used on the following Dusa costumes:
  • Venia, Pavilla, Splat Fisher's Clothes, and Da-Dum Da-Dum Diving Suit.
  • [Berserker] Fixed the issue where using the Titan Blow skill hit in a direction other than the one they were facing while Combat Assistance was activated.
  • [Dusa] Fixed the issue where the exclusive effect was not displayed when Mass Processing with Filtering.

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Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.