December 19, 2024 (Thu) Update Details

Updates Dec 19, 2024, 10:00 (UTC+8)


Hello, Adventurers.


Here are the updates made to Black Desert on December 19, 2024.

(Patch size: approx. 2.88 GB)
- Please note that the update for Steam may be larger than the size listed above.


※ Please read below for details.



  • Event 1. Toshi’s Whiskey, Deadeye’s Barrel, and Marni’s Great Demensional Gate!
    • Event Period : Dec 19, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - Jan 2, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 2. Winter Festival Tree and the Hidden Chests!
    • Event Period : Dec 19 (Thu), 2024 after maintenance - Jan 9 (Thu), 2025 after maintenance
[More details]

  • Event 3. New & Returning Adventurers, Don’t Miss Out—Join a Guild Today!
    • Event Period : Dec 19, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - Jan 9, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 4. Reflecting on the Four Seasons with Adventurers over 10 Years!
    • Event Period : Dec 20, 2024 (Fri) 00:00 - Feb 26, 2025 (Wed) 23:59
[More details]

Thank You, Adventurers, for Black Desert FESTA

  • We'd like to thank all of our Adventurers for joining in the 10th Anniversary Black Desert FESTA-vities.
    • To express our gratitude, here's a coupon code that will grant the Primordial & Ancient Hammers, plus the Black Spirit Fairy Appearance Change Coupon.
    • Redeem coupon codes via Menu (ESC) → Adventurer Support (F11) → [Redeem Coupon Code].
    • You can also use the [Redeem Coupon Code] function on the official website, then send any claimed in-game items via Mail (B) on the Web Storage page.


Primordial Hammer

Ancient Hammer

[Event] Black Spirit Fairy Appearance Change Coupon


Until June 30, 2025 (23:59)

Primordial Hammer Ancient Hammer
[Event] Black Spirit Fairy Appearance Change Coupon




Fairy's Continuous Care Cooldown Reduced

Fairy's "Continuous Care" is a functional skill useful not only for Life Skillers but also for adventurers who enjoy PvE. For adventurers visiting high-level monster zones, it's essential to keep these buff effects uninterrupted. Now, with the Fairy's Continuous Care allowing faster reuse of Cooking items and Elixirs, you can maintain these buff effects more reliably.
  • Improved the item auto-use function of Continuous Care as below.
    • Changed the cooldown for reusing food items or elixirs when the buff effects end: 5 sec → 1 sec


Black Desert 10th Anniversary Art Festival - "An Adventurer's Story" Adventure Logs

From the desperate adventures in pursuit of treasure to the tales of facing monsters in the early days of clumsy adventuring, the stories of Adventurers from around the world, selected in the Black Desert 10th Anniversary Art Festival event, have been recorded in-game as Adventure Logs. We extend our gratitude to all Adventurers who continue to document their journeys in Black Desert at this very moment. Special thanks also go to the Adventurers who, on the occasion of Black Desert's 10th anniversary, shared their unique stories and experiences with fellow Adventurers.
  • Added a new bookshelf called "An Adventurer's Story," showcasing the journeys of adventurers worldwide.
    • Check it through the in-game Menu (ESC) - Adventure (F5) - Adventure Log Bookshelf - Event Logs.



Agris Essence (Ancient Anvil) Caps for Blackstar and Godr-Ayed Gear

With today's update, Agris Essence (Ancient Anvil) caps for Blackstar weapons & defense gear, and Godr-Ayed weapons will be reduced by half. 
Blackstar & Godr-Ayed weapons, in particular, provide significant help when challenging stronger monster zones. This patch aims to assist both novice adventurers attempting to get TET (IV) Blackstar weapons and veteran adventurers attempting to get PEN (V) Blackstar and Sovereign weapons.
Once this update is applied to the live servers, adventurers who have already reached Agris Essence caps will find the Ancient Anvil (100% guaranteed Enhancement) activated after logging in, allowing you to enhance right away.
  • Decreased Agris Essence (Ancient Anvil) caps for Blackstar weapons & defense gear, and Godr-Ayed weapons.
    • Blackstar Weapons and Defense Gear
Blackstar Weapons and Defense Gear
Enhancement Level Before After
TRI (III) → TET (IV) 25 12
TET (IV) → PEN (V) 40 20
    • Godr-Ayed Weapons
Godr-Ayed Weapons
Enhancement Level Before After
+0 → PRI (I) 20 10
PRI (I) → DUO (II) 25 12
DUO (II) → TRI (III) 30 15
TRI (III) → TET (IV) 40 20
TET (IV) → PEN (V) 50 25
※ The Agris Essence stats on your gear have been applied as below after the Dec 19 (Thu) maintenance.

■ Example Gear) Blackstar weapon TET (IV) → PEN (V) (when Agris Essence 40 → 20 update is applied) 
Example ①. If you had 15 stacks of Agris Essence 
→ The Agris Essence of 15 will remain unchanged. Accumulate 5 more Agris Essence to activate the Ancient Anvil. 
→ Once you accumulate 5 more Agris Essence and the Ancient Anvil is activated, the next enhancement attempt will be a 100% guaranteed enhancement. 

Example ②. If you had 20 stacks of Agris Essence 
→ The Agris Essence of 20 will remain unchanged, but will immediately activate the Ancient Anvil because you reached the cap of 20. 
→ The following enhancement attempt will be a 100% guaranteed enhancement. 

Example ③. If you had 30 stacks of Agris Essence 
→ The Agris Essence of 30 will remain unchanged, but will immediately activate the Ancient Anvil because you exceeded the cap of 20. 
→ The following enhancement attempt will be a 100% guaranteed enhancement. 

※ The following system after successful enhancement via activated Ancient Anvil remains the same. 
▶ When you successfully enhance with an activated Ancient Anvil, the Enhancement Chance stacks held by the character will not be consumed. 
▶When you successfully enhance with an activated Ancient Anvil, Agris Essence accumulated on the respective equipment will be reset. 


Expiration Date Removed from Item Drop Rate Increase items

You often had to rush to use various Item Drop Rate increase items obtained through events due to their expiration dates. 
Now, you can store these items and use them whenever you wish. 
Also, these items can now be stacked in a single slot as they are no longer separated by expiration dates.
There's one more update about easier storage and use of these items. 
We are also preparing to allow you to store these items in the Family Inventory when this update goes live.
  • Removed the expiration date from scrolls and items with Item Drop Rate Increase effects.
    • These items no longer expire and can be used whenever needed.
Items with expiration date removed
Dragon's Blessing
[Event] Morning Light Traditional Wine
Old Moon Fortune Scroll
Blessing of Old Moon Scroll
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll
[Event] Ready to Subjugate
Blazing Triumph Reward
Kindling Triumph Reward
Determined Triumph Reward
J's Special Scroll
[Event] Intermediate Old Moon Scroll
[Event] Advanced Old Moon Scroll
[Event] Old Moon Secret Treaty
[Event] Supreme Old Moon Scroll
[Event] Halloween Clickety-clack Cookie
[Event] Halloween Gosphy Cookie
[Event] Tender Braised Short Ribs
[Event] Memory of that Day
[Event] Ellie's Magical Elixir
[Event] 3,333-Year Wild Ginseng
Golden Pig's Blessing
[Event] Scroll of the Glorious Battlefield
Special Journey Box
Mermaid's Frozen Will
Ode to Heroes of Yore
  • With the removal of the expiration period for the above items, items with the same effect have been improved to be stackable in one inventory slot.
※ Frequently used items such as the Old Moon Fortune and Blessing of Old Moon Scrolls can now be stacked in single Inventory and Family Inventory slots.
※ Box-type items containing the above items have been improved to be stackable in one inventory slot as well, and expiration dates have been removed for some box-type items that had a set expiration date upon acquisition.
- The alert message displayed when opening boxes with these items will no longer mention their validity period.
※ The following items that have already expired by the Dec 19 (Thu) maintenance will be removed during maintenance.
Deletion of Expired Items
Dragon's Blessing
[Event] Morning Light Traditional Wine
Old Moon Fortune Scroll
Blessing of Old Moon Scroll
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll
[Event] Ready to Subjugate
Blazing Triumph Reward
Kindling Triumph Reward
Determined Triumph Reward
J's Special Scroll
[Event] Intermediate Old Moon Scroll
[Event] Advanced Old Moon Scroll
[Event] Old Moon Secret Treaty
[Event] Supreme Old Moon Scroll
[Event] Halloween Clickety-clack Cookie
[Event] Halloween Gosphy Cookie
[Event] Tender Braised Short Ribs
[Event] Ellie's Magical Elixir
[Event] 3,333-Year Wild Ginseng
Golden Pig's Blessing
[Event] Scroll of the Glorious Battlefield
Mermaid's Frozen Will
Ode to Heroes of Yore
Winter Crystal
Winter Crystal Box
Dragon's Blessing Bundle
Supreme Old Moon Box
Special Journey Box
Neverending Adventure Box
Old Moon Fortune Scroll Box
J's Special Box
J's Box
Advanced Old Moon Box
Glorious Arena of Arsha Reward Box
Season: Dawn of Dragons Special Box
Jinga Box
Haplang Box
Old Moon Treaty Token Box
Assorted Scroll Box
Black Leopard Pack Bonus Box
Land of the Morning Light Pack
[Event] Special Morning's Box
Land of the Morning Light Edition
[Event] Rare Morning Light Box
First Step Box
Flourishing Victory Reward
Flourishing Resolve Reward
Flourishing Battle Reward
Blossoming Victory Reward
Blossoming Resolve Reward
Blossoming Battle Reward

  • To allow more adventurers to collect the works and jukeboxes of those who shone brightly in the 10th Anniversary Art Festival, the selling price at the shop for each piece and jukebox has been reduced from 100 million to 10,000 Silver.
    • Adventurers who have already purchased these items have been compensated with the difference in Silver.
    • Please note that the artworks and jukeboxes of the 10th Anniversary Art Festival are available for purchase only during the event period.

  • Changed the description of how to obtain Chilling Fragment, adding information about World Boss kills.



World/Field Bosses and Atoraxxion Monsters

In Black Desert, World and Field Bosses appear throughout the world, with battles typically fought by various characters within an adventurer's Family, each taking their own position. With this update, death penalties such as crystal destruction and EXP loss will no longer apply during World and Field Boss battles.
This change also extends to battles against Enhanced Bosses like Bloodstorm Nouver and Thundercloud Kutum. As a result, adventurers can equip their usual crystals and engage in combat more actively without worrying about EXP loss.
Additionally, in Atoraxxion, the death penalties previously applied upon dying to normal monsters and some mid-level Bosses (like Krahtenn) at Elvia difficulty have also been removed.
  • Changed so that death penalties (crystal destruction and EXP decrease) are not applied when dying to World Bosses and Field Bosses.
  • Changed so that the death penalties (crystal destruction and EXP decrease) are not applied when dying to monsters in Atoraxxion.
World Bosses - Nouver, Kzarka, Karanda, Ancient Kutum, Mirumok Watcher Offin
Enhanced Bosses - Bloodstorm Nouver, Nightmarish Kzarka, Stormbringer Karanda, Thundercloud Kutum
Filed Bosses - Red Nose, Dastard Bheg, Dim Tree Spirit, Katzvariak, Black Shadow, Mudster
Atoraxxion - Monsters and some medium bosses (such as Krahtenn) in Vahmalkea, Sycrakea, Yolunakea

  • [Black Shrine - Hwanghae (Party)] Fixed the issue where the mechanic focusing on certain adventurers during Bihyung's phase 2 was sometimes unnatural.


  • Improved the progression routes and convenience for three main quests in Valencia.
Quest Improvement
[Valencia] Don't Need a Paper to Prove It! Improved to allow progression to the next quest without returning to the quest NPC after completion.
[Valencia] Guide to Crossing the Desert Improved to complete the quest by talking to NPC Sameh instead of finding the quest NPC.
[Valencia] Wake-Up Juice(?) Improved to complete the quest by directly handing over the required object to the NPC without selecting the correct answer through options.
  • Added the display of the following Quest Category in Recurring Quests window in Quests (O).
    • Added Recurring Quest Category: [Crafting] Gerold's Triple-Float Fishing Rod
    • You can now view quests in the above category in addition to the [Crafting] Abelin's Triple-Float Fishing Rod category.
  • Added additional quest acceptance conditions for the following quests exclusive to new and returning Adventurers.
    • In addition to the existing requirements, you will now need to complete [Calpheon] Epilogue III to accept the following from Cliff.
      • [New/Returning] Mission to Mansha Forest
      • [New/Returning] Stop Awakened Red Nose
      • [New/Returning] Mission to Lake Kaia
      • [New/Returning] Stop Awakened Giath
      • [New/Returning] Mission to Hexe Sanctuary
      • [New/Returning] Stop Awakened Bheg


  • Fixed the issue where movement between vegetation and objects near area 5 in the Red Battlefield: Valencia City was not smooth.
    • Changed the position of vegetation and objects near the specified location in the Red Battlefield: Valencia City.
    • Changed the position of vegetation and objects in the same location of Valencia City.



  • Improved the notification message displayed when a friend connects to the game as below.
    • Fixed it to display either the character name or Family name according to the Adventurer Name Settings.


  • Improved the performance when opening and closing the World Map (M), allowing for smoother transitions.
Before After
Improved the screen stuttering issue when loading the World Map, ensuring smoother transitions.



  • Improved so auto-login becomes available upon completing integration of your social media account into Pearl Abyss ID on the official website.


  • Changed and unified the following in English.
    • Sanctuary Valley Path → Neutral Zone Valley Path
  • Changed and unified the following in Indonesian.
    • Apa Yang Harus Diketahui Nelayan → [Fishing] Apa yang Harus Diketahui Nelayan
    • Menemukan Tempat Fishing Khusus → [Fishing] Menemukan Tempat Fishing Khusus
    • Ke Tempat Pemancingan Lebih Besar di Mediah → [Fishing] Ke Tempat Pemancingan Lebih Besar di Mediah
    • Ikan Berharga Mediah → [Fishing] Ikan Berharga Mediah
    • Ke Pulau Pilava → [Fishing] Ke Pulau Pilava
    • Membantu Pulau Pilava → [Fishing] Membantu Pulau Pilava


  • [Ranger, Scholar] Fixed the issue where theCrimson Flame Outfit appeared unnatural after applying a specific customization.
  • [Shai] Fixed the issue where the Lil' Otter Fishing Carrier appeared unnatural when attacking without a weapon.
  • Fixed the issue where trees and rocks appeared unnatural at specific locations in Delimor Farm and the Gervish Mountains.
  • Fixed the issue where the Abyssal Well in the Land of the Morning Light - Hwanghae's Yukjo Street was not functioning properly in the following situations:
    • When possessing both [Knowledge] Seoul and [Knowledge] Abyssal Vein: Land of the Morning Light
  • Added a notification message to be displayed when opening Guild League Reward Boxes.
    • Glorious Guild League Reward Box - 1st
    • Glorious Guild League Reward Box - 2nd
    • Glorious Guild League Reward Box - 3rd
    • Glorious Guild League Reward Box
    • Proud Guild League Reward Box
    • Passionate Guild League Reward Box
  • Fixed the issue where retrieving already equipped gear became awkward when equipping gear that occupies multiple parts.
  • Changed to prevent the use of other Adventurer's big ship ladder, excluding Guild/Platoon/Party members, when Forced Attack (PvP) is activated.
  • Fixed the issue where the Royal Workshop investment details were not reflected in the status displayed when moving the mouse cursor over Contribution Point at the top left of the game screen.
  • Fixed the issue where hotkeys changed inside Abyss One: Magnus would revert to their original state upon exiting the Magnus.
  • Fixed the issue where the message "Still on cooldown" was displayed when attempting to fill water immediately after canceling Water Scooping.
  • Fixed the issue where adding time by using Item Drop Rate Increase scrolls was unavailable for gamepad UI mode.
  • Fixed the issue where item information couldn't be confirmed in the Item Drop Rate Increase popup message for gamepad UI mode.
  • [Sorceress] Core: Dead Hunt - Fixed the issue where you couldn't combo quickly into Violation after attack 4.
  • [Sorceress] Black Spirit: Turn-back Slash - Fixed the issue where comboing into Blade of Darkness after the skill would cancel Turn-black Slash and combo slowly.
  • [Musa] Prime: Rising Storm - Fixed the issue where no sound effects would play after comboing from certain skills.
  • [Kunoichi] Prime: Ankle Cutter - Fixed the issue where performing the skill wouldn't apply the [Ninjutsu: Spirit] buff.
  • [Kunoichi] Ninjutsu: Block Jump - Fixed the issue where performing the skill wouldn't apply the [Ninjutsu: Ghost] buff.
  • [Ninja] Fixed the issue where no sound effects would play for certain resheathing motions.
  • [Kunoichi, Ninja] Fixed the issue where switching to your main weapon from Awakening mode while moving to the left wouldn't recover Stamina.
  • Fixed the following furniture items where the duration of the actual buff differed from what was mentioned in the description.
    • [Event] Satiated Piku Horn Decoration, [Event] Skillfull Piku Horn Decoration
  • Changed the quest types for [Atoraxxion] Recover the Knowledge of Yolunakea I & II to Adventure.
  • Fixed the quest acceptance conditions for [Fishing] What a Fisher Must Know in the Quests (O) window.
  • Fixed the issue where you couldn't complete "Eileen's Request" in the "[ADV Support] Inventory Expansion!" quest group.
  • Fixed the issue where you couldn't equip Old Moon Grand Prix race horses with horse gear in the stable.

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Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.